(01792) 586570 & (01792)561487
Dear Parent/Guardian,With the end of term fast approaching here are a few pieces of news and some reminders for you;
Saying Goodbye to Mr. Garcia - Una despedida (A fond farewell)
Mr. Garcia is sadly leaving us on the 17th June. Mr. Garcia has worked at the school for the last six years as caretaker and classroom assistant. He will be sorely missed by both the staff and the pupils at the school. Our best wishes go with him as he embarks on a new career as a Counsellor at the National Autistic Society. Hasta Luego!
Odd Socks Day
Mrs. Humphreys wishes to thank all parents for supporting our 1st ASD Day (Odd Socks Day)!
A total of £97.30 was raised. This money has been spent on games and books to support playtime and lunchtime support groups and clubs!! Thank you!!
Celebrating the Queens 90th Birthday
All children are invited to wear something red, white or blue, or a mixture of all tree on Friday 10thJune to celebrate our Queens 90th Birthday!
Scholastic Book Fair
From Monday 13th – 17th June we will host a Scholastic Book Fair. A Scholastic Book Fair puts the very best books directly into your childs’ hands. That means over 200 top children’s titles from over fifty publishers, carefully chosen to reflect all tastes and abilities. With books starting fromonly £2.99 plus exclusive titles that you won’t see in the shops or at any other fairs, there’s sure to be a book for everyone!
Class Photographs
Colorfoto will once again come into school on Thursday 16th June. Please ensure your Child(ren) is/are wearing full school uniform on that day.
Summer Fete
Our Summer fete will be held on Tuesday 21st June at 3:20pm. If you would like to be involved in organising or if you would like to have a stall, please see Mrs. Meehan in the school office or a member of the PGA. We will be having another organising meeting on Friday 10th June at 9am, please feel free to come along.
We are holding our annual Powershot event again this year. The event will take place on Friday 24th June. This day will be a non-school uniform day for the children who are encouraged to wear sports kits and trainers for this day. Further information and sponsorship forms will be sent home this week. /
Term Dates
Autumn 15 1st Sept – 18th Dec 2015Half Term 26th Oct 2015 – 30th Oct 2015
Spring 16 4thJan 2016 – 24th Mar 2016
Half Term 15th Feb 2016 – 19th Feb 2016
Summer 16 11th Apr 2016 – 20th Jul 2016
Half Term 30th May 2016 – 3rd June 2016
Sports Day Dates
Sports Day for Foundation Phase (infants) and the Junior school will take place on one of the following dates in order. These options have been chosen in case of inclement weather.
1. Tuesday 28th June
2. Thursday 30th June
Foundation Phase (infants) will take place at 9.30am in the school playing field. Junior sports day will take place on the community playing field (next to Gendros library) at 1.30pm. Following Junior sports day we wish to remind you that all children must return to school with their class teacher and will be dismissed from school. Please can all children wear a sports kit to school on Sports Day, there are no specific colours.
Inset Day
We will be taking our last remaining Inset day of the academic year on Monday 4th July 2016. There will be no school for children on this day.
Pupil Reports
Reports will be sent home on Monday 11th July along with National Test and Attendance results. Parent consultations will take place from 3:30pm on Monday 18th July. Please make an appointment with your child’s class teacher should you wish to discuss your child’s report or test results.
Year 6 Leavers
Advanced Notice: Our Year 6 Leavers Assembly will take place on Monday 11thJuly at 2:15pm.
Nursery to Reception Meeting
There will be a meeting for parents of pupils who will be joining us in Reception Class from September 2016 on Thursday 14th July at 2:30pm in the main school.
End of term disco
The PGA Disco is on Monday 18thJuly in the afternoon. Children can wear non-school uniform on this day. Please can the children bring 50p for entry and money for refreshments.
Reminder – End of Term
We finish for the summer holidays on Wednesday 20thJuly at 3:20pm.
Yr eiddoch yn gywir / Yours sincerely,
Dean J. Phillips
Issue 7 June2016