Muscatine County4-HLivestock Project Fair Entry Check List

  • Follow these steps to successfully enter your livestock project in the Muscatine County Fair and/or the Iowa State Fair.

_____ Enroll in livestock project area. Enrolled 4-H members will receive additional information as it becomes available.

_____ Livestock identification formmust be on file in the Extension Office by May 17, 2010, except Market Beef ID forms are due by February 1. Identification forms are required for all beef, sheep, swine; meat goat, horse, dog, dairy cattle, dairy goat, and bucket calf. NO identification forms are required for rabbits, poultry, and pets (except dogs). Animals brought to weigh-ins will already have their ID form in the Extension Office. Forms are available in the Extension Office

______Read monthly Clover Express newsletter for important updates and announcements.

_____ ReadIowa 4-H Animal and Poultry Identification, Weighing, and Exhibiting Requirements for County, State, and Interstate Shows (4H 202, November 2005) available in the Extension Office or is available on line at Note: A current copy should be in your record book.

_____ Food Safety & Quality Assurance (FSQA) certificationrequired by July 1, 2010, for those enrolled in beef, sheep, swine, dairy cattle, dairy goat, meat goat, bucket calf, rabbits and poultry. FSQA certification dates and detailsavailable at by contacting the Extension Office.

_____ Weigh-In Animal(s) – If you have any of the following animals,see date, time and location below for weigh-in information.

  • Market Beef - December 12, 2009, 8:00-10:00 a.m., Kent Product Development Center (formerly Kent Research Farm #1), Muscatine. For Muscatine County Fair, Iowa State Fair, and Ak-Sar-Ben
  • Swine -

Muscatine County Fair Weigh-In for derby swine only- March 20, 9:00-10:30 a.m., Wilton High School Ag Room.

Iowa State Fair Verification for market, derby, and breeding swine- April 24-May 1 at selected sites around the state. An Intent to Participate form should be returned to the State 4-H Office by March 20, 2010. Contact the Extension Office for more information.

  • Sheep - May 15, 2010, 7:30-10:00 a.m., Large Show Ring, Muscatine County Fairgrounds, West Liberty.
    All lambs must be brought to weigh-in. Breeding animals will receive an eartag. Market animals will be weighed. For Muscatine County Fair, Iowa State Fair, and Ak-Sar-Ben
  • Meat Goats - May 15, 2010, 7:30-10:00 a.m., Large Show Ring, Muscatine County Fairgrounds, West Liberty. Market animals only. For Muscatine County Fair, Iowa State Fair, and Ak-Sar-Ben

_____ Read fairbook

  • Muscatine County fairbook will only be available online at
  • Entry forms/cards are available from your club leader or the Extension Office.
  • Iowa State Fair 4-H premium book can be accessed on-line at under the “Competition” tab.

Fair Entry

_____ Muscatine County Fair livestock entries due – Club leaders turn in entry forms to Fair office on June 21-22, 2010. Check with your 4-H leader for your club’s entry date.

_____ State Fair livestock entries and payment due to the Extension Office by July 1, 2010. LATE ENTRIES WILLNOT BE ACCEPTED.

_____ Ak-Sar-Ben entries are due to the Extension Office in August. Watch the Clover Express for details.

_____ Record book to leader by September 1, 2010, to receive premiums.

December 2007

S:/4H Youth/Project Areas/General Livestock/ Steps to showing livestock at fair