2-Page Template with Questions

Title: The Secret Life of Bees Subject/Course: Literacy
Topic: To learn about the Black Madonna and its connection with the characters in the novel The Secret Life of Bees. Grades: 8 Designers: Tonia Taylor
Stage 1 – Desired Results
Established Goals: G
Students will understand the importance of the Black Madonna by searching the internet to determine its significance in European and American cultures. Students will also be able to identify its importance to Lily, May, June, and August.
Through research the students will understand that the Black Madonna or Black Virgin is a statue or painting of Mary in which she is depicted with black or dark skin. This name applies in particular to European statues or pictures of Madonna which are of special interest because her dark face and hands is thought by some to be the true color. The Black Madonnas are generally medieval, or copies of medieval figures and are found in Catholic areas. The statues are mostly wooden but occasionally stone.
When the Daughters of Mary visit August’s home one Sunday, August tells the story of how during slavery, a statue of the Black Madonna was found by a slave. It was determined by slaves that the statue was the mother of Jesus, Mary, who had seen suffering of every kind. The slaves believed the statue was sent to ease their pain. For Lily, it becomes a symbol of hope as Lily has suffered as well. / Essential Questions Q
What is the Black Madonna?
What is the connection between The Black Madonna and Lily’s mother? Is there a connection?
Why do the sisters keep a statue of the Black Madonna in their home?
What does the Black Madonna symbolize for Lily?
Students will know… The students will understand why the author uses the Black Madonna in the novel. Students will understand that the statue is a symbol of power and hope. K / Students will be able to… S
Make the connection between Lilly’s empowerment and the Black Madonna.
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks T
E2B- Response to Literature
Key Criteria
Other Evidence:
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Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Learning Activities: Consider the WHERETO elements
Working in groups, the students will be able to identify examples of Lily growth and empowerment. Possible examples
Include her ability to stand up to her father, her decision to remain with August, although she is
Aware that June would prefer it if she left. Her self-analysis about her prejudices. Her decision
to subsequently touch the heart of the Black Madonna, although June denies her the opportunity to do so.
After the students have identified examples of Lily’s growth, they will determine if and how the
Image of the statue has helped her to find information about her mother and empower herself. This
Question will be answered in an essay of at least 250.

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