Robert P. Lyons

Assistant Professor

Department of Educational Studies, Leadership, and Counseling

Murray State University

3246 Alexander Hall

Murray, KY 42071-3818

Office: (270) 762-6471


Refereed Journals

Lyons, R. & Barnett, D. (in preparation). Scholastic audits and school improvement: Exploring the variance point concept.

Lohman, C., Lyons, R., & Dunham, M. (in press). Disabilities and the GED: An analysis of pass rates, test scores, and accommodations.

Lyons, R. (under review). Teachers as leaders: An assessment of current teacher leadership duties and professional capacities.

Jones, T., Dunham, M., Lyons, R. (in preparation). The effect of military deployment upon student educational performance

Douget, R., Dunham, M., & Lyons, R. (2006, October). Psychological profiles of adults with ADHD and learning disabilities. Kentucky Counseling Association Journal, 25(1), 14-25.

Lyons, R. (2004, March). Measuring the gap: The state of equity in student achievement in Kentucky. Educational Research Quarterly, 27(3), 10-21.

Lyons, R. (2004, August 5). The influence of socioeconomic factors on Kentucky's public school accountability system: Does poverty impact school effectiveness? Education Policy Analysis Archives, 12(37). Available at

Publications reprinted in an anthology

Lyons, R. (2006). The influence of socioeconomic factors on Kentucky's public school accountability system: Does poverty impact school effectiveness? In J. A. Hargis & R. Kane (Ed.), An active guide to education (pp. xxx-xxx). Dubuque, IA: Kendall-Hunt Publishing Company.

Lyons, R. (2005). The influence of socioeconomic factors on Kentucky's public school accountability system: Does poverty impact school effectiveness? In J. A. Hargis (Ed.), Introduction to education: An anthology (pp. 277-304). Dubuque, IA: Kendall-Hunt Publishing Company.

Non-refereed On-line Manuscripts

Lyons, R. P. (2004). Successful teaching in alternative settings.On-line training for alternative school teachers available through the Education Professional Standards Board (

Lyons, R. P. & Yeatts, M. L. (2003). Instructional technology and the principal's role. On-line professional development under-written by the Gates Leadership Grant, available at

Yeatts, M. L. & Lyons, R. P. (2003). Technology standards for administrators. On-line professional development under-written by the Gates Leadership Grant, available at


National Refereed

Barnett, D. & Lyons, R. (2008, July). School audits and school improvement. Presentation at the 2008 meeting of the National Council of Professors of Education Administration, San Diego, CA.

Barnett, D., Lyons, R., & Fiene, J. (2008, July). Kentucky's leadership continuum. Presentation at the 2008 meeting of the National Council of Professors of Education Administration, San Diego, CA.

Lyons, R. & Barnett, D. (2006, August). Current practices in eLearning in school administration. Presentation at the 2006 meeting of the National Council of Professors of Education Administration, Lexington, KY.

Barnett, D., Baker, D., Biggin, R., Lyons, R., & Weaver, R. (2006, August). Educational leadership reform: The response of Kentucky’s educational leadership preparation programs. Presentation at the 2006 meeting of the National Council of Professors of Education Administration, Lexington, KY.

Rinehart, J., Barnett, D. & Lyons, R. (2005, November) Symposium: Leading Change: Kentucky 's Statewide Preparation Initiative. University Council for Educational Administration Convention, Nashville, TN.

Douget, R., Dunham, M., & Lyons, R. (2005, March). Psychological profiles of adults with ADHD and learning disabilities. Poster presented at the annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, Atlanta, GA.

Lyons, R. P. (2003, November). Impact of block scheduling on student achievement. Poster session presented at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Mid-South Educational Research Association, Biloxi, Mississippi, November 5-7, 2003.

Lyons, R. P. (2003, February). A study of the impact of school and community factors on Kentucky’s public school accountability system. Paper presented at the 26th Annual Meeting of the Southwest Educational Research Association, San Antonio, Texas, February 13-15, 2003.

Lyons, R. P. (2003, February). A characterization of the achievement gap in Kentucky’s public schools. Paper presented as the 26th Annual Meeting of the Southwest Educational Research Association, San Antonio, Texas, February 13-15, 2003.

State/Regional Refereed

Lyons, R., Harrison, K., Baker, D., & Scott, T. (2008, July). Turning up the heat on principal preparation in Kentucky. Presentation at the 39th Annual Conference of the Kentucky Association of School Administrators, Louisville, KY.

Lyons, R. P., Harader, D., & McCuiston, K. (2004, September). Successful teaching in alternative settings. Presentation at the 10th Annual Safe Schools - Successful Students Conference, Louisville, KY, September 27-28, 2004.

Campoy, R. W., Hansen, J., Islam, C., Lyons, R., Navan, J., Niffenegger, J., Patmor, G., & Robertson, J. (2002, September). Are good reflectors good teachers? An analysis of the relationship between student teachers' written reflections and the quality of their instruction. Presentation at the Kentucky Association of teacher Educators, September 2004.

