CLERK. Sue Thomas. 1 Argal View, Treverva, Penryn, Cornwall. TR10 9BL. Tel 01326 340576 email
Minutes of the meeting held 11th April 2016, at the New Community Hall, Ponsanooth.
533/16 Present were; The Chairman Cllr. Mrs. M. Ferris, The Vice Chairman Cllr. Mrs. M. Manetta, Cllr. Mrs. E. Williams, Cllr. C. Daly, Cllr. C. Smith, Cllr. D. Ackroyd, Cllr. C. Trewern, Cllr. A. Pearson and Cornwall Councillor Mr. P. Williams.
Also present were; Ms Lisa Solley from Situ8 and a number of local residents.
534/16 Apologies and reasons for absence; No apology has been received for Cllr. Mrs. Thompson.
535/16 Declarations of Interest were received from Cllr. C. Daly, Cllr. C. Smith and Cllr. A. Pearson, all are members of the PPFA.
536/16 Public participation; To discuss the TP order imposed by Cornwall Council on trees opposite Cosawes Barton, Ponsanooth.
The Chairman Cllr. Mrs. Ferris asked members of the public to raise any issues or make comments.
Te residents stated they were all appalled at the felling of the trees as they were a valuable asset to the village, all voiced their concerns in a very passionate manner.
It was voiced that the trees were on private land with no TPOs on them at the time.
Residents felt that a license to fell was needed and the timber should not have been removed.
Ms Solley from Situ8 could not make comment, at this time, regarding the license, however the tree surgeon, had given the impression that no license was needed, this matter is being looked into.
Residents were concerned that mature trees had been lost and as a result birds have lost their regular nesting site.
Ms Solley assured residents that there were no nesting birds at the time of felling. She informed residents that there would be another consultation meeting next Tuesday between 4 and 7pm at the café, at the community hall.
The matter of previous planning applications for two houses had been refused, now there were plans for ten houses.
The comment was made that Cornwall Council have said more houses are needed, throughout Cornwall, if not on this site where would the residents suggest?
The question was raised again why were the trees cut down before a planning application was lodged with Cornwall Council, to which Ms Solley informed members and residents this was done so as to avoid the nesting period.
The Chairman stated that no decision has been made regarding this proposed application, until the formal application is before the Council for comments and the final decision rests with Cornwall Council.
Ms Solley said she hoped the application should be with Cornwall Council within the next month.
The Chairman Cllr. Mrs Ferris informed the residents to lodge their comments regarding the trees with Sarah Dibble at Dolcoath Avenue, Camborne before May 5th.
Cornwall Cllr. P. Williams, wished it to be noted that the previous suggestion that this application was a “done deal” and “underhanded” was seriously not the case, nothing is ever a done deal, procedures have to be followed and all comments are taken on board.
Residents felt the developers gave the impression that the Parish Council and Cornwall Council planning had no objections, in fact it was a favorable place to build.
The Chairman, Cllr. Mrs. Ferris, confirmed emphatically, nothing is agreed until the actual planning application comes before the full Parish Council, and that at all pre apps, which are discussions only, the comments from the Parish Council are all subject to the same statement i.e. The Council and members, reserves the right to change their minds, at the time of the application, or should more information come to light. As far as it being a suitable site, there needs to be further discussions regarding services, drainage and many moreaspects to consider and nothing is decided until the formal application is with the Parish Council.
The Chairman thanked the members of the public for attending and presenting their comments, and Cllr. Mrs Ferris also thanked Ms. Solley for attending.
Ms Solley and residents left the meeting.
537/16 Cllr. Mrs Ferris and Cllr. Mrs. Williams to walk the village and note trees suitable for TPOs, following this Mr Colin Hawke would attend and inspect.
Proposed by Cllr. Pearson seconded by Cllr. Smith the vote was unanimous
538/16 It was proposed by Cllr. Daly and seconded by Cllr. Smith that a letter be written regarding money for highways issues. Cllr Daly to compose (without prejudice) copy to the clerk.
539/16 A letter to support remaining trees opposite Cosawes Barton to be sent by 5th May,
Proposed by Cllr. Pearson seconded by Cllr. E. Williams
The vote was 8 in favour and 1 against.
540/16 To sign the minutes of the meeting held 14th March 2016.
Proposed by Cllr. Daly seconded by Cllr.Trewern unanimous.
541/16 The matter of the illegal scrap yard at Lower Treluswell was raised, Cllr Williams confirmed the matter was being dealt with by enforcement, he will keep Council updated.
The caravan parked at Treliever layby, possibly lived in by field workers, Cllr Williams to investigate.
Flooding threat at the Post Office, Ponsaooth, the suggested sump pump has not been installed however there is nothing further to report.
The damaged bus shelter, which Cornwall Council said they would not repair; Cllr. Williams and the clerk to contact Viv Bidgood as Cormac do have a repair team and the shelter is owned by Cornwall Council
Drains behind Commercial Hill not been dealt with a promised at meeting with the Chairman before Christmas.
The new pre school building on the playing field, Cllr Ackroyd raised concerns regarding the s106 the Council holds for the toilet/changing room section of the build, Cllr Ackroyd concerned the money may be lost if the build takes too long.
Cllr Daly confirmed funding for the other pre school section is being sought at present.
The clerk to source prices for NHS approved defibrillators.
542/16 The PPFA had nothing further to report other than the clerk is now in receipt of minutes of their meetings, on a regular basis.
543/16 Planning application for 11 Commercial Hill.
The Council made no comments or objections.
544/16 The pre app which is in the public domain, at the Grange, Frog Hill, Ponsanooth, for 5 houses.
The clerk to comment, whilst the Parish Council has not been consulted, we have the opportunity to comment.
555/16 Application for a further grant from Mrs Smith re the Queens Birthday celebrations in the village, to be added to the May agenda.
Laptop insurance; the clerk to contact Zurich to see if the insurance will cover this laptop at a different address, if not Cllr Daly to enquire as to the added premium on his household insurance, the Council to reimburse him.
556/16 Payments due;
Annual computer service £45.00
S Thomas reimbursements Postage 10.84, Mileage 10.00 tea/coffee etc 12.59, Plusnet 45.00 adjustment to last month 6.24, Office allowance 60.00 Total £144.67
Mr Payne £160.00
HMRC £16.43
CALC subs £441.37
Zurich Insurance £308.39
Hall Hire £15.00
SWALEC £90.93
Proposed by Cllr. Pearson seconded by Cllr. Smith unanimous.
557/16 The quotes for the signposts at Towntanna and Laity Moor were £480.00 and £580.00 plus VAT
It was proposed by Cllr. Ackroyd and seconded by Cllr. Smith the Council should proceed.
Cornwall Councillor Mr Williams offered £250 fro his Community Chest towards the cost, for which the Council accepted and thanked him.
The milestone at Treluswell which had been hit by a car, needs replacing to its former site, Cllr. Williams to contact Viv Bidgood.
Cllr Trewern informed the Council there will be a meeting regarding the future of the MethodistChurch and cemetery on May 4th at 7.30 at the Church.
The meeting closed at 10.30pm