Viking Cream and Chicago

Dress 1506-1

Size: 1-2-3-4 yrs

Chest: 48-52-54-56 cm

18.9-20.5-21.3-22 in

Length: 45-48-51-54cm

17.7-18.9-20.1-21.3 in

Sleeve length: 24-28-30-31 cm

9.4-11-11.8-12.2 in

ALTERNATIVE YARN: Viking Cream (78 % milk fiber, 22 % nylon) and Chicago (84 % viscose, 13 % polyester, 3 % polyamide), 50 g ball


White, 100: 3-4-4-5 balls

Light Blue, 123: 1-1-1-1ball


White, 000: 1-1-1-1 ball

Circular needle and double pointed needles size 6 mm – US10 - UK/Canadian 4, crochet hook size 5 mm – US H/8 – UK/Canadian 6

+ 8-9-9-10 « diamond buttons», and approx. 50-50-60-60 cm/ in silver ribbon

Gauge: 16 sts = approx. 10 cm/4 in over St st using needles size 6 mm. Check your gauge to ensure success.

Using needles size 6 mm and Chicago, cast on 154-176-176-198 sts. Work 3 rnds in St st. Eyelet rnd: *K2tog, 1 yo*, rep *-* across the rnd = folding edge. Change to light blue Cream. Work 4 rnds in St st. Place markers at each side, 77-89-89-99 sts for front, and77-87-87-99 sts for back. Work in patt I as charted. Cont working in St st with white yarn.

Size 1 yrs:When work measures 33 cm/13 in, dec 1 st at each side. Next rnd: Knit all sts tog in pairs = 76 sts.

Size 2 yrs: When work measures 28 cm/11 in, dec 2 sts at each side as foll: work until 2 sts rem before a marker, sl 1 st, K1, psso, K2tog. Rep dec at each side after 3 cm/1.2 in. When work measures 34 cm/13.4 in, knit all sts tog in pairs = 84 sts.

Size 3 yrs: When work measures 34 cm/13.4 in, dec 2 sts at each side as foll: Work until 2 sts rem before a marker, sl 1 st, K1, psso, K2tog, rep at the other side marker. When work measures 37 cm/14.6 in, knit all sts tog in pairs = 86 sts.

Size 4 yrs: When work measures 27 cm/10.6 in, dec 2 sts at each side as foll: work until 2 sts rem before a marker, sl 1 st, K1, psso, K2tog. Rep dec at each side every 3 cm/1.2 altog 4 times = 182 sts. When work measures 39 cm/15.4 in, knit all sts tog in pairs = 91 sts.

Place new side markers, 39-43-43-46 sts for front, and 37-41-43-45 sts for back. Divide work at sides for armholes. Finish both back and front separately.

Back: Cont working back and forth in St st until work measures 40-43-45-48 cm/15.7-16.9-17.7-18.9 in. Bind off mid st for split. Finish each side separately. Cont working in St st until work measures 45-48-51-54 cm/17.7-18.9-20.1-21.3 in, and armhole measures 12-14-14-15 cm/4.7-5.5-5.5-5.9 in. Bind off. Work same for the other side.

Front: Work back and forth until front measures 37-40-43-46 cm/14.6-15.7-16.9-18.1 in, bind off 11-13-13-14 mid sts for neck edge. Finish each side separately.

Right front: Cont working same as before. Bind off at neck edge every 2nd row 1x3 sts, 1x2 sts, and 1x1 st = 8-9-9-10 sts rem for shoulder. When front measures same as back, bind off.

Left front: Work same as for right front, rev all shaping.

Sleeves: Using needles size 6 mm and Chicago, cast on 24-26-28-28 sts. Work 3 rnds in St st. eyelet rnd same as for body. Change to light blue Cream. Work 4 rnds in St st, and inc across last rnd number of sts to be 25-29-29-29 sts. Place a marker mid under sleeve = beg of rnd. Work in patt II, check from mid st where to beg patt.

Cont working with white yarn. Inc 1 st both sides of the marker approx. every 2 ½ cm/1 in (same for all sizes), until there is 39-45-47-49 sts on a rnd. When work measures 24-28-30-31 cm/9.4-11-11.8-12.2 in, measured from folding edge, bind off rather loosely. Work same for the other sleeve.

