Goddess Sophia Calista

Name: In Greek, “sophia” means wisdom and “calista” means most beautiful. When combined, they mean “wisdom that is most beautiful,” and that is what I think fine writing is; excellent writers make people want to read because they have interesting, intelligent things to say and they craft those thoughts into beautiful phrases.

Goddess/Protector: I am the Goddess of Grammar, because without logical structure, even the smartest thoughts will not be understood. I am the protector of the complete sentence and of higher level vocabulary, because both of these are in danger of extinction.

Nemesis: My nemesis is APATHY. He does not care about learning. He does not care about using capitals or periods. He does not care about anything. Sometimes I fight Apathy with my creativity and sense of humor. But sometimes … (yawn) I just don’t care.

Strengths: The eye represents my two greatest strengths—wisdom, and the supernatural ability to read minds. I know when your assignment cannot be sitting on your dresser at home, because I know that you haven’t done it. I know when you have copied off a website. I know when you have erased the message I left for your mom. Just like Santa, I know if you’ve been good or bad (so be good for goodness sakes)!

Weakness: Alas, I have a bleeding heart. Even though I can read your mind, I sometimes let you get away with little things because I am a softie who just really wants you to pass.

Color: Red is the color which best represents me. Red is the color of passion, and I am passionate about sharing my love for learning with you.

Element: Fire is my element because of its ability to transform. Great writing has the power to transform the way you think and the way you live.

Symbol: My identifying symbol is a gold star. From preschool on, the gold star has meant excellence.

Archetype: The Magic Weapon. My magic weapon is a red pen. With it, I cut deep and bleed all over your paper. You may think that my attacks on your “evils” are harsh. But these are all wounds made by love, wounds that heal twice as strong and make you stronger.