WCU Staff Forum Meeting Minutes
March 08 , 2007
UC Cardinal Room
Members Present:William Frady; Cale Wilson; Homer Harris; Peter Lloyd; Tamrick Mull; Kathleen Franks; Carolyn Parris; Mike Stewart; Dawne Coward; Tim Inman; Lisa Surber; Walter Turner; Dianne Lynch; Roseanna Belt; Elizabeth Frazier; Ronda Bryant; Nancy Carden
Members Absent:Michaelle Finch (excused); Jeff Gunter (excused); Sue Grider (excused); Bill Studenc (excused); Donna Welch (excused); Jed Tate (excused)
Ex-Officio Members Present:Dianne Lynch
Guests:Matt Brown, Tom Frazier
Welcome:William welcomed everyone to today’s meeting.
Approval of Agenda:The agenda for today’s meeting was approved with the exception of adding “SACS Reaccreditation” under “New Business”.
Approval of Minutes:The minutes from February were approved as submitted.
Guest Speakers:Brett Woods, Jane Nichols
Brett gave the group an overview of the new University campaign. He distributed materials and briefly reviewed these. Tom Frazier was with Brett, and he spoke to the group as a “cheerleader” for the Staff Forum Scholarship Fund.
Next, Jane Nichols spoke to the group about a Staff Forum resolution in support of The Talloires Declaration (please refer to materials distributed by Jane at today’s meeting). Following her presentation, Walter moved that the group have an opportunity to review this resolution and that it be included on the April agenda for discussion and vote.
Information Items:
The next Executive Committee meeting is scheduled forThursday, April 5, 2007, 2:00-3:00, HFR 453.
The next Staff Forum meeting is scheduled forThursday, April 12, 2007, 8:30-10:30 a.m., Cardinal Room, UC.
Office of Human Resources:In Kath’s absence, Matt Brown reported on the following:
State Health Plan:Reminder that enrollment is ongoing through 3/31/07. Health insurance premiums are also under review in the current legislative session, so we may or may not see an increase in premiums.
Career Banding:Matt says HR is focusing now on administrative processes such as recruitment, budgeting for vacant positions and revisions to current positions. Also, they are focusing on populating the HR website. Career banding information on the HR website is constantly updated.
Chancellor’s Office:The entire campus is heavily involved with SACS right now. The evaluation team will be on campus 4/2-4/07. Also, a major initiative is coming out GA called “UNC Tomorrow”, which is a mission study of all campuses. President Bowles and others will be coming to campus on May 3, 2007 to find out where we want the University to be in 20 years. Finally, Dianne reported on some upcoming events, and those as are follows:
3/22-23/07 Board of Trustees Meeting
4/20/07 Spring General Faculty & Awards Convocation, 3:00, F&PAC Performance Hall
5/5/07 Spring Commencement
Campus Committee Reports:UAC – no report.
Staff Forum Committee Reports:
Human Resources
No report.
Resource & Environment
In Jeff’s absence, Homer reported that the R&E Committee went around campus to look at possible locations for picnic tables and benches. They prepared a map that shows possible locations. At the April meeting, they will provide a more detailed presentation concerning this. Anyone with suggestions for additional sites should contact a member of the R&E Committee.
Public Relations
No report.
Elizabeth talked about the upcoming yard sale. An email will be sent to let everyone know they can get items to Elizabeth or another committee member. Also, this event will be posted on the “WCU Announcements” page on the web.
A call for nominations will go out tomorrow. Everyone is encouraged to make nominations.
Old Business:
Indoor Yard Sale – Discussed under “Scholarship” section
Town Hall Meeting – Discussion of this matter will be tabled for a later meeting.
New Business:
Free Parking for Newly Hired Temporary Employees– Walter made the motion that ANY new hire be offered the same privileges as everyone else. The motion was seconded and it carried unanimously.
Ideas for Improving the Personnel System– Anyone with ideas for improving this system should email those to William as soon as possible as he needs to send a response to the Office of the President at General Administration.
SACS Team- Mike reiterated Dianne’s comments concerning the QEP Team coming to campus, and he provided the following website for our information: wcu.edu/sacs/qep
Open Comments:
Meeting adjourned at 10:25 a.m.