Finishing: Join shoulder seams.

Fold lower edges of body and sleeves in double, and sew on WS.

Sew on sleeves. Crochet a buttonhole loop to the split mid back. Buttonhole loop = approx. 4 ch-sts.

Using crochet hook size 5 mm and light blue Cream, work 1 sc-rnd along neck edge. Crochet 1 rnd sl sts round waist (between yoke and skirt), to tighten it slightly. Check that the width is same as the given one.

Sew one «diamond button» mid every snowflake, and one button mid back. Sew silver ribbon round neck edge. Weave in all ends on WS.

Viking Cream and Chicago


Size: 1 - 2- 3/4 yrs

Chest: 54 -60 -67 cm

21.3 – 23.6 – 26.4 in

Length: 45 -50 -60 cm

17.7 – 19.7 – 23.6 in

Sleeve length: 24 -28 -30 cm

9.4 – 11 – 11.8 in

ALTERNATIVE YARN: Viking Cream (78 % milk fiber, 22 % nylon) and Chicago (84 % viscose, 13 % polyester, 3 % polyamide), 50 g ball


White, 100: 4 -5 -5 balls

Light Blue, 123: 1 -1 -1 ball


White, 000: 1 -1 -1 ball

Circular needle and double pointed needles size 6 mm – US 10 – UK/Canadian 4, crochet hook size 5,5 mm – US I/9 – UK/Canadian 5

+ 3 buttons + 5-6-7 «diamond buttons».

Gauge: 16 sts = approx. 10 cm/4 in over St st using needles size 6 mm. Check your gauge to ensure success.

Crochet abbreviations:

Ch(-st)= chain stitch

sc = single crochet

Picot: Ch3, 1 sc into 1st sc, skip next st from prev rnd

Minicable, back and forth:

1st row (RS) – Work in K2,P2 rib, but over 2 knit-sts work as foll: Stick your working needle on the LH needle, and knit it (behind first st, leave it on LH needle), then knit through the first st (the one you skipped), and slide them both on RH needle = 1 minicable

2nd row (WS) , knit all knit-sts, and purl all purl-sts

Rep 1st and 2nd row

Note: Pattern is worked back and forth.

Using needles size 6 mm and light blue Cream, cast on 111-133-155 sts. Work back and forth 3 rows in St st. Cont working in patt I as charted.

When patt I is ready, cont working back and forth in St st with white yarn. Place 6 markers evenly spaced apart: K14-17-20, place 1st marker, K14-16-19, place 2nd marker = side marker, K18-22-25, place 3rd marker, K19-23-27, place 4th marker, K18-22-25, place 5th marker = side marker, K14-16-19, place 6th marker, and end with K14-17-20.

Dec 1 st both sides of each 6 markers as foll: Work until 2 sts rem before a marker, sl 1 st, K1, psso, K2tog. Rep dec 1-2-3 times every 5-6-6 cm/2-2.4-2.4 in until there is 87-97-107 sts on a rnd. When work measures 33-36-45 cm/13-14.2-17.7 in, measured from cast-on edge, dec evenly across the row 1-3-1 sts = 86-94-106 sts. Work 1 row in P2,K2 rib from WS, ending with P2. Divide work at side markers for armholes = 21-24-26 sts for both fronts, and 44-46-54 sts for back. Finish back and fronts separately.

Right front

Cont working back and forth with minicables as foll: When work measures 42-47-57 cm/16.5-20.1-21.7 in, bind off first 7-9-9 sts for neck edge. Cont working back and forth with minicables same as before. Bind off at neck edge every 2nd row 1x3 sts, 1x2 sts, and 1x1 st = 8-9-11 sts rem for shoulder. When work measures 45-50-60 cm/ 17.7-19.7-23.6 in, and armhole measures 12-14-15 cm/4.7-5.5-5.9 in, bind off, or slip sts on holder.

Left front: Work same as for right front, rev all shaping.


Work back and forth minicables until back measures same as fronts.


