January 3, 2018

RFP 307140 - Questions and Answers

1)Pg 9 of 22 of the RFP- A.12 Rate Schedule – Would it be advantageous to the buyer if the pricing for CLIN 2 to have the Professional Service fees broken out to demonstrate the costs to implement the Mandatory requirements, Highly Preferred Requirements and the Preferred requirements?

Response: Yes, breaking the professional service fees out would be helpful.

2)Pg 15 of 22 of the RFP- - H.1- Software License Agreement – Did the buyer intend to include the Software License agreement that the Buyer has reviewed and accepted under Department of Energy Prime Contract No. DEAC0609RL14728 for the subcontractor’s review?

Response: This is actually a clause for the subcontract award, to incorporate the vendor’s software license agreement. MSA would like the bidders to provide any software license agreements that apply to the software being proposed.

3)Pg 19 of 22 of the RFP- – I.3.3 -Limitation of Liability – Services– Is it intent of the buyer to hold the subcontractor financially responsible in perpetuity after acceptance of the product?

Response: Yes

4)SMART System Functional Requirements Document- 2.3.5 Users- Table 4

  1. How manyconcurrentEngineers/Scientists will be performing the activities associated with the functions listed?

Response: Theoretically, all engineer/scientist users (35 estimated) could be using the system at the same time to perform the listed functions. However, realistically it is estimated that only 10 users would be using the system at the same time to perform the listed functions.

  1. How manySamplers willconcurrentlyuse the handhelds to collect sample field data?

Response: It is estimated that no more than 50 users would concurrently use the handheld barcode readers at the same time.

5)Appendix B - Radiological Release Calculations: Page B-9 - The provided FORTRAN source code for the functions RLCALC and STKFLO calls to three utility modules that are not provided in the documentation (CHKBIT, DECODE and FETCHR) Can we get a copy of these routines for validation against the provided logic?

Response: Yes. The text files are attached with the corresponding names: CHKBIT.txt, DECODE.txt, FETCHR.txt

6)What type of hardware/handhelds are currently used to collect data in the field?

Response: MSA will provide Barcode Readers – MSA needs Specifications of compatible reader for vendor product for purchase. The current model used at Hanford is not compatible with Windows 10 and will be replaced. That bar code reader Model is: Intermec CN50 Mobile Computer for Windows Mobile 6.1. The User Manual and Specification (IntermecCN50Mobil Computer UserManual.pdf) have been provided on the MSA solicitations external website.

7)Will the bar code printers work with the latest version of Microsoft windows? What is the hardware name/model numbers?

Response: The current model used at Hanford is not compatible with Windows 10 and will be replaced. That bar code reader Model is: Intermec CN50 Mobile Computer for Windows Mobile 6.1. The User Manual and Specification (IntermecCN50Mobil Computer UserManual.pdf) have been provided on the MSA solicitations external website.

8)Will MSA purchase the hardware/handhelds to be used in the field or try to use current inventory?

Response:MSA will provide Barcode Readers. See response to Question #6.

9)In Attachments A and B, is it permissible to checkmark more than one box? For example, if the specification requires 5 items and only 1 item is not currently available, would it be permissible to checkmark both “Provided” and “Modified”?

Response: Please check the most applicable box and provide clarification details concerning individual items in the provided details column of the spreadsheet.

10)Per the CYBER QUESTIONS CONCERNING CLOUD SERVICE PROVIDER, can you tell us the HLAN complexity requirements for passwords?

If single, does the CSP password policy for data access meet HLAN complexity requirements?

Response: The following are the Hanford password requirements

  • Must be changed within 180 days
  • Must contain at least eight non-blank characters
  • Must contain upper and lower case letters, digits and special characters
  • Must contain at least one special character within the first seven positions
  • Must contain a non-digit in the first and last positions
  • Must not contain a Hanford ID
  • Must not contain words, names or places
  • Must not contain simple patterns of letters or digits
  • Must not contain any common dictionary words
  • Must not be a previous password from the last 24 passwords used

11)Question – can you provide updated schedule dates due to delay in RFP submission date?

Adhere to the following estimated project schedule:

  • Estimated Project Start Date: January 10, 2018
  • Functional system available for testing in parallel with existing systems: June 10, 2018
  • Production system implementation of SMART:September 27, 2018

Response: Due to the approximate 30 day extension in the RFP submission date, the estimated project start date and functional system testing date will be extended 30 days. However, the Buyer would like to adhere to the production system implementation date for SMART of September 27, 2018.Offerors should provide their implementation schedule as part of their proposal.

12)Can you identify if this system has APIs that can be used, or what are the general specifications of the IDMS, such as “Sharepoint” or other standard records management system that is in use?

P / RR.01 / Ability to send EDDs and selected reports in the database electronically to IDMS (i.e., the Hanford records management system).

Response:The Integrated Data Management System (IDMS) uses a custom web service and content server to support the population of IDMS. Specifications are provided from IDMS support team to support the export of files with the appropriate metadata to a storage area where an IDMS service will process and upload the files based on the metadata information provided.

13)Can you clarify how many mobile users? Licenses for mobile? The number 440 is mentioned but not clear if this is for mobile user’s as well or just general users.

Response: There are 35 handheld mobile devices in production use. There are rarely more than 20 in use at any one time.

14)For a SaaS (cloud) system, do you want additional Third party independent backup? For software?For data?

Response: Third party independent backup for software orfor data has not been specified.

15)For a SaaS (cloud) system, do you require a Software escrow agreement?

Response:Yes a software escrow agreement will be required for either on prem or SaaS.

16)IsFedRAMPa requirement or a suggestion? Can a SOC1 and SOC 2 audit serve as a substitute toFedRAMP?

Response:FedRAMP is not a requirement. SOC1 and SOC2 is not a substitute. FedRAMP compliance helps to support timely risk identification and risk management to validate the service and use of a cloud service provider.

17)Page 6 ofHNF-61586says: "The ABCASH data size is 2582.81MGand thehistorical data is represented in Table 1 by the number of samples collected per year and the". Please define what is MG? MB or GB? Or something else?

Response:MB is the appropriate identifier.

18)Can you clarify what this requirement is related to in terms of “performance monitoring”? Is this related to on premises software/server performance or something else? Thank you.

HP / UR.03 / Customizable performance monitoring and reporting capabilities.

Response: This related to on premises software/server performance only.

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