Graduate Women New Zealand

Whakaminenga Wahine o Aotearoa kua whiwhi Tohu

P O Box 2006


At GWNZ, we aim to make a positive difference to the education and employmentoutcomes for girls and women in New Zealand and internationally.

Join us as an independent member

If you are eligible for GWNZ Membership, and live in an area where there is no Branch of NZFGW, or you do not wish to join a branch, then join us as an Independent Member.

As an Independent member you

•Connect with each other through the Independent Members Network.

•Are represented at the GWNZ AGM and on Council through the Independent Members Network

•Belong to a worldwide community of women promoting international friendship and peace and supporting empowerment of women through education, through our affiliation with Graduate Women International (GWI)

•Receive the National Executive News, published about ten times each year, with news andinformation for GWNZ members

•Are eligible to apply for a number of fellowships and awards offered by NZFGW and its Branches, as well as GWI Fellowships (see the website details).

Subscription rates

Graduate Member (degree or equivalent)$55 (Includes Graduate Women International Dues)

Associate Member (Diploma only)$35.

The financial year runs from 1 July to 30 June

To join as an Independent Member

To become an Independent Member of the GWNZ fill in the form below, email to the Convenor for Independent Members or post to GWNZ Membership, PO Box 2006, Wellington.

Subscriptions can be paid by Internet Banking or cheque. The details are on the form.

To find out more

Email Pat Sivertsen, Convenor for Independent Members

Graduate Women New Zealand

Whakaminenga Wahine o Aotearoa kua whiwhi Tohu

P O Box 2006



TITLE:(Prof, Rev, Hon, Dame, Dr, Mrs, Miss, Ms)



(Please state qualification, granting institution and year gained for each)



PHONE: (day)(evening)


Current Employment and Interests (optional but appreciated, as is a copy of your CV):

Details of any previous GWNZ/ NZFGW Membership(optional but appreciated as it completes our records)

The above information is required for our membership records and to comply with the Incorporated Societies Act. Its use is limited by the Privacy Act.


ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION (due 31 July annually)

Graduate member




(includes Graduate Women International Dues)

Associate member






Internet banking

Please credit your subscription amount to the NZFGW Inc bank account 03 1571 0018209 00, with New IM inthe reference field and your name in the Code field. Email the completed form to the Convenor for Independent Members, Pat Sivertsen


Please make your cheque payable to NZFGW Inc and mail together with the form to Independent Membership , GWNZ, PO Box 2006, Wellington 6140, New Zealand

Changing the World by Degrees