Using needles size 6 mm and light blue Cream, cast on 25-27-29 sts. Work in 3 rnds in St st. Place a marker mid under sleeve = beg of rnd. Work in patt II as charted. Check from mid top st where to beg patt.

Cont working with white yarn. Inc 1 st both sides of the marker approx. every 2½ cm/1 in until there is 39-45-49 sts on a rnd. When work measures 24-28-30 cm/9.4-11-11.8 in, or as desired, bind off rather loosely.

Work same for the other sleeve.


Join shoulder seams.

Left front band

Using needles size 6 mm and white Cream, knit or pick up approx. 8 sts per every 5 cm/2 in along left front edge. Work back and forth 4 rows in St st, knit 1 row from WS + 4 rows in St st. Bind off (not very loosely).

Place markers for 3 buttons, first one approx. 1 cm/0.4 in below minicables upper part, one 2 sts inside upper edge, and one between the other two markers.

Right front

Work same as for left front (same number of sts as for left front). Make buttonholes on 3rd and 7th row. Buttonhole: Bind off 2 sts. Next row: Cast on 2 new sts over the bound-off ones.

Fold front bands in double, and sew on WS. Sew few sts around buttonholes.


Using needles size 6 mm and white Cream, pick up approx. 8 sts per every 5 cm/2 in along neck edge + front bands. Work back and forth in 3½ cm/1.4 in in St st. Knit 1 row from WS, and work 3½ cm/1.4 in in St st. Bind off rather loosely.

Fold neckband in double, and sew on WS.

Sew on sleeves.

Crochet 1 sc-row, and 1 picot-row with white/silver Chicago along both fronts, neck edge, hem, and both sleeves.

Sew on buttons.

Weave in all ends on WS.

Sew a small «diamond button» mid each snowflake.

Viking Cream

Sweater 1506-3

Size: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 yrs

Chest: 54 -60 -62 -65 cm

21.3 – 23.6 – 24.4 – 25.6 in

Length: 30 -36 -38 -40 cm

11.8 – 14.2 – 15 – 15.7 in

Sleeve length: 24 -28 -29 -31 cm

9.4 – 11 – 11.4 – 12.2 in

ALTERNATIVE YARN: Viking Cream (78% milk fiber, 22% nylon) Luxury fiber, 50 g ball

Light Pink, 166: 2 - 2 - 3 - 3 balls

Knitting needles size 5½ and 6 mm – US 9 and 10 – UK/Canadian 5 and 4

+ 1 button

Gauge: 16 sts = approx. 10 cm/4 in over St st using needles size 6 mm. Check your gauge to ensure success.

Using needles size 5 ½ mm, cast on 86 – 96 – 100 – 104 sts. Work in rnds approx. 4 – 4 – 5 – 5 cm/1.6-1.6-2-2 in in K1,P1 rib. Change to needles size 6 mm. Work in patt I as charted. Place a marker at each side, 43 – 49 – 51 – 53 sts for front, and 43 – 47 – 49 – 51 sts for back. When work measures approx. 18 – 23 – 24 – 25 cm/7.1-9.1-9.4-9.8 in, divide work at sides for armholes. Finish back first.


Cont working back and forth same as before until work measures approx. 30 – 36 – 38 – 40 cm/11.8-14.2-15-15.7 in.


Work same as for back, but when work measures approx. 25 – 31 – 33 – 35 cm/ 9.8-12.2-13-13.8in, slip 9 – 9 – 9 – 11 mid sts on holder. Finish each side separately. Bind off at neck edge every 2nd row 1x3 – 3 – 4 – 4 sts, 1x2 sts, and 1x1 st. Cont working until front measures same as back.

Work same for the other side, rev all shaping.


Using needles size 5 ½ mm, cast on 24 – 24 – 28 – 28 sts. Work in rnds 4 – 4 – 5 – 5 cm/1.6-1.6-2-2 in in K1,P1 rib. Change to needles size 6 mm. Work in patt I as charted. Inc 1 st at the end of last rnd. There is now 25 – 25 – 29 – 29 sts on a rnd. Place a marker beg of rnd (= mid under sleeve). Inc 1 st both sides of the marker approx. every 3 – 3 – 3 – 2 ½ cm /1.2-1.2-1.2-1 in until there is 37 – 41 – 45 – 49 sts on a rnd, and sleeve measures approx. 24 – 28 – 29 – 31 cm/9.4-11-11.4-12.2 in. Bind off.


