Key Stage 5 Summer Assessment Task

Subject: / AS Textiles
How long should I spend on this task: / Students must spend time reading from appropriate resources and then plan and complete a formal piece of writing which supports a Moodboard of research
Resources I should use/find: / Art section in a library, own knowledge, Plymouth Museum and Art Gallery, Embroiderer’s Guild, own photos
·  Undertake research and gather, select and organise visual and other appropriate information into the theme “Landscape”
·  To analyse a piece of work using the following Visual Elements – Point, Line, Shape, Colour, Tone, Form, Pattern, Texture, Composition, Focal Point, Space, Perspective, Scale, Foreground and Background
·  To demonstrate the Quality of Written Communication that the student is capable of
·  To evidence their research into the theme
Task Instructions –
Students must produce a Formal piece of writing with the piece of work included, and note down their sources. They must choose a piece of art/ textiles linked to the theme Landscape and complete approx. 250 word analysis using the Visual Elements, evidencing their skill of noticing and explaining their answer. This will be presented with a moodboard of inspiration where students must record experiences and observations, in a variety of ways using drawing or other appropriate visual forms; take photos and collect other resources that link to the theme Landscape. It will be handed in, critiqued by the group, assessed, and on return it will become part of the student’s Coursework Portfolio.
Good Luck!
Assessment Criteria –
This task will relate to clarity, expression and presentation of ideas, but will also include an element of spelling, punctuation and grammar.
In written work students are expected to:
§  describe and make judgements in a clear and organised way;
§  develop the skill of written analysis and begin to formulate a position or argument about the work studied, using supporting statements;
§  use and correctly spell specialist vocabulary.
§  ensure that text is legible and that spelling, punctuation and grammar are accurate so that meaning is clear;
§  select and use a form and style of writing appropriate to purpose and subject matter;
§  organise information clearly and coherently, using specialist vocabulary when appropriate.
Subject: / A Level Textiles
How long should I spend on this task: / Students must spend time reading from appropriate resources and then plan and complete a formal piece of writing.
Resources I should use/find: / Art section in a library, own knowledge, access to galleries to view work
Objective –
·  To produce a visual diary linked to your chosen theme
·  Analyse a piece of work using the following Visual Elements – Point, Line, Shape, Colour, Tone, Form, Pattern, Texture, Composition, Focal Point, Space, Perspective, Scale, Foreground and Background
·  Demonstrate the Quality of Written Communication that the student is capable of
·  Evidence their interest in a particular artist/ theme/ technique
Task Instructions –
Linked to their chosen theme, students must produce a sketchbook of inspiration linked to the chosen theme. This must be supported by choosing a piece of art/ textiles and completing a 300 word analysis using the Visual Elements and evidencing their skill of noticing and explaining/ justifying their answers. This will be handed in, critiqued and assessed, and on return it will become part of the student’s Personal Portfolio.
Good Luck!
Assessment Criteria –
This task will relate to clarity and expression of ideas, presentation, spelling, punctuation and grammar. This is assessed through AO1 (develop), AO3 (record) and A04 (present) in the last bullet point of each band mark in the assessment criteria.
In written work students are expected to:
§  describe and make judgements in a clear and organised way;
§  develop the skill of written analysis and begin to formulate a position or argument about the work studied, using supporting statements;
§  use and correctly spell specialist vocabulary.
§  ensure that text is legible and that spelling, punctuation and grammar are accurate so that meaning is clear;
§  select and use a form and style of writing appropriate to purpose and subject matter;
§  organise information clearly and coherently, using specialist vocabulary when appropriate.