Cyngor CymunedCeulanamaesmawrCommunity Council

Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 24 February2014, in Neuadd Goffa Tal-y-bont.

Present: Councillors Nest Jenkins; David Evans; Emyr Davies; Gerwyn Jones; Megan Mai; Rhian Evans; Eric Roberts and Enoc Jenkins (Chair).

Apologies: Councillors Bleddyn Huws; Glenys Edwards and Ellen ap Gwynn.

Also present were Helen Lewis, RAY Ceredigion, and the Clerk, Lowri Jones.


  1. Chair's welcome

The Chair, Councillor Enoc Jenkins, extended a warm welcome to members to the meeting and gave a special welcome to Helen Lewis of RAY Ceredigion.

  1. Declarations of Interest

Councillor Megan Mai declared a personal interest in item 7.i. (i.e. Planning Application No.A130121). The Councillor left the room during the deliberations on this item.

  1. Minutes

As there were a few errors in the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 27 January it was agreed to defer confirming them until the March meeting.

  1. Matters Arising:

i.Recycling Bins

Councillor Gerwyn Jones led the discussion, on behalf of Tal-y-bont Youth Club, with Helen Lewis from RAY Ceredigion on the principle of offering financial support to RAY Ceredigion from the funding received for the Youth Club's recycling bins service. As RAY Ceredigion is officially due to close in December 2014, it was agreed not to confirm funding to RAY Ceredigion at present. However, it was agreed that Helen Lewis should return to the Council before the summer for further discussions once there is further information on the future development of the Tal-y-bont scheme.

ii. Council's Website

The ex-Clerk continues this work on behalf of the Council. The most recent news is that the website should be ready to go live by 1 March.

iii. Glanyrafon Grit Bin

Councillor Rhian Evans reported that the bin has not yet been repaired. As there had been no response to two earlier letters it was agreed to phone Ceredigion Council.

iv.Bont-goch Street Lamps

Councillor Emyr Davies reported that the street lamp near the entrance to the Bont-goch Water Works had not yet been repaired and that the overgrowth that hides the light from the street lamp near the bridge in Bont-goch had not been cleared. As there had been no response to the earlier letters on these issues it was agreed to phone the County Council.

  1. Free Trees

No suggestions were forthcoming from Council members as to where a tree or trees could be planted in the community. It was agreed instead to support any application presented by Ysgol Tal-y-bont, and to enquire of the County Council whether a tree had been earmarked for the Community Council that could be presented to the school.

vi. Hedge Trimming

Councillor Nest Jenkins reported that the ditch on the Cwm Ceulan road had not yet been cleared so thatsurface water continues to be a problem on the road. It was also noted that the hedge near Penlon-las had still not been trimmed. It was agreed to contact the County Council once again as a matter of urgency.

  1. Correspondence:

i)Cambrian Mountains - Display Event

An invitation was received to an exhibition event organised by Cambrian Mountains on Wednesday 26 February in the Talbot Hotel, Tregaron. This was an event about local tourism and business.

ii)Biosffer Dyfi - Biosffer Dyfi Liaison Scheme

Biosffer Dyfi has launched a draft Liaison scheme.They welcome any comments that the Council may have or, if requested, Biosffer Dyfi is offering to send a representative from the Partnership to one of the Council's meetings during the spring. It was agreed to invite a representative to the March meeting of the Council.

iii) One Voice Wales - Conserving and Maintaining Welsh War Memorial Heritage Conference

One Voice Wales, Cadw and the War Memorials Trust are organising a conference to discuss matters related to war memorials, especially in the light of the centenary of the beginning of World War I this year. The aim of the conference is to offer advice and information and to provide an opportunity for networking. Included on the agenda will be maintenance and conservation of war memorials, grant funding and engaging the community. Also, there will be a discussion of a new funding scheme for maintaining and conserving war memorials in Wales by Cadw. The conference will be held on the Royal Welsh Show Field, Builth Wells on 27 March 2014

iv) One Voice Wales - Proposed Motions for Annual Conference/AGM 2014

The AGM will be held on 4th October 2014. Any motion presented must reflect nationwide issues as One Voice Wales cannot accept motions relevant only to one specific area.

v) Cynghrair Cymunedau Cymru - Annual Meeting

An invitation was received to attend the Annual Meeting of Cynghrair Cymunedau Cymraeg on Saturday 1st March in Yr Oriel, Llangefni. 10am - 4pm.

vi) Independent Panel for Financial Remuneration - Annual Report

The Panel's Annual Report for 2014/15 had been received. For information, it includes the revised rates of the allowances that can be claimed by members of community councils. The Clerk reported that she had filed the document for information in the event of a Councillor needing to claim expenses.

vii) Ceredigion County Council – Consultative Meeting 2014

An invitation had been received from Ceredigion County Council to attend a consultative meeting with the Leader of the County Council, Councillor Ellen ap Gwynn and the Chief Executive, Miss Bronwen Morgan, on Monday 24th March at 7pm. It was agreed that the Chair, Councillor Enoc Jenkins, andthe Clerk should attend the meeting, and that they should raise the issue of the poor condition of the rural lanes (and related problems) in the area and in the county.

viii) Ceredigion County Council – Ceredigion for all: Our Livelihoods,Our Economic Regeneration Strategy

A letter was received drawing the Council’s attention to the consultation about ‘Ceredigion for all: Our Livelihoods, Our Economic Regeneration Strategy’ which was launched on 20 January. The aim of the strategy is to integrate the chief assets of the County in an attempt to transform socio-economic issues into opportunities for the county to renew its economy. It is hoped that the strategy will not only be for the County Council but for other Ceredigion agencies. Responses to the consultation are invited by Monday 3 March(these could be presented in the form of opinions, comments,additional information or in answer to specific questions in the consultation document).

  1. Planning

i. Appeal: Application A130121, Old Coach House, Maes-y-felin, Talybont (Request to release conditions 5, 6 & 7 from application number A090372.)

The Welsh Government has informed the Community Council that it has accepted the appeal against the decision of the County Council. The Council was invited to present further comments if it so wished. The Council declined the invitation.

  1. Financial
  1. Expenditure:

It was agreed to make the following payments: One Voice Wales annual membership - £124. The cheque to Un Llais Cymru will be sent in the 2014/15 financial year.

  1. Cae Bach

The Cae Bach assessment form for March was distributed.

  1. AOB

i. Grit Bin

Councillor Enoc Jenkins reported that the grit bin on the road between Pensarn and Cwmslaid was broken. It was agreed to draw this to the attention of the County Council

ii. Maes Chwarae Goal Posts

Councillor Gerwyn Jones enquired whether or not the goalposts in the Maes Chwarae were insured by the Community Council. It was agreed that the Clerk would clarify the position before the next meeting.

iii. Cae Bach Light

It was reported that the lamp in Cae Bach was broken. It was agreed to report the matter to the County Council.

iv. Ffos-Fudr

Following Gwilym Jenkins's letter in the February issue of Papur Pawbabout the disappearance of Ffos-Fudr, it was agreed that the Clerk should investigate the matter further.

The meeting ended at 9.20 pm