Section 1 – Contract of Employment – for completion by employing dept

Title / Home Telephone
Forename(s) / Mobile
Surname / Email
Address & Postcode
NB It is the individual’s responsibility to advise HR of a change of name or contact details / Date of Birth
NI Number1
Kent Student ID Number
Visa Expiry Date2if applicable
Contract Start Date / End date2 3
Job Title
DBS check required? / Yes / No / School/Department
Normal Place of Work / Canterbury/Medway/Tonbridge / Reporting to
Rate of pay
Tick as applicable / Effective date of total hourly rate / Grade/
Spinal point / Hourly rate / Holiday uplift / Total hourly rate
(inc. holiday uplift)
NMW / 01/10/2015 / NMW (18-20) / £5.30 / £0.77 / £6.07
01/10/2015 / NMW (21+) / £6.70 / £0.98 / £7.68
01/10/2015 / Role Based4 / £6.70 / £0.98 / £7.68
01/04/2016 / NLW (25+) / £7.20 / £1.05 / £8.25
01/08/2015 / Grade 1 pt1 / £7.85 / £1.14 / £8.99
01/08/2015 / Grade 2 pt4 / £8.36 / £1.22 / £9.58
01/08/2015 / Grade 3 pt7 / £8.96 / £1.31 / £10.27
01/08/2015 / Grade 4 pt12 / £10.27 / £1.50 / £11.76
01/08/2015 / Grade 5 pt17 / £11.84 / £1.73 / £13.56
01/08/2015 / Grade 6 pt24 / £14.54 / £2.12 / £16.66
Cost Code for Pay / Account / Cost Centre / Job / Site Code

1If the employee does not have an NI number, one must be obtained, see:

2Contract must not be issued beyond visa expiry date

3Contracts will be closed automatically regardless of end date if they have not been paid against for a period of 6 months

4 If you wish to pay the NMW (21+), for those aged under 21, please use the Role Based Rate

All timesheets must be submitted within 30 days of the contract end date. After this the contract will be closed.
This offer of employment is made by:
Authorising Signature / Print Name / Date

Section 2 – Acceptance of Offer of Employment – for completion by employee

If you understand and accept this offer of employment, including the conditions of service contained in Section 4, please sign below and return to your School/Department Administration Manager as soon as possible. Please also ensure you complete the pension’s information form in Section 3.

I wish to accept this offer of employment and understand and accept the conditions of service as indicated in Section 4.
Employee’s Signature / Print Name / Date

Contracts need to be authorised by your School/Department and submitted to Human Resources before the 5th of the month to ensure payment on the last working day of the same month. Timesheets for all hours worked to be completed and signed by all relevant individuals and forwarded to the Pay Office by the 10th of the month in order to be paid the same month.

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Section 3 – Pension

SAUL Pension
I confirm that I have read the information about the Superannuation Arrangements for the University of London (SAUL) in Section 5 (Conditions of Service), paragraph 7 and that (please tick one box):
I understand that I am not being contractually enrolled into SAUL for this contract
I understand that I am not being contractually enrolled into SAUL for this contract but I wish to join SAUL
I am over age 65, not eligible to join SAUL – I would like to join NEST
Other, please indicate your preferred choice ......
If you have ticked to indicate that you wish to join SAUL above please indicate if:
I am currently in receipt of my SAUL Pension
I am an active member of SAUL through existing employment (with the University or with another Employer)
Please note that if you wish to join SAUL for timesheet contracts of employment (subject to the correct terms and conditions of service), membership will apply to all relevant timesheet contracts.
Also, existing membership of USS does not preclude also joining SAUL in respect of any other employment at the University of Kent.
I understand that if I am an eligible jobholder and submit a claim for earnings that will take me above the threshold for pension’s auto-enrolment (earnings equating to more than the income tax personal allowance) that the University will automatically enrol me into a qualifying pension scheme. Further information will be sent to you when this happens including details of how you may opt-out should you wish to do so. Further information on pensions auto-enrolment is available here:
Signed:...... Date:......
Please print name:......