Join shoulder seams, 11 – 14 – 14 – 14 sts for each shoulder.


Beg from left shoulder, using needles size 5½ mm, knit or pick up approx. 52 – 54 – 56 – 58 sts. Work back and forth approx. 2 ½ – 2 ½ – 3 – 3 cm/1-1-1.2-1.2 in in K1,P1 rib. Bind off in rib.


Crochet a buttonhole to neckband, and sew on a button.

Sew on sleeves.

Viking Cream

Cardigan and hat 1506-4

Size: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 yrs

Chest: 54 -60 -62 -65 cm

21.3-23.6-24.4-25.6 in

Length: 30 -36 -38 -40 cm

11.8-14.2-15-12.2 in

Sleeve length: 24 -28 -29 -31 cm

9.4-11-11.4-12.2 in

ALTERNATIVE YARN: Viking Cream (78% milk fiber, 22% nylon) Luxury fiber, 50 g ball

Mint Green, 134: 2 - 2 - 3 - 3 balls

Knitting needles size 5½ and 6 mm – US 9 and 10 – UK/Canadian 5 and 4

+ 11 small buttons

Gauge: 16 sts = approx. 10 cm/4 in over St st using needles size 6 mm. Check your gauge to ensure success.


Using needles size 5 ½ mm, cast on 91 – 99 – 103 – 107 sts. Work back and forth approx. 3 – 3 – 4 – 4 cm/1.2-1.2-1.6-1.6 in in K1,P1 rib. Change to needles size 6 mm. Work in rib over first and last 4 sts, and patt I over rem sts. Make same time a buttonholes to right front band. Make first buttonhole on 1st row after rib (Buttonhole: Bind off 1 st inside 2 sts from front edge. Next row: Cast on 1 st over the bound-off one), and rest approx. 3 – 4 – 4 – 4 cm/1.2-1.6-1.6-1.6 in spaced apart, and last one mid neckband. Place markers at each side, 24 – 26 – 27 – 28 sts for both fronts, and 43 – 47 – 49 – 51 sts for back.

When work measures approx. 18 – 23 – 24 – 25 cm/7.1-9.1-9.4-9.8 in, divide work at side markers for armholes. Finish back first.


Cont working back and forth until work measures approx. 30 – 36 – 38 – 40 cm/11.8-14.2-15-15.7 in.

Right front:

Cont working back and forth same as before. When work measures approx. 25 – 31 – 33 – 35 cm/9.8-12.2-13-13.8 in, slip first 7 sts on holder (remember to make the last buttonhole). Bind off at neck edge every 2nd row 1x3 – 3 – 4 – 4 sts, 1x2 sts, and 1x1 st. When front measures same as back, bind off.

Left front:

Work same as for right front, but without buttonholes.


Using needles size 5 ½ mm, cast on 24 – 24 – 28 – 28 sts. Work in rnds approx. 4 – 4 – 5 – 5 cm/1.6-1.6-2-2 in in K1,P1 rib. Change to needles size 6 mm. Work in patt I as charted. Inc 1 st to the end of 1st rnd. There is now 25 – 25 – 29 – 29 sts on a rnd. Place a marker beg of rnd (= mid under sleeve). Inc 1 st both sides of the marker approx. every 3 – 3 – 3 – 2 ½ cm/1.2-1.2-1.2-1 in until there is 37 – 41 – 45 – 49 sts on a rnd, and sleeve measures approx. 24 – 28 – 29 – 31 cm/9.4-11-11.4-12.2 in. Bind off.


Join shoulder seams, 11 – 13 – 13 – 14 sts for each shoulder.

Neckband: Using needles size 5½ mm, knit or pick up approx. 55 – 57 – 59 – 59 sts. Work back and forth approx. 2 ½ cm/1 in in K1,P1 rib (remember last buttonhole). Bind off in rib.

