Lesson plan by Katerina Karahaliou

A. Students and Setting

Students: Second grade students (ages 7-8). It’s the second year they have been learning English. A typical mixed- ability class.

Setting: This is a PEAP school. There are 20 students in the class whom the teacher meets for 45 minutes twice a week.

B. Lesson Background:

During the previous lesson Ss were engaged in activities related to toys as well as the question “What’s your favourite toy?” (which was set as the secret password for this lesson) and the corresponding answer “My favourite toy is a _____.”Moreover, they revised “What’s this?-It’s a ____.”

C. Learning Objectives/Expected Results:

The aim of this lesson is for Ss to consolidate the toy-related vocabulary and to learn “I’ve got”. Also, the question “have you got?” is to be introduced but further practised during the next session.

D. Materials and Sources:

Materials:Jo, the class puppet

board and marker

a box with: 3 dolls, 3 different-coloured toy cars, a toy dinosaur, a cowboy, a small teddy bear, a toy cat, a toy piglet, a small astronaut, a yo-yo, a robot, a jeep, a small clown, a ship, a small part of a train, 2 balls (the contents of the box may vary depending on the things the T has taught and can find at home.) Alternatively, instead of real toys, the T could use cut-out pictures from children’s magazines.


E. Procedures / Timing:


Teacher … / Students . . . / Approximate Time
Before entering the classroom, T asks Ss to tell their secret password.
Then he/she invites one S after the other to answer the question and silently sit at their desks.
He then writes the word “Toys” on the board / Ss chorally say “What’s your favourite toy?”
Ss answer and take their seats. / 1 minute
4 minutes
After everyone has taken their seats, Jo, the class puppet, pops out of the T’s bag, says “Hi” to Ss and asks how they are.
Jo tells Ss he has a surprise for them and shows them a box with some of his toys. / Ss answer to Jo.
Ss look at the box and wait for the toys to appear. / 1 minute
2 minutes
Jo says: Now, children, what have I got in the box? Look! I’ve got a … doll (Jo waits for the Ss to tell the word). She’s big and pretty.I’ve got a …toy car. It’s red and small.”, and goes on to present all the toys. / Ss provide the toy vocabulary. / 8 minutes
T writes the structure “I’ve got” on the board along with its Greek meaning and puts the toys back in the box. S/he then says:
Now we’ll do an activity. You will close your eyes and I’ll put one toy under your desk. When I tell you, you’ll open your eyes and tell the class what you’ve got.
T puts the toys on Ss’ desks. / Try to understand the activity.
Ss close their eyes and wait for the teacher’s signal to open them. / 2 minutes.
2 minutes
Tells Ss to open their eyes and tells each one to say what they’ve got under their desks.
Every time a student has done his/her part of the activity, T collects the toy and puts it back in the box. / Say what they’ve gotunder their desks. The rest of the class acts as audience and provides feedback when necessary. / 10minutes
After all Ss have taken their turn, T says: Now I’ll show you some flashcards and ask you if you really have got the toy shown in the picture. If you have, you will answer “Yes, I have” with your thumbs up, if not you’ll say “No, I haven’t” with your thumbs down.
He then tells Ss to repeat chorally both the question and the answers using the gestures mentioned and writes them on the board. / Ss chorally repeat the sentences they hear moving their thumbs up or down accordingly. / 2minutes
2 minutes
Goes around the class performing the activity. / Ss answer T’s questions and provide feedback in case needed. / 8 minutes
Both the T and the puppet praise Ss on their good work and set the secret password for the next lesson: “I’ve got a toy!”
Tells Ss “Goodbye! See you next time!” / Repeat the secret password chorally.
Say “Bye!” and leave the classroom. / 2 minutes
1 minute

F. Alternative Assessment:

For this class period, what the T needs to assess is if Ss remember the toy-related vocabulary and if they can use the structure “I’ve got”. In case, some Ss find difficulty in producing either of these, s/he can act as a facilitator and provide feedback so that Ss maintain their positive attitude towards the lesson.

G. Reflection

I think that this lesson plan helps Ss practise both receptive and productive skills, since they are involved in choral repetition as well as producing language for real purposes in a relaxing, non- threatening atmosphere. It also keeps Ss focused on task with the use of realia, flashcards, a little body movement and of course the class puppet who acts as the alter ego of the T to introduce new language and structures. One possible problem which could arise is Ss getting too eager to present the toys left to them by the T and therefore start shouting, but this could be dealt with if the T makes it clear to them from the beginning that s/he is to tell which S is to speak each time. Moreover, s/he could give/show the easier items to less competent Ss, so as for them to accomplish their task and boost their self-confidence.