Lead Clearance Examination Report
Performed On: [Date], [Time]
For site located at:
[Street address], [Unit number, if applicable]
[City, WI Zip code]
Owners Name:
[Owner’s name]
(insert picture of Clearance Property above)
Prepared For:
[Contractor Name]
[Contractor address]
[City], WI [Zip]
Clearance Performed By:
[Name of clearance investigator], DHS Certification #:[xxxxxx],[Job title]
[Company/municipality name]
[Street address]
[City, WI Zip code]
[Phone number]
DHS lead company certification number:[DHS # xxxxxx]
(Note: Complete all items in RED brackets [], as appropriate, thendelete thebrackets. Items in parentheses () are instructions. Deleteanyremainingcomments in RED beforesaving the final version of thisclearance report.
Contractor information:
[Company name], DHSCertification #:
[Abatement supervisor or renovator name], DHS Certification #:
[Company street address]
[Company City, WI Zip code]
[Phone number]
Description of work performed:
[Select one: abatement and/or interim control]work was started on [date] and all work was completed on [date]. The scope of work included:(Describe scope of workor copy and paste from section 7.0 of the risk assessment report.)
Paint Hazards
- Windows – all troughs, interior casings, all interior sills, and all exterior trim components
- Kitchen – wainscoting sides B, C, and D
- Ceiling – bathroom
- Bedroom 2 - closet door, trim, and casing
- Screen door – side B
- Siding –entire garage and side A of dwelling
Dust Hazards
- Window – interior sills throughout the dwelling
Soil Hazards
- Play area – soil under swing set
Visual inspection of the exterior:(Delete section if no work done on exterior)
(Edit section to describe results of exterior visual inspection. Delete the paragraphs that do not apply)
On [date], a visual inspection of the exterior found no dust, debris, or paint chips on the ground or on horizontal surfaces in the work areas and adjacent to the work areas. All painted surfaces not previously tested to be lead-free were in good condition at the time of this clearance examination.
On [date], a visual inspection of the exterior found paint chips on the ground in the work areas and adjacent to the work areas. Clearance of the property failed and the contractor was notified of the responsibility to re-clean.
On [date], a second visual inspection of the exterior was conductedafter additional cleaning by the contractor.No dust, debris, or paint chips were found on the ground or on horizontal surfaces in the work areasor adjacent to the work areas. All painted surfaces not previously tested to be lead-free were in good condition at the time of this clearance examination.
Visual inspection of the interior:(Delete section if no work done on interior)
(Edit to describe results of interior visual inspection. Delete paragraphs that do not apply)
On [date], a visual inspection was conducted in the (list rooms inspected) [living room, dining room, bedrooms, bathroom, and kitchen.] No visible dust, debris, or paint chips were observed on floorsor any horizontal surfaces in the work areas and adjacent to the work areas. All painted surfaces not previously tested to be lead-free were in good condition at the time of this clearance examination.
On [date], a visual inspection was conducted in the (list rooms inspected) [living room, dining room, bedrooms, bathroom, and kitchen]. Visible dust, debris, or paint chips were found on the (list surfaces and rooms)[example: floor andwindow troughin the bathroom and carpet in bedroom 2]. Clearance of the property failed and the contractor was notified of the responsibility to re-clean.
On [date], a second visual inspection was conducted after the contractor completed additional cleaning in the (list rooms and locations re-cleaned) [examples: living room, dining room, bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen]. No visible dust, debris, or paint chips were found on floors or any horizontal surfaces in the work areasor adjacent to the work areas. All painted surfaces not previously tested to be lead-free were in good condition at the time of this clearance examination.
Dust Sample Analysis:Delete this section if clearance failed visual inspection.
Dust wipe samples were collected following documented protocol and sampling methodologies found inWisconsin Admin.Codech. DHS 163 and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) “Guidelines for the Evaluation and Control of Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Housing.”The field collection of settled dust samples using wipe sampling methods is used to determine the presence of lead dust hazards on floors, windowsills, and window troughs in a residential structure. In Wisconsin, a lead dust hazard is present if thelaboratory results show levels of lead that are equal to or are greater than 40 micrograms per square foot (µg/ft²) on a floor, 250 µg/ft² on a windowsill, and 400 µg/ft² on a window trough.
On [date], a total of [xx] dust wipe samples were collected and analyzed. One field blank sample anonymously marked was included and analyzed as a quality control check. Samples were analyzed by the:
Wisconsin Occupational Health Laboratory (WOHL)
2601 Agriculture Drive
Madison, WI 53718
(Complete the Wipe Sampling Summary Table using actual sampling results, completing all information. Select and use the appropriate findings (1, 2, or 3) based on the sampling results.)
Wipe Sampling Summary Table (List actual sampling data in each column.)
