Summary of Project

This project was originally developed to record formative and summative assessment using digital cameras, but has also enabled both tutors and learners to identify and discuss learning objectives.

It was decided to pilot this project because we wanted to experiment with new ways on how to record progress and achievement incorporating the RARPA Staged Process.

Photographs were taken throughout the 4 week test period and were used to feedback and assess learners progress. This has been done using several methods including burning a slideshow to CD to show on a laptop, followed by a discussion with learners’ both individually and as a peer group.

An archive folder has been set up on the college network, this consists of individual folders for each course maintained within a main folder. Tutors have been downloading to their course folders during this 4 week period, and then collating their images to feedback to learners.


We have trained 20 tutors (mainly from the Visual & Performing Arts area but also 2 tutors from the Sports & Fitness area) in the use of digital cameras and how to implement their usage into the classroom. Tutors watched a demonstration on how to download the images onto the college network and burn CDs and were given time to practice. Finally, the tutors received guidance on methods in which the images could be used to give constructive feedback to learners’.

Our main centre staff also received the same training. This has ensured that they are available if/when needed to troubleshoot any problems. Please find the following handouts compiled for the training in the folder enclosed.

·  How to use the Fuji A340 Digital Camera

·  Downloading Images

·  Saving in Photoshop

Also included in the folder are copies of the forms we developed to make the whole process run efficiently. See below.

·  Camera sign in/out form – this enabled us to keep a record of when equipment was being used and to help ensure its safe return.

·  Learner consent form – this was provided for all courses that took part in the pilot, and proved quite successful.

We have introduced an archive system on our college network. This consists of an individual folder for each course, which is then contained in a main folder. This folder is accessible at all of our centres to make downloading as efficient as possible.

Evaluation methodology and findings

All tutors that took part in this 4 week pilot have been asked to feedback on how the processes worked/didn’t work for them (evidence provided in folder enclosed).

We have received some interesting feedback from the Sports & Fitness curriculum area. The badminton tutor used the video function on the camera, quote from tutor ‘It was helpful to be able to show them immediately on a laptop how they were producing their version of the shot and their positioning on the court. One student commented, after a particular shot was taught them, which needed their body to be sideways onto the net that “I thought I was standing sideways? I can see now that I was not”’

This positive feedback has prompted us to expand our choice of resources and we are intending to purchase a digital camcorder. This will be more appropriate for use in performing arts/sports & fitness classes, as the recording time is longer than the digital cameras.

Downloading was a problem. This system took a substantial amount of time to set up and had many flaws. In some centres the connection is very slow and this was very frustrating for the tutors. All tutors commented that they found downloading too time consuming after a lesson (in particular after an evening class). We are investigating the possibility of adapting the procedure to ensure that each tutor has his or her own memory card. This card can be kept and used for the duration of the course and then pictures need only be downloaded when required.


During the pilot we used only digital cameras. We have reviewed the initial feedback received from tutors and are now planning on purchasing more memory cards and some video equipment. We now have access to mega sticks (digital voice recorders) through the colleges’ newly set up E-Learning Programme.

Lessons learned

Outline the things that went well with the project.

Most learners have enjoyed the experience of seeing their work in a new way and are pleased with the feedback they are receiving from their tutors.

The tutors found that having these extra resources have helped them to promote a higher learning experience for the their learners’, and also a new, fresh way for them to record their learners’ work, which ‘opens up a new perspective’.

If you did this project again what would you do differently?

If we were able to pilot this approach again then we would choose to do it over a longer period of time- perhaps 10 weeks. This would enable both learners and tutors to wholly identify the benefits from the whole process. The 4 weeks have highlighted to us that this new approach will work well over a long period. Therefore, we will be able to successfully implement the RARPA Staged Process. This will then provide a clearer assessment route. We are aiming to have this method implemented by Sept 05 for the Visual and Performing Arts area. For the Sports and Fitness area to use this type of assessment we would need to include more tutors and trial the use of camera, digital camcorder and mega sticks.

Has this funding enhanced an existing resource or provided a new one?

It has enhanced an existing one, as we already have a few digital cameras but not enough to have them widely available.

Has this funding encouraged you to try other types of e-learning in your course delivery?

Yes we are planning on trying both video and mega sticks.

Has the resource made your life easier as a practitioner?


Outline the difficulties in incorporating your project e.g. technical or time-wise.

The archive system proved difficult to set up to work efficiently, and is time consuming. The reason being that a folder is required to be set up for every course (we are hoping to add Files & Folder training to tutor training sessions). Our IT system is slow in some centres which has been a frustrating experience for most tutors as it was taking them much longer than necessary to download their images.

As this pilot was only over a 4-week period it was difficult to assess the results for formative and summative assessments as most courses had already started. However, having reviewed the feedback received from tutors, we are confident that it could work extremely well.

One problem that came up was during a Sports & Fitness class (see below)

‘I didn’t take any pictures this week as this weeks class is one of the best I have had – everything just flowed so brilliantly. Thought once or twice about getting the camera out but just didn’t want to interrupt the flow’.


Implementation of initial assessment using digital equipment will mean less written recording and paperwork for tutors

Tutors will document on their lesson plans when/how equipment has been used and where the data files are stored.

In reviewing this 4 week pilot we have come to the conclusion that the Visual & Performing Arts is easier to assess than other areas i.e. Sports & Fitness, therefore we may need to pilot in this area to see what resources will be most effective.

Future of the project

The future of this project for the college is that by Sept 05 digital cameras, accompanied by digital camcorders and mega sticks will be used throughout the Visual & Performing Arts area to record progress and achievement using the RARPA Staged Process. This method will be cascaded to the Sports & fitness area.

The Sports & Fitness curriculum area would need their own pilot project to include more tutors and a wider range of subjects. The use of digital camcorder, and mega sticks would be included. This would happen during June and July 2005.

We have a Review Meeting planned with all tutors who took part in our 4 week project. We will be discussing with the tutors how the project has impacted on them, and how we can help achieve progression through the use of cameras/video/voice data and play back using laptops/interactive whiteboards to enhance the learner experience. (Copy of letter and agenda in folder).

The remaining tutors will require training, which will take place during the Summer Term. The tutors that have been trained for the Pilot Project will act as mentors for these tutors. As a new tutor joins the college we will need to ensure that digital camera training is part of their induction.

Reading Adult and Community College 2005