Sew on sleeves.


Using needles size 5 ½ mm, cast on 56 – 58 – 60 – 62 sts. Work in rnds approx. 3 – 3 – 4 – 4 cm/1.2-1.2- in in K1,P1 rib. Change to needles size 6 mm. Work in rnds in patt I. When work measures approx. 13 – 14 – 15 – 16 cm/ 5.1-5.5-5.9-6.3 in, beg dec for crown: Knit all sts tog in pairs. Knit 1 rnd. Rep dec every 2nd rnd until 14 – 15 – 15 – 16 sts rem on a rnd. Break yarn, and thread through rem sts, tighten the yarn slightly, and weave in on WS.

Bow: Using needles size 5 ½ mm, cast on 10 sts. Work back and forth approx. 6 cm/2.4 in in K1,P1 rib. Bind off in rib.

Finishing: Twist a thread twice around middle of the bow. Embellish with 2 buttons. Sew bow on ribbed edge.

Viking Cream

Cardigan 1506-5

Size: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 yrs

Chest: 55 -60 -62 -65 cm

21.7-23.6-24.4-25.6 in

Length: 30 -36 -38 -40 cm

11.8-14.2-15-15.7 in

Sleeve length: 24 -28 -29 -31 cm

9.4-11-11.4-12.2 in

ALTERNATIVE YARN: Viking Cream (78% milk fiber, 22% nylon) Luxury fiber, 50 g ball

Violet, 168: 2 - 3 - 3 - 4 balls

Knitting needles size 5½ and 6 mm – US 9 and 10 – UK/Canadian 5 and 4

+ 5 – 6 – 6 – 6 buttons

Gauge: 16 sts = approx. 10 cm/4 in over St st using needles size 6 mm. Check your gauge to ensure success.

Using needles size 5 ½ mm, cast on 86 – 94 – 98 – 102 sts. Work back and forth approx. 3 – 3 – 4 – 4 cm/1.2-1.2-1.6-1.6 in in K2,P2 rib. Change to needles size 6 mm. Place markers at each side, 21 – 23 – 24 – 25 sts for both fronts, and 44 – 48 – 50 – 52 sts for back. Work now as foll: St st over 7 – 8 – 9 – 10 sts, patt A over 12 sts and inc as charted (= 18 sts for patt A), St st over 18 – 21 – 22 – 23 sts, patt A over 12 sts, St st over 18 – 21 – 22 – 23 sts, patt A over 12 sts, and St st over 7 – 8 – 9 – 10 sts. There is now 104 – 112 – 116 – 120 sts on a row. Cont working back and forth as established. When work measures approx.18 – 23 – 24 – 25 cm/7.1-9.1-9.4-9.8 in, divide work at sides for armholes. Finish each side separately.


Cont working back and forth until work measures approx. 30 – 36 – 38 – 40 cm/11.8-14.2-15-15.7 in. Dec on last row as charted for patt A.

Right front:

Work same as for back, but when work measures approx. 26 – 32 – 34 – 35 cm/10.2-12.6-13.4-13.8 in, slip first 5 – 5 – 6 – 6 sts on holder for neck edge. Bind off at neck edge every 2nd row 0 – 1 – 1 – 1x2 sts, and 2 – 1 – 1 – 2x1 st. When front measures same as back, dec on last row as charted for patt A.

Work same for left front, but rev all shaping.


Using needles size 5 ½ mm, cast on 24 – 24 – 28 – 28 sts. Work in rnds approx. 4 – 4 – 4 – 5 cm/1.6-1.6-2-2 in in K2,P2 rib. Change to needles size 6 mm. Work 1 rnd in St st, and inc evenly across number of sts to be 26 – 26 – 30 – 30 sts. Place a marker beg of rnd (= mid under sleeve). Work as foll: St st over 7 – 7 – 9 – 9 sts, patt A over 12 sts, and inc as charted (= 18 sts for patt A) and St st over 7 – 7 – 9 – 9 sts. Cont working in rnds as established. Inc same time 1 st both sides of the marker approx. every 3 – 3 – 3 ½ – 2 ½ cm/1.2-1.2-1.4-1 in. Rep inc until there is 44 – 48 – 50 – 54 sts on a rnd, and sleeve measures approx. 24 – 28 – 29 – 31 cm/ 9.4-11-11.4-12.2 in. Dec on last rnd as charted for patt A.