Further information about SAUL can be found on their website:

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Section 4 – Timesheet Paid Staff Conditions of Service

1. Hours

Your hours of work will vary according to the workload of the Department.It is a condition of your employment that you work flexibly in accordance with the working arrangements we operate.Therefore, you acknowledge that there may be periods when no work is available and that we have no obligation to provide you with any work or to provide any minimum number of hours in any day or week.However, we will endeavour to allocate suitable work to you when such work is available and you are available to do it.

Full-time hours are 35 hours per week and you must not exceed these.You must take 20 minutes (unpaid) break in any day on which you work more than 6 hours.

Non-EEA employees working on Student Visas must not work more than the maximum number of allowable hours in any week during term time. Your visa will state the number of hours per week you are allowed to work which is usually 10 or 20 hours per week. Term time includes any time during which you should be writing a dissertation or sitting examinations. There are no restrictions on hours of work outside of term time. Please complete the conditional offer of employment which can be found at:

We will give you as much advance notice as is reasonably practicable (normally not less than 24 hours) of the hours you will be required to work.

Should work be offered to you, you are under no obligation to accept it, however, should you do so and you are subsequently unavailable to work you must notify us of your unavailability at the earliest opportunity and normally not less than 24 hours in advance.

You are required to notify us as early as possible of any sustained periods when you will not be available for work.

2. Pay

You will be paid for all work on the submission of a claim form which must be checked and countersigned by the School Administrator Manager or Course Supervisor and sent to the Pay Office. Payments are made monthly in arrears, direct to your bank account. Staff are required to submit claim forms by the 5th of each month to ensure payment at the end of that month.We are currently transitioning to an electronic system for the submission of timesheets, so please check with your School about the arrangements which apply locally.

3. Sickness Absence

In the event of your absence due to sickness or injury, you should contact your Manager before 10 am on any day you have agreed to work to advise that you will be absent due to illness.

There is no entitlement to paid sick leave unless you qualify for Statutory Sick Pay.The Pay Office will be able to advise you as to whether you qualify for Statutory Sick Pay and the process required in order to receive this.

4. Eligibility to Work in the UK

The appointment is conditional upon provision by you of evidence of your eligibility to work in the UK. The relevant documentation must be given to your employing department on or before your first day of work. You must not commence work until the appropriate documentation has been received and checked.If you are unsure about the acceptable forms of eligibility please refer to the guidance on the HR website (

5. Health Questionnaire

Please complete the attached Health Questionnaire; if there is any indication of a health issue which may be of relevance, you may be asked to see the University’s Occupational Health Adviser.We may require you, at our expense and whether or not you are absent from work, to submit to a medical examination by a doctor appointed by us. You authorise any reports resulting from such examinations to be available to both you and the University.

6. Notice of Termination of Employment

The period of notice to be given in writing to us by you to terminate your employment is 1 week.

The period of notice to be given in writing to you by us in order to terminate your employment is:

from commencing contract, after 1 month or more, but less than 2 years’ service – 1 week

  • two years’ or more continuous employment – 1 week for each completed year up to a maximum of 12 weeks.

We may terminate your employment without notice if:

  • you reject 4 or more successive requests to attend work or fail to attend on a day when you had agreed to work on 2 or more successive occasions
  • you are unavailable for work for 4 or more consecutive weeks.
  • work has not been undertaken for more than a period of one month or more except in exceptional circumstances or in cases where you have prior approval from your Head of Department.

7. Pension

SAUL is a defined-benefit pension scheme. Members build up a pension on a Career Averaged Related Earnings (CARE) basis with benefits based upon salary earned each year, increased to retirement.

Members of the SAUL CARE Section pay 6% of all salary including basic pay and any overtime. The University contributes a sum equal to 16% of salary.

