ROSCAs 2015


Category 5 – Valuing Diversity Award

(Individual or Team)

Trust Value: Valuing and Respectful

We’re looking for shining examples of individuals or teams who have been creative in recognising and valuing diversity which as a result has produced benefits for all.


You cannot nominate yourself or a family member for a ROSCA.

You cannot nominate the team in which you work for a ROSCA. If you have any doubt about who is part of the team and who can nominate a team please call Anna Lipington on 01452 894660 or Nick Grubb on 01452 894658.

Please return the completed form to Anna Lipington, HR, Rikenel, Gloucester, GL1 1LY

Tel: 01452 894660 Email:

I am the proposer and my contact details are:

Name and Job Title: / Department and Work address:
Telephone number: / Email address:

I wish to nominate the following individual or team for this award:

Name and Job Title: / Department and Work address:
Telephone number: / Email address:
If you are nominating a team, can you please provide the names of the specific members of the team that you wish to include in your nomination. This is very important; as only the team members named on this form will be notified of the nomination, so please check that you have included everyone.

I have /have not* told my nominee (individual or team) that I am putting them forward for this award.*please delete as appropriate

My Reasons for Nominating this Individual or Team

In this section please summarise why you feel your nominee deserves the award. Please focus on how they make a real difference and how they meet the criteria for this award. It is really helpful if you could give as much information as possible about your nominee and why you think they are different and special to help the judging panel make their decision. You can use an additional sheet if you need more space, giving specific examples/evidence to support your nomination to help the judging panel.

The category details


About your nominee

Describe what this person or team has done
Describe what has changed
Say what problems if any had to be overcome in order to successfully put this arrangement or changes into place?
Describe how individuality and diversity has had a positive impact.
Give examples of those who have benefitted and how this has positively affected them
Any other information which you want to share with the panel in support of your nominee