Join shoulder seams, 14 – 15 – 15 – 15 sts for each shoulder.


Using needles size 5 ½ mm, pick or knit up approx. 34 – 38 – 42 – 46 sts. Work back and forth approx. 3 – 3 – 4 – 4 cm/1.2-1.2-1.6-1.6 in in K2,P2 rib. Bind off in rib.

Left frontband:

Using needles size 5½ mm, knit or pick up approx. 46 – 56 – 60 – 62 sts (also from neckband), and work back and forth 4 rows in Garter st.

Right front:

Work same as for left frontband, but make on 3rd row 5 – 6 – 6 – 6 buttonholes (Buttonhole: Bind off 2 sts. Next row: Cast on 2 new sts over the bound-off ones). Make first buttonhole 4 sts inside the lower edge, last on at neck edge, and rest evenly spaced apart.

Sew on sleeves.

Viking Cream

Sweater 1506-6

Size: 1 -2 -3/4 yrs

Chest: 44 -50 -56 cm

17.3-19.7-22 in

Length: 30 -36 -40 cm

11.8-14.2-15.7 in

Sleeve length: 11 -12 -13 cm

4.3-4.7-5.1 in

ALTERNATIVE YARN: Viking Cream (78% milk fiber, 22% nylon) Luxury fiber, 50 g ball

Light Blue, 123: 1 – 2 – 2 balls

Knitting needles size 5 ½ and 6 mm – US 9 and 10 – UK/Canadian 5 and 4

+ 3 buttons

Gauge: 16 sts = approx. 10 cm/4 in over St st using needles size 6 mm. Check your gauge to ensure success.

Using needles size 5 ½ mm, cast on 70 – 80 – 90 sts. Work in rnds approx. 3 – 3 – 4 cm/1.2-1.2-1.6 in in K1,P1 rib. Change to needles size 6 mm. Work 3 rnds in St st, after that patt I, and then cont working in St st. Place markers at each side, 36 – 40 – 46 sts for front, and 34 – 40 – 44 sts for back.

When work measures approx. 18 – 22 – 25 cm/7.1-8.7-9.8 in, bind off 4 – 6 – 6 sts at each side (2 – 3 – 3 sts both sides of the markers).

Leave work aside, and knit the sleeves.

Sleeves: Using needles size 5 ½ mm, cast on 26 – 28 – 32 sts. Work in rnds approx. 2 – 2 – 3 cm./0.8-0.8-1.2 in in K1,P1 rib. Change to needles size 6 mm. Place a marker beg of rnd (= mid under sleeve). Work 1 rnd in St st, patt I as charted, and after that cont working in St st. Inc same time 1 st both sides of the marker approx. every 4 cm/1.6 in (measured from cast-on edge) until there is 32 – 34 – 38 sts on a rnd, and sleeve measures approx. 11 – 12 – 13 cm/4.3-4.7-5.1 in.

Bind off on next rnd 4 – 6 – 6 sts mid under sleeve (2 – 2 – 3 sts both sides of the marker).

Leave work aside, and knit same for the other sleeve.

Yoke: Knit all pieces on same circular needle, with sleeves over the bound-off armhole sts = 118 – 124 – 142 sts on a rnd. Place markers at each 4 seamline, and beg raglan-dec: Work until 2 sts rem before a marker, K2tog, sl 1 st, K1, psso. Rep dec at each 4 seamline every 2nd rnd. After 2 dec, divide work at right side on front. Cont working back and forth (divide the work so that dec takes place on RS-row). Cast on 3 new sts to the end of the row. Turn, and work Garter st over first 6 sts (= buttonhole band), purl rem sts, and cast on 3 new sts to the end of the row. Work Garter st over last 6 sts (= button band). Cont working back and forth, and keep rep raglan-dec. Dec at each edge inside 6 sts worked in Garter st.