Holcomb, T. F. & Lyons, R. P. (2003, October). Teaming, advocacy & leadership through data management: A role for the professional school counselor. Presentation at the Kentucky Counselor Association, Louisville, KY, October 22-24, 2003.

Lyons, R. P., Hansen, J., Harader, D., & Umstead, E. (2003, April). A survey of classroom management needs of 2000-2001 MSU teacher interns. Presentation at the Kentucky Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, Louisville, KY, April 4, 2003.

State/Regional Non-refereed

Lyons, R. & Dunham, M. (2007, June). The unintended consequences of RtI. Presentation at the WKEC Response to Intervention Conference, Eddyville, KY, June 15, 2007.

Dunham, M. & Lyons, R. (2007, January). Response to intervention: Issues for administrators. Presentation at the Legal Issues in Public Schools Conference, Murray, KY, January 9, 2007.

Lyons, R.P. (2006, April). Reframing teacher leadership for graduate program revision. Presentation at the Researcher’s Roundtable, Frankfort, KY, April 4, 2006.

Lyons, R. P. (2003, December). Teachers, administrators and the interpretation of assessment data. Presentation at the 1st Annual Teacher Quality Research Conference, Richmond, KY, December 5, 2003.

Lyons, R. P. (2003, February). A study of the impact of school and community factors on Kentucky’s public school accountability system. Paper presented at the Researcher’s Roundtable, Frankfort, KY, February 11, 2003.

Local Non-refereed

Lyons, R. P. & Van Horn, B. (2004, September). ITV best practices. Presented at the 7th Annual Teaching and Technology Forum, Murray State University, September 16-17, 2004.

Talk to terrific teachers (2003, September). Served as a panelist at the Regional Future Teachers of America Conference, Murray State University, September 22, 2003.


To the Profession

Ø  Education Leadership Redesign Task Force appointee (2006 to 2007)

o  Created by House Joint Resolution 14 to redesign the preparation and professional development programs of school/district educational leaders.

Ø  Commonwealth Collaborative for School Leader Preparation Representative for Murray State (2001 to Present)

o  Advise the EPSB regarding school leader preparation issues in Kentucky

o  Foster collaboration between higher education institutions preparing school principals

o  Leading redesign efforts for Kentucky’s school leader licensure programs.

Ø  American Education Research Journal (2006 to present)

o  Review submissions to AERJ in the area of school administration.

Ø  Mid-South Educational Research Association Publications Committee (2004 to 2005)

o  Review submissions for the annual MSERA conferences

To the University

Ø  MSU Research Policy Committee Member (2005 to present)

o  Represent the College of Education of the RPC

o  Created to develop university policy to promote research on campus at all levels.

Ø  MSU Institutional Review Board Member (January 2004 to 2006)

o  Represent the College of Education on the IRB

o  Serve to review research protocols for researchers across campus

Ø  SACS Graduate Studies Committee Education Representative(2003/2004)

o  Collected SACS data for the university institutional report

o  Assisted in the construction of elements of the SACS institutional report

To the College

Ø  Chair, NCATE Standard 6 Committee

o  Coordinated the self-study of the University and Unit based on NCATE criteria.

o  Primary author of Standard 6 component.

Ø  COE Instructional Leader Program Design PILOT

o  Serve as primary curriculum contact with Graves County

o  Develop a cohort, evidence-based, field experience rich masters degree program for school principal licensure.

Ø  COE Masters Degree Redesign (2006-present)

o  Assisted in designing and implementing collaborative processes between staff and school district personnel with regard to a revised graduate program.

o  Assisted in the design and implementation of group processes for the purpose of supporting group, data-informed decision-making.

Ø  Project Evaluator for TAHOE Faces (2007 to present)

o  Develop rigorous, evidence based evaluation of professional development

Ø  Project Evaluator for Project TAHOE II (2006)

o  Develop evaluation instrumentation for the TAHOE History Summit sessions

o  Develop a follow-up survey following the Summit

o  Analyze all data and report back.

Ø  School Administration Program Coordinator (2000 to present)

o  Schedule courses and identify adjuncts

o  Oversee continuous assessment for the program

o  Complete all accreditation documentation

Ø  Data Analysis Consultation (2001 to present)

o  Serve to aide in the collection and analysis of continuous assessment data for teacher education.

o  Serve to advise colleagues regarding statistical procedures for research and evaluation projects.

Ø  African-American Administrator Recruitment Coordinator (2001 to present)

o  Serve to recruit qualified African-American teachers into school administration.

o  Coordinate the submission of paperwork for the tuition assistance.

