Together “We’re Sticking our Necks out for GFWC NE”
Month 1 September 2012
Greetings from your GFWC NE State President Patricia Gage………..
I want to keep all our members informed about what your Leadership is doing to enhance your Club year, what your clubs are doing to insure success and what you as individuals bring to your Clubs.
If you want to see something in print please let me know……
Remember your District Conventions!We had our first official Sharon Randall
Time to come together to meet friends and Committee MeetingSept. 8th at 10AM at THE
learn a bit more about emphasis for this KITCHEN North of the I-80 exchange at York.
year. I will have some new information It was exciting. If you would like an active part like
about WATERisLIFE.being a ticket taker, hostess, setting up displays
or other please let the Committee know.
MVR is in Wichita, KS this month. You
are all invited! After a long hot summerWait till you see the GFWC Logo Garden Flags.
plan to cool off with friends Sept. 27-29th.We think you’ll want to display one proudly in
Hurry, reservations are due Sept. 10th. your front yard.They’re ordered. Thanks, Diane for this idea!
The picture on the new GFWC Visa CardDid you see the picture of the Volunteers at Headquarters
is pretty enough to want one. Of coursein the Aug. 18th News & Notes? There’s that former Aurora
it is an advantage to GF if we apply.Club member Trisha Schafer in the news again. Can’t help but
feel proud of the Illinois Director of Juniors!
“There is no exercise better for the heart than
Reaching down and lifting people up.” Holmes
The Exeter Woman’s Club as well asWehope to have the Guide Books ready before
otherscan help you have a successful District Conventions and do hope that you have
Relay for Lifeevent as they sold 40used the GF Manual that was sent to all Club
Luminaries this summer whenthey Presidents to plan this club year.
participated in the Fillmore County RelayFairmont W. Club, Dist. IV, was featured in the July/Aug GFWC
For Life. Congratulations!Clubwoman for their Fund Raiser for the WiLD program.
One of our Clubs that needs mentioned is theAnother well kept secret is the Seward Jr. Woman’s
Champion Woman’s Club. You have been Club which is outstanding in their leadership and
pretty quiet way out west and we hope toconduct crisp clean meetings at 9:30am, provide baby
get to know you a lot better in the future.sitting for their members and keep inviting others Let us hear from you, okay? to join them. It’s a growing vibrant club. We hope to
meet some of them at the Dist. IV Fine Art’s Day!
Board Meeting Sat. Nov.5th in Seward
Give me the names of your club members whoRemember, every new member will get a Giraffe charm!
are related to a former member or current member ofLet’s wear our Buttons and ask women to join when they
a Woman’s Club. GI Woman’s Club Presidentask about the Giraffe and “Sticking our Neck’s out”.
Pat Mader has a great idea to honor them. StandDo send in the dues & names of new members all Club Year.
by for an Executive Board decision on it.Diane Uher wants to know as does the Treasurer & also Wanda
Marget for the spring Clubwoman mailing list.
Did you see Lincoln Heritage League recognized in the recent GF Clubwoman. It could be you. Just have to ask again