Organisation: / Reference#:
Contact Name for Report: / Telephone:
Mobile: / Email:
Account Start Date: / Account Finish Date:
Donation Account Name:

This is aoptional report template designed to assist Donation Account holders in meeting MOU requirements.

There are two questions in bold which are requiredinformation; others are designed to prompt your thinking

and enable FRRR to better support account holders.

1 / Please give brief description of your fundraising progress over the last six months. (What specific activities took place, where, when and who participated/benefitted?)
2 / What funds are still to be raised? (How will you to do this?What are your future plans?)
3 / Please give brief description of the project’s progress over the last six months – how have funds been expended in line with the account?(What specific activities took place, where, when and who participated/benefitted?)
4 / What outcomes have you achieved in the last six months?(i.e. the impact of the project, the effects on participants from their involvement in the project and how you measured this. Any flow on effects note here)
5 / Are there any challenges? Have any major changes been made? (Changes to the original proposal, reasons for them and how they affected the project)
6 / What did you learn? (For example: what were the reasons for success or challenges, and what improvements could be made for future projects)
7 / Recognition of FRRR Support: Give examples
8 / Do you have any other project partnerships? (List and identify support)
9 / Do you have any other comments in relation to your account? Are there changes to staff or contact details?

Please include other key project information you would like to share. We encourage you to provide copies of project evaluation reports (if any), photographs and to share quotes and stories from project beneficiaries. If you have photos, please email to or send a CD with this report. The provision of such information and images will be taken as permission to publish it.

Please return this report and accompanying documentation via email to or

by mail to FRRR, P.O. Box 41, Bendigo Vic 3552

Signed: / Dated:
Print Name: / Role:
Optional Feedback to FRRR:
FRRR value your honest feedback about your experience with FRRR. Your answers will assist us to improve our programs and working with community groups.
10 / How would you rate your experiences with FRRR?
Excellent / Good / Average / Poor
11 / How instrumental is your donation account in helping you to facilitate project success? (only tick one)
Without account, project would not have gone ahead.
Project would have changed without the grant but would still have gone ahead.
Project would have taken place with or without the grant.
12 / How would you rate your satisfaction with FRRR processes?
A) / I received satisfactory and time responses to any questions I had
Excellent / Good / Average / Poor
B) / FRRR were able to assist and support our project when we needed.
Excellent / Good / Average / Poor
13 Other Feedback or Comments: