CP English 12

4.14.15 -4.20.15

Senior Reflection Topics and Due Dates: Save this sheet!


Basic Requirements: Heading; title 250 - 300 words with word count, typed, double spaced.No reflections should exceed one page!

Deductions include the following:

·  Heading: on left side, double spaced: Your name, Number and Title of Journal, Due Date

·  FIVE points for lower case “ I “ indicating first person; the use of “you” when first person is appropriate;

·  FIVE points for lack of logical paragraphing

·  TWO point deductions for sentence errors including comma splices, sentence fragments, and run-on sentences.

·  ONE point deduction for each error in usage/mechanics

·  Thesis at the end of opening paragraph, developed paragraphs, spelling, and usage

DUE APRIL 14: Senior Reflection #2: Write about you as a child: school, friends, activities, family, or focus on a childhood incident that was me memorable and perhaps taught you something about others or yourself.

DUE APRIL 15: Outline of the Romantic Period: page 705 – 708: 717-718: 20 point deduction for not following proper outline form!

Due APRIL 17: Senior Reflection # 3:Many times in our lives, a quote or a saying can help guide us through times of trouble, triumph, or simply our everyday life. For this reflection, title your entry, andthen begin with your quote in italics, attribute it, and then write your reflection.The entry can be an explanation of how this quote inspires you, a retelling of an incident that brought you to this quote, or simply how these words help you keep a perspective on life.NO QUOTES OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN! YOU MUST HAVE A SOURCE!

* You are responsible for the content, author, and highlighted words for the following poems: “To a Mouse, ”To a Louse” (Robert Burns); “The Tyger,” “The Lamb” “The Chimney Sweeper,” (Innocence and Experience); “Poison Tree” (William Blake); “Ozymandias” (Shelley); “Ode on a Grecian Urn” (John Keats): Rime of the Ancient Mariner” (Samuel Coleridge)

Tuesday, April 14:

Poetry of Burns, Blake

Wednesday, April 15

Quiz over Romantic Period

Poetry of Burns, Blake, Shelley

Thursday, April 16

Poetry of Keats, Coleridge

Friday, April 17

Poetry of Coleridge

Monday, April 20

Complete poetry of Coleridge