Sample # / Room / Sample Location / Results / Standard / Pass / FailABC-01 / Kitchen / Floor / <4.5 µg/ft² / 40 µg/ft² / Pass
ABC-02 / Kitchen / Windowsill C1 / <4.5 µg/ft² / 250 µg/ft² / Pass
ABC-03 / Living room / Windowsill A2 / <4.5 µg/ft² / 250 µg/ft² / Pass
ABC-04 / Living room / Window Trough B2 / 640µg/ft² / 400 µg/ft² / Fail
ABC-05 / Living room / Carpet / 220µg/ft² / 40 µg/ft² / Fail
ABC-06 / Bedroom 1 / Carpet / <4.5 µg/ft² / 40 µg/ft² / Pass
ABC-07 / Bedroom 1 / Windowsill D3 / <4.5 µg/ft² / 250 µg/ft² / Pass
ABC-08 / Bedroom 2 / Window Trough / <4.5 µg/ft² / 400 µg/ft² / Pass
ABC-09 / Bedroom 2 / Carpet / <4.5 µg/ft² / 40 µg/ft² / Pass
ABC-10 / Entry Landing / Floor / 400µg/ft² / 40 µg/ft² / Fail
ABC-11 / Bathroom / Floor / <4.5 µg/ft² / 40 µg/ft² / Pass
ABC-12 / Blank / <4.5 µg/ft² / 50 µg/ft² / Pass
[Finding 1](Use if all wipe sampling results pass the clearance standard on the first attempt and no lead dust hazards are found.)
Based on the results of a visual inspection and laboratory analysis of dust wipe samples, no lead hazards were identified. This property has passed clearance. Future activities in and around the property may create new lead hazards or cause lead hazards corrected with interim control methods to reappear.
It is recommended thatregularongoing monitoring and visual inspection of the property be conducted to identify any areas of new deterioration. This may be done by the home owner or a certified risk assessor or hazard investigator. Any area of new deterioration, rot, and substrate or component failure should be corrected with an ongoing property maintenance program.
[Finding 2](Remove this finding and table below if clearance passes the first time.Use if one or more wipe samples failsthe clearance standard.)
Based on the results of laboratory analysis of dust wipe samples, lead dust hazards were identified in the (list rooms and components that failed) [kitchen floor, living room carpet,and bedroom 2 window trough]. This property failed clearance. The contractor was notified of the responsibility to re-clean all failed components in the rooms that failed and in all un-sampled rooms.
On [date], a total of [xx] dust wipe samples were collected from areas that had failed clearance and were analyzed. One field blank sample anonymously marked was included and analyzed as a quality control check. Samples were analyzed by the:
Wisconsin Occupational Health Laboratory (WOHL)
2601 Agriculture Drive
Madison, WI 53718
Wipe Sampling Summary Table(Include all areas resampled)
Sample # / Room / Sample Location / Results / Standard / Pass / FailABC-01 / Kitchen / Floor / <4.5 µg/ft² / 40 µg/ft² / Pass
ABC-02 / Living room / Carpet / <4.5 µg/ft² / 40 µg/ft² / Pass
ABC-03 / Bedroom 2 / Window Trough / <4.5 µg/ft² / 400 µg/ft² / Pass
ABC-04 / Blank / <4.5 µg/ft² / 50 µg/ft² / Pass
[Finding 3](Remove if clearance passes the first time.Use if re-cleaning was conducted and resampling indicates the failed areas now pass the clearance standard.)
Based on the results of a visual inspection and laboratory analysis of dust wipe samples, no lead hazards were identified following the re-cleaning of work areas. This property has passed clearance. Future activities in and around the property may create new lead hazards or cause lead hazards corrected with interim control methods to reappear.
It is recommended thatregularongoing monitoring and visual inspection of the property be conducted to identify any areas of new deterioration. This may be done by the home owner or a certified risk assessor or hazard investigator. Any area of new deterioration, rot, and substrate or component failure should be corrected with an ongoing property maintenance program.
Disclosure Requirement
A copy of this summary must be provided to new lessees (tenants) and purchasers of this property under Federal Law Section 1018 of Title X before they become obligated under a lease or sales contract. The complete report must also be provided to new purchasers and be made available to new tenants. Landlords (lessors) and sellers are also required to distribute an educational pamphlet and include standard warning language in their leases or sales contracts to ensure that parents have the information they need to protect their children from lead-based paint hazards.
Clearance Investigator:______Date:______
(If needed, add another signature line for an additional clearance investigator)
Contact me at[phone number and email address]with any questions regarding this report.
Cc: Owner
Tenant, if rental property
Floor plan with sample locations marked – required (use floor plan from risk assessment)
Copy of lab results –(strongly recommended, but optional)
Pictures – (recommended of affected areas if dust, debris or incomplete work is found)