Ø  NCATE Standard 6 Committee Co-chair (2005-2007)

o  Collect data relevant to the NCATE accreditation visit

o  Prepare NCATE Standard 6 report

Ø  COE Technology Committee (2004 to 2006)

o  Meet biannually to review the technology plan

To the Schools

Ø  Livingston County Schools, Facilitated Administrative Retreat (August 3, 2007)

Ø  Kentucky Principal Internship Program Coordinator (2002 to present)

o  Conduct and coordinate training for mentors across the region.

o  Arrange for principal mentors for interns in the MSU service region.

Supervise 4 to 9 interns yearly.

Ø  Murray Elementary SBDM, Parent Member (2003 to 2006)

o  Elected to represent parents on the SBDM

o  Participate fully in SBDM activities as a parent representative

Ø  Data Consultant, Murray Independent Schools (2004 to 2006)

o  Coordinated the gap analysis activities at the elementary school in October of 2004

o  Volunteer technical support for the analysis of school improvement data for the entire district

o  Provide interpretation of CTBS data through the use of Testmate Clarity and other supporting technology.

Ø  Safety Assessment Team Volunteer (October 21, 2004; September 29, 2005)

o  Completed an assessment of Dawson Springs Elementary School & Murray High School

o  Reviewed survey and behavioral incidence data

o  Conducted interviews with students and parents regarding safety and climate

Ø  Commonwealth Institute for Parent Leadership participant (2004-2005)

o  Completed a three weekend training program for parent leaders

o  Serve as an advocate for parents in the local schools.

Ø  Tuition Committee, Murray Independent Schools, Parent Member (2005)

o  Review out-of-district enrollment data

o  Set tuition rates for out-of-district students

Ø  Calendar Committee, Murray Independent Schools, Parent Member (2004)

o  Set calendar for the 2004-2005 school year.

To the Community

Ø  St. Leo Catholic Church (2002 to present)

o  Serve on the Stewardship and Communication committees

Ø  Upward Soccer, First United Methodist Church (2005)

o  Serve as member of Upward Soccer Leadership Team

o  Coached a boy’s soccer team for grades 1 to 3

Ø  Murray Youth Sports Association (2003 to 2005)

o  Serve on the Shetland (t-ball) league board.

o  Coach t-ball teams as needed (2003, 2004 2005)

Ø  Murray Youth Soccer Association (2003 & 2004)

o  Coached u-6 and u-8 soccer

Ø  Murray ALS Walk/5k (2004 & 2005)

o  Volunteer to assist with the ALS fund raiser

Ø  Murray United Way 5k (2003 & 2004)

o  Volunteer to assist in the recruitment of additional volunteers

o  Worked course safety


Lyons, R. (2007/2009) Regional Partnership for Principal Preparation. Coordinated a pilot of emerging requirements for principal certification with four area school districts.

Lyons, R., Novak, G. & Settle, J. (2008/2009). New Principal's Academy. Served as co-director of the New Principal's Academy for beginning principals in the region.

Lyons, R. P. (2008, February). Trends in parent and faculty responses to school culture survey. A survey conducted for and presented to the Marshall County Administrative Team.

Lyons, R. P. (2007/2008). TAHOE Faces Evaluator. Serve as external evaluator for WKEC Teaching American History grant.

Lyons, R. P. (2007/2008). Regional Partnership for Principal Preparation Pilot. Coordinated the development and implementation of an integrated certification program.

Lyons, R. P. (2007, August). Introduction to RtI. Livingston County Administrator's Retreat, Paducah, KY, August 3, 2007.


Professional Development Conducted

Collaborative for the Utilization of Technology for School Improvement [CUTSI]. Workshop presented to school district at Murray State University on June 17, 2003.

Using SPSS v10 for Windows. Workshop presented on September 10, 2002 at the Center for Teaching & Learning, Murray State University. Repeated November 7, 2002.

Kentucky Principal Internship Update Training. Training provided update KPIP committee members. 2001(August 24, August 31); 2002(August 19); 2005(July 20, July 27); 2006 (July 12, July 26)

Kentucky Principal Internship Initial Training. Training provided to new KPIP committee members. 2001(August 14-15, September 6-7); 2002(July 29-30; September 19-20); 2005 (July 19-20, July 26-27); 2006 (July 11-12)

Professional Development Attended

Teaching American History: Annual project directors' conference. October 17-19, 2007 in New Orleans, LA.

E-Learning by Design An online professional development certification program conducted by Horton & Horton Consulting. Certificate awarded May 2006.

Commonwealth Collaborative for School Leader Preparation, Fourth Annual Conference. October 27, 2005 in Bardstown, KY

Autumn Horizons: Rigor, relevance and relationships. A regional conference featuring Ray McNulty, partner in the International Center for School Leadership. Lake Barley State Park, October 20, 2005.

Leading Change. A statewide conference focused on leader preparation sponsored by the Wallace Foundation and CCSLP. Louisville, KY on April 28-29, 2005.

Commonwealth Collaborative for School Leader Preparation, Fourth Annual Conference. October 29, 2004 in Lexington, KY.