Extraordinary General Meeting


Meeting held on Monday 1st May at 6.30pm in the Clubhouse, Didsbury Sports Centre, Millgate Lane, Didsbury

In Attendance: Paul Smart (PS), Andrew Ballantyne (AB), Greg Whelan (GW), Giles Harden (GH), MartynSpink (MS), David Hawdale (DH), Jim O’Neill (JO’N), Pete McIntyre (PM)

Apologies:Steve Gibson

11. / PS welcomed attendees
The minutes from the AGM were approved
PS and MS have met to discuss club banking and reporting arrangements. MS expects to be in a position to provide committee meetings with report on club finances from the start of 2012/13 season
PS reported that club bank account has around £400 after a c.£200 receipt from the senior section and various outlays for recent tournaments are taken into account
Action:PS to add MS as signatory to club bank account
Action: PS to progress removal of Phil [K] as signatory on club bank account
GW reported that senior section’s season had finished and that they had retained their position in their league. Player recruitment remains an issue for the senior section
The top floor of the clubhouse has recently had a deep clean. Investment in floodlighting on pitch(es) under consideration
DH presented an overview of progress made on the development of the Junior section website, which is now embedded within the Old Bedians Club Website, as well as its functionality for the purposes of communication with parents. A weekly fixture email communication has been started to which additional news/information can be added in the future. The committee agreed that very good progress had been made.
Action: DH to ‘switch off’ legacy Young Bedians website
Action: PS to provide DH with archive photos to post, at DH’s discretion, on the current website
Action: DH to continue to process of confirm parent/player details on the website/communication lists
Action: PS to circulate to Committee sample version of monthly ‘hard copy’ newsletter for distribution to parents
There was a discussion of volunteer roles. It was agreed that all parents would be expected to provide support in the kitchen each week, whilst other support would be by request.
Action: GH (with support from DH) to put in place kitchen rota arrangements for next season
Sale Sharks Tag Tournament for U7/U8 on Saturday 5 May to be last club fixture of the season
An end of season event was not discussed at the meeting
Didsbury Festival confirmed as 16 June. There is a requirement for 6 volunteers to walk with the children, although expectation that this will be addressed by parents attending. RFU representative will be running a schools tournament. It is hoped that senior section will provide support on the stall
Action: DH/GH to confirm/communicate volunteering requirements for Didsbury Festival stall
Summer training was discussed and it was agreed that it would take place every fortnight on a Sunday morning for those plying contact rugby.
Action: DH/PS to communicate dates and timing of summer training
A fixture list has been agreed for 2012/13 season, with the season commencing 2 September. There will be no matches during September
Action: DH to post fixture list on website
MS presented a document on proposed 2012/13 club subscription rates and payment methods. The Committee discussed these proposals and a schedule [attached to these minutes] was agreed and approved by the Committee
Action: DH to post agreed subscriptions on website
Action: DH/MS to trial Pitchero subscription collection service to determine if there is any benefit over arrangements currently proposed
John Martindale, the current U8 coach has communicated that he will cease coaching from the end of the season.
The Committee wanted to record their appreciation of his commitment and effort during his time with Young Bedians
The Committee discussed potential coaching options for this age group next year. It was agreed that a combination of first team players who have achieved the relevant coaching qualifications (proposed by GW) and one of the parents of the current team would be the preferred option
Action:PS/PM to discuss coaching role with current U8 parents
The terms of a proposed arrangement with Phil Parker were discussed, a rugby coach from Sale Sharks who has his own company, whereby he would run rugby courses at local schools and through these promote Young Bedians in order to support player recruitment. Young Bedians would pay Phil £10 for each session run. He is currently supporting a number of schools prepare for the Didsbury Festival tournament, paid for by Young Bedians
It was agreed that this arrangement should be undertaken on a trial basis over a clearly defined time period at 2 schools to begin with results monitored. This arrangement may also include some form of performance based payment linked to any growth in player numbers over a period as yet to be defined
Action: GW to circulate a proposal upon which to commission Phil for the proposed trial
The outcome of further discussions upon recruitment and further ideas proposed by members including a bring-a-friend day, establishment of a club link with Parrs Wood High School, promotion of the club at schools outside of Didsbury catchment was agreement that a recruitment strategy was required in order to prioritise and focus efforts
Action: GW and PM agreed to meet ahead of the next Committee meeting to prepare an outline strategy for further discussion at the next Committee meeting and allocation of responsibilities
Action: PS to arrange follow up meeting with Parrs Wood High School to discuss club link for U12/U13
Action: PS to provide inventory of current kit/merchandise at next meeting and proposal for new purchases (subject to available funds)
Further consideration at future meetings to be given to ideas raised i.e. a used ‘Boot Box, kit ‘Swap Shop’, and use of the shop function on the Pitchero website
PS confirmed that he is the current safeguarding lead for the junior section and has undertaken the relevant course. PS re-iterated requirement for any issues in relation to any safeguarding issues to be raised with him by parents/coaches in the first instance
Rugby Ready course to be offered to all parents, club would potentially pay for/subsidise the cost
Date of next meeting is Wednesday 20 June, 6:30pm at the clubhouse / Action by
PS / Date