
1) What are the major components of the alimentary canal?

2) What are the accessory digestive organs?

3) What are the six essential activities of the digestive process? Define them.

4) What are the 4 tissue layers of the GI tract?

5) What are the functions of the mucosa?

6) What comprises the oral cavity? What protects it?

7) Describe the two types of palates and their functions.

8) What is the function of the tongue?

9) Name the salivary glands and give (collectively) their functions.

10) What is in saliva and what does it do?

11) How do the primary and permanent teeth differ?

12) What is the difference (functional, structural) between the three different types of adult teeth?

13) Know the components and function of the adult tooth (i.e. crown, enamel, root, neck, cementum, dentin, pulp cavity, pulp, root canal).

14) What are dental caries? What causes them?

15) What is gingivitis?

16) What is periodontitis?

17) What happens to food in the stomach (i.e. type of digestion and name of product)?

18) In the stomach, what do goblet cells do? What is a gastric pit?

19) What cells are present in the stomach fundus and body, and what do they do?

20) What keeps the stomach from digesting itself?

21) What are the major functions of the stomach?

22) What structural modifications of the small intestine increase surface area?

23) What is intestinal juice and what comprises it?

24) Describe the morphology of the liver and be sure to explain the function of the tiny, hexagonal-shaped structures.

25) Where is the bile duct located, what comprises it, and what is its relationship with the gallbladder?

26) What is the composition and function of the bile?

27) What regulates the release of bile?

28) What does the hepatic portal vein do?

29) Give the function of the exocrine glands of the pancreas. Are the enzymes released in an “active” form?

30) Give the endocrine function of the pancreas?

31) How does CCK and Secretin influence secretion of the pancreas?

32) What type of digestion occurs in the small intestine? What is the common type of movement?

33) What are the subdivisions of the large intestine?

34) What are the regions of the colon?

35) What stops feces from being passed with gas?

36) The anus has two sphincters. Which is voluntary and which is involuntary?

37) What is the origin and significance of the bacterial flora of the large intestine?

38) What is the major function of the large intestine?

39) What is the general protocol for defecation (voluntary/involuntary) with respect to rectal wall motion and sphincter contraction?

40) How are proteins, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, and fats digested? How are they absorbed?

41) How are electrolytes absorbed?

42) How is water absorbed?