
Sustainability Role model project

Find a sustainability role model who has something in common with you. You may not use the fact that you are a male and your sustainability role model is a male.

Complete a Google Slides presentation in Google Classroom about this person.

1.Title slide: Name/Date/ Course/ Name of Sustainability role model.

2.Why I chose this person? What do I have in common with this person?

3.Brief biography of the person

4. Interesting personal facts about this person


6.At least one picture that shows the person and his/her accomplishment

7.How did this person affect sustainability? Analyze the three pillars of sustainability to draw your conclusion.

8. How could you help carry on the work this person started?

9.Citations (consult for format)

You will be required to do a 2-4 minute presentation about this person. Look on the back of the page for the rubric

Sustainability Role Model Project Rubric: (NOTE: Rubric is continued on the back of the page)

Student Name:______Topic:______

Area / 1 point / 2 points / 3 points / 4 points / Self Evaluation / Teacher Evaluation
1.Title Page: Name, class, date, picture of your role model / More than 2 items missing / Two items missing / One item missing / All items included
2.Commonality: What do you have in common? / Minimal / Partial explanation. Main idea is unclear / Partial explanation but main idea is given / Full explanation given
3.Biography: contains childhood information, birth date/place, education and vision (vision triangle) / Minimal work / Partial explanation / Main ideas are present but partial explanation / Full explanation of at least 4 ideas
4.Personal Facts: At least 3 interesting facts. Bonus of 5 points for a video of an interview with the person. / Minimal work done / Partial explanation / At least 2 facts explained / Full explanation of at least 3 facts
5.Achievements: What will this person be remembered for? / Minimal work done / Partial explanation / Partial explanation but big ideas are present / Full explanation of achievements
6. Picture of Accomplishment and why it is an example of sustainability. / Minimal work done / Small picture. Little explanation of example / Marginal picture or
Example is not clearly explained / Full picture. Good size and quality. Appropriate image.
7.Three pillars of sustainability are analyzed. What is the extent of this person’s work (who or what did the work affect)? / Minimal work done / Some work done but main ideas are missing / Main ideas are explained / Complete explanation
8. Personal work I could do to follow in this person’s footsteps / Minimal work done / Some work done but main ideas are missing / Main ideas are explained / Complete connection is explained
9.Citations are relevant and reliable. / Minimal work done. One or fewer citations. / At least 2 citations are listed in improper format / 2 citations are mostly complete and accurate / 3 citations completed citations in proper format.