Maria Rosa Neri Student No: 15262119
Lesson Plan: Area of Study – Rise of Nazi Germany
Lesson Plan Creator: Maria Rosa NeriSubject: Humanities -
History / Topic: Nazi Germany / Duration:
75 minute period x1
Lesson No: 1 / Year Level: 10 / VELS Level: 6
Room Type: Computer Lab or Lap-top classroom (students have individual laptop).
Wiki-space Page/s required for this lesson:
Home Page, 1.Rise of Nazi Germany, 7.Class Blog & 8.Interactive Historical Games.
ICTs & Web 2.0 Technology utilised in this lesson: PowerPoint, electronic whiteboard, digital projector, wiki-space, internet – websites, multi-media clip, on-line activities & blogging & Interactive games.
Appendixes’ for this Lesson:
Ø Appendix B PowerPoint Presentation on Rise of Nazi Germany
Ø Appendix C Rise of Nazi Germany On-Line Activities Questions
Overall Aim/s for the unit or topic:
Ø This introductory lesson – lesson 1 serves as a brief introduction to the study of the Third Reich. The aim during the introductory lesson is to identify as many as possible of the main events and issues surrounding the life of Adolf Hitler (pre 1933) and gain a greater understanding on the establishment of the Nazi Party (NSDAP).
Objectives for the Lesson:
Core Aims
Ø Knowledge of Hitler’s life pre 1933 and his involvement in World War I.
Ø Knowledge of the establishment of the Nazi Party and an understanding of the Nazis’ road to power.
Ø Knowledge and understanding of the Nazis’ political agendas in the 1920s and the political climate of the 1920s-1933.
Ø Knowledge and understanding of Nazi ideology, Nazi symbolism (swastika) and Hitler’s overall reason for the establishment of the Third Reich.
Ø The development of ICT skills within the Humanities - History area.
Key Questions/Issues
Ø How did Hitler become involved in politics? What were his main ideas?
Ø What were the key features of Nazi ideology?
Ø How was the NSDAP reformed after 1925?
Ø How did the economic problems of the Great Depression crate an environment of opportunity for the Nazis’?
Ø What was the ideology behind the Swastika
Ø Hitler’s political ideas political program/agenda
Teacher Resources: / Student Resources:
Lesson plan/agenda & Roll / Wiki-page
Wiki-page / Workbook
Computer/Laptop / Printer & Computer Paper
Internet Access / Internet Access
Digital Projector / Headphones
Electronic Whiteboard / School History Website
Class Blog
Whiteboard Summary & Diagrams (if applicable)
Ø Display the PowerPoint.
Ø Display diagram of Hitler’s main ideas and political ideology
(PowerPoint slide 8)
Extension Work (if applicable)
Ø Inform students that if they did not finish tasks in class or they wish to play the interactive game again, they can do so at home, as the wiki-space is on the World Wide Web, and hence is assessable anytime.
Record Keeping & Progress of Students’ Achievements
Ø Workbooks – teacher to check in class at then end of session that their workbooks and online activities are complete.
Ø On-line Activities Section 1, Activities 1-4 Profile of Hitler 1889-1945 & How Did Hitler Come to Power, will be assessed & marked.
Ø At the end of Unit, I will make sure each activity has been completed to a satisfactory level.
Ø This will be included in their final Humanities – History mark.
Ø Blogging – Class Blog: students’ blog entries will be marked (continual formative evaluation).
Maria Rosa Neri Student No: 15262119
Procedure /Timing / Procedure / Teacher Activity / Student Activity / Resources /
9.00 am / Ø Mark the class roll / P / Ø Class roll & pen
9.02 am / Ø Teacher to give a class tutorial on how to use the class wiki-space page.
Ø Teacher to flag what material and instructions are available for the Home Page section & Section 1 Rise of Nazi Germany / Ø On-line tutorial on how to use the wiki-space & what material can be found there for Section 1 Rise of Nazi Germany. / Ø Students to listen and follow teacher’s instructions on how to utilise the class wiki-page. / Ø Computer/laptop, projector, PowerPoint & wiki-space.
9.15 am / PowerPoint Presentation
Ø Begin PowerPoint Presentation – Rise of Nazi Germany. / Ø Present the PowerPoint presentation
Ø Teacher to project the wiki-page 1.Rise of Nazi Germany, so that students can ‘look-on’ while teacher giving instructions. / Ø Listen to presentation. / Ø Computer/laptop, projector, Interactive whiteboard, PowerPoint & wiki-space.
9.30 am / Ø Students to write down key notes outlined in the PowerPoint.
