PARC Program Application
*Required Items
*1. Amount Requested - Select - Mini Grant (Less than $5,000) or Major Grant ($5,000 or more)
*2. Name of Applicant/Organization
*3. Name of Main Contact
*4. Street Address
*5. Phone Number
*6. Email
7. Web Address
*8. Applicant Eligibility - Select all that apply
- My organization is located within American Fork City.
- I attended the American Fork PARC Application Workshop.
- My organization maintains nonprofit status.
*9. Is your organization registered with the State of Utah?
- Yes
- No
*10. What is your Federal Tax ID Number?
*11. Application Category
- Private Non-profit Cultural Organization
- Public Cultural Facility
- Recreational Facility
*12. Executive Summary - Provide a short summary of who you are, why you are applying, and what you propose to do with the funds.
1500 characters
*13. Mission/Goals - Describe your organization's mission, what it does, and major accomplishments the organization has had. Describe your short-term and long-term goals and objectives, and your plans for achieving them.
2500 characters
*14. Community Served - Describe your primary and/or target audience. Estimate the number of American Fork residents that have been served by your organization.
1500 characters
*15. Outreach - How does your organization promote or market its work?
1500 characters
*16. Staffing/Board Members - Please provide the number of paid full-time staff, number of paid part-time staff, number of contract personnel, number of volunteers, and current names, addresses and phone numbers of Board Members.
1500 characters
*17. Project Overview - Describe in detail the project for which you are requesting PARC funding. Include the purpose and need. Include any relevant details that may be helpful in evaluating the project.
2500 characters
*18. Goals - Describe your organization's short-term and long-term goals and how PARC funding will help accomplish them.
1500 characters
*19. Community Impact - Describe how this project will enhance the quality of life for residents of American Fork.
1500 characters
*20. Measurable Outcomes - Describe how you will demonstrate measurable outcomes of the success of this project.
1500 characters
*21. Funding - Describe how your organization is funded. What sources of funding has your organization secured in the past 12 months? What percentage of your budget comes from donated funds?
1500 characters
*22. Project Funds List - List in detail how PARC grant money will be used. Specify if funds are used for a specific project, operating expenditures or both.
2500 characters
*23. What is the total dollar amount of your funding request?
*24. How will requested funds be used?
- Specific Project
- Operating Expenses
- Both a project and operating expenses
*25. Provide details on how the funds will be used. Please give specific amounts for: administrative salaries and benefits, personnel salaries and benefits, independent contractor fees, materials, royalties/licensing fees, travel and housing, facility rent (including utilities), marketing, office expenses, Other (if more than 10% please specify).
1500 characters
*26. UPLOAD CHECKLIST. All applicants are required to upload three years of financial statements (or less if the organization is newly formed), one year pro forma projections, and an organizational chart including both the title and the names of individual filling key positions. If applicable, include a copy of the organization's IRS 501(c)(3) letter.