With effect from 1 May 2013 the law on workplace pensions imposes a legal duty on employers such as the University of Kent to help their UK workers to save for their retirement. The employer must identify when a worker becomes an eligible jobholder by being aged between 22 and 65 and having qualifying earnings equating to more than the income tax personal allowance. The University must then automatically enrol the eligible jobholder into the relevant scheme which, for staff on these terms and conditions, is SAUL.

At such point that your earnings reach the statutory threshold you will be automatically enrolled into SAUL and further information will be sent to you about the scheme and your right to opt out.It should be noted that if you are over the age of 65, current SAUL rules preclude you joining the Scheme.

Please contact the University’s Pension Office if you have any queries about the scheme or eligibility for membership. Contact: 01227 823897. Information about the Superannuation Arrangements for the University of London (SAUL) pension scheme can be found on their website ().

8. Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures

The University of Kent will comply with the ACAS Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures if necessary and further information may be obtained from Human Resources.

9. Confidentiality

You must not disclose to anyone outside the University (or to any University employee who does not have a need to know) any confidential information about the University, which you have acquired during your employment. This duty continues to apply after your employment comes to an end. It is not limited in time but does not apply to information ordered by a court to be disclosed or otherwise required by law to be disclosed. Amongst other things, confidential information includes commercially sensitive information, lists of and details of customers, suppliers, agents and distributors, the working of computer systems, pricing structures, advertising, financial and marketing information and business development plans and information. For the avoidance of doubt, any databases belonging to the University are considered confidential information for the purpose of this clause. You must not make any copies of any documents or items that belong to the University or remove them from the University's premises at any time without proper advanced authorisation. You must return property of whatever kind when requested to do so by the University and which belong to the University when you leave its employment.

10. University Property

You must not remove any property from the University’s premises at any time without proper advanced authorisation from your Manager.All property belonging to the University must immediately be returned to the University when you leave its employment.Any document containing confidential information (or any copy of it) will belong to the University.

11. Health and Safety

It is the policy of the University to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety at work of its employees in accordance with the statutory requirements, in particular the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. In pursuance of this policy you will be required to report on the first day of employment to your departmental Health & Safety Co-ordinator.

12. Data Protection

You are required to consent to us holding and processing both electronically and in hard copy any personal and sensitive personal data relating to you for the purposes of employee related administration, processing your personnel file and management of the University, for compliance with applicable procedures, laws and regulations and for providing data to external suppliers who may administer your benefits. Further details of our data protection policy are available from the University’s website: you are unable to access any of the policies via the Internet, then please contact us in HR in order to request a hard copy.

13. Collective Agreement

Your Terms and Conditions are not governed by a Collective Agreement.

14. Deduction of Monies

The University reserves the right to deduct monies in respect of any overpayments made from the monies owing to you on termination of this contract.In addition, deductions from final salaries will be taken for non-return of University issued uniforms.

15. Redeployment

Should changed circumstances in your department or in the University make it necessary, the University reserves the right to redeploy you elsewhere in a post of commensurate duties and responsibilities.

16. Use of IT and Library Facilities

All University staff are bound by the “Regulations for the Use of Computing Facilities at the University of Kent”. These are available from the Information Services website at or on paper from Information Services. University staff must not breach the copyright of software provided by the University for use on University-owned computers or on computers owned by staff.

All University staff are bound by the “Regulations for the Use of the Templeman Library”. These are available from the Information Services website at or on paper from Information Services.All University staff are also expected to follow good practice guidelines published by Information Services and available from their website.

Personal data stored in University data systems, such as the Student Data System, is held subject to the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998. It may only be accessed and stored as needed for the normal function of the University, and must not be disclosed to unauthorised third parties.All University staff must agree, as a condition of access to these systems, that they will not release information of any kind from these systems to unauthorised third parties either within or outside the University.All University staff must be aware of, and comply with, the requirements of the Data Protection Act. Information is available from the Student Records Office website at:

17. Previous Agreements

These terms and conditions of employment supersede any previous contracts of employment or for services between you and the University.If you have any queries about this, please contact your Head of Department or Human Resources in the first instance.

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