Ø Notes written in workbooks, if access to laptops or computer lab, students to record notes in a word-processing program i.e. Microsoft Word. / Ø Teacher to supervise students, walk around the room and ensure students are taking notes & behaving,
Ø Provide individual ‘scaffold assistance’ when required. / Ø Write down key notes in their workbooks.
Ø Students can access wiki-space during note-taking. / Ø Computer/laptop, projector, PowerPoint, workbooks & wiki-space.
9.45 am / Multi-Media Clip
Ø Students to individually watch the multi-media (Teacher Tube) clip entitled How & Why Hitler Became Chancellor.
Ø Students must plug in headphones to complete this task. / Ø Provide assistance & answer any questions. / Ø Watch multi-media clip.
Ø Write down key themes highlighted in the clip How & Why Hitler Became Chancellor / Ø Computer/laptop, projector, PowerPoint, workbooks, headphones & internet access & wiki-space.
9.40 am / On-line Activities
Ø Teacher to explain the instructions for the Rise of Nazi Germany On-line Activities, which are accessed on the wiki-page entitled 1.Rise of Nazi Germany.
Ø Inform students that the on-line activities are completed on the School History Website and that there is a save & store data feature in the website so students can save and up-load data.
Ø Teacher to explain activities 1-4 in section 1 (Profile of Hitler 1889-1945, How Did Hitler Come to Power?) & to refer to the instructions (located on the wiki-page) for these activities.
Ø Inform students that to complete these activities they must click on the link provided under each activity. The link will take them to the School History site, specific to that activity.
Ø Inform students that on completion of the activities they can play the interactive historical game, entitled Hitler’s Rise to Power – Walk the Plank, inform students to click on the name of the game – link will re-direct them to the 8. Interactive Historical Games wiki-space & then click on appropriate link.
Ø Inform students that they are to print their answers on completion & inform them that their workbooks & on-line tasks will be check – form part of their assessment. / Ø Teacher to provide instructions to the whole class. / Ø Students to listen to instructions. / Ø Wiki-space, laptop/computer, internet access & School History website.
9.50 am / Ø Students to begin the On-line tasks, Section 1 Activities 1-4. / Ø Teacher to wander around the classroom and provide technical assistance and assistance specific to the content. / Ø Access wiki-space & go to wiki-page entitled 1.Rise of Nazi Germany.
Ø Follow instructions and complete the on-line tasks.
Ø Students to print out completed on-line activities. / Ø Wiki-space page 1. Rise of Nazi Germany, laptop/computer, internet access, School History Website & printer.
10.00 am / Interactive Historical Game
Ø Students to play the Interactive Historical Game entitled Hitler’s Rise to Power – Walk the Plank / Ø Teacher to wander around the classroom, check workbooks, and provide l assistance. / Ø Students to play the interactive game. / Ø Wiki-space page 8. Interactive Historical Games.
10.05 am / Blogging
Ø Inform students that they must write 1 paragraph, which recaps on what they have learnt for following area of study: Rise of Nazi Germany.
Ø Inform students that in their blog they can discuss the PowerPoint, On-line activities and the Interactive Historical Game. / Ø Teacher to check students’ blogs to see if they have done the summary. / Ø Students to write a solid paragraph summarising (in the class blog) what they have learnt in the Rise of Nazi Germany section. / Ø Class blog (page 7), wiki-space page 1 Rise of Nazi Germany, computer/laptop, internet access.
10.15am / Ø End of period.
Ø Teacher to collect the students’ completed on-line activities. / Ø Teacher collects printouts of the on-line tasks.
Maria Rosa Neri Student No: 15262119
Evaluation of Lesson:How will you identify the extent of your students learning?
Ø Student’s ability to understand verbal and on-line instructions.
Ø Student’s ability to effectively use the wiki & the features within it.
Ø Student’s ability to complete set activities.
Ø Student’s ability to work productively.
How will you identify the effectiveness of your teaching?
Ø Engaged students – did students find the content and ICT components interesting?
Ø Questions students may be asking for further clarification.
Ø Student’s ability to follow instructions.
Ø Student’s ability to effectively use ICT within the classroom.
Aim/s Achieved?
Ø Engaged students – did students find the content and ICT components interesting?
Ø Did your students learn the historical content?
Ø Were the on-line activities user-friendly and an appropriate tool for students to learn historical content?
Ø Was the Interactive Historical Game: Game 1 Hitler’s Rise to Power – Walk the Plank an effective teaching tool?
Ø Was the game an effective tool as a form of re-cap and summary on what the students have learnt?
Ø Did the students enjoy this game?
Ø Did this game cause classroom management issues? Or did it benefit classroom management?
Ø Did your student’s learn ICT skills?