To The Administrator Addressed

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January 25, 2008


Subject: Assignment of Test Monitors for 2007-2008 State Assessment Administrations by the Texas Education Agency

The Texas Education Agency (TEA) is committed to test integrity within the statewide assessment program. Maintaining the security and confidentiality of the Texas state assessment program is crucial for ensuring valid test scores and providing standard, equal, and fair testing opportunities for all students. Given the high stakes associated with student performance and the increasing complexity of the assessment program, the TEA continues to develop and implement enhanced test security strategies.

The TEA already has enacted numerous security enhancements, including the creation of an inspector general’s office to investigate test irregularity allegations and the development and publication of a Test Security Supplement. The TEA also is implementing a comprehensive
14-Point Test Security Plan which details a number of new or expanded efforts to increase the security of the Texas assessment program. An update regarding the plan is available at

As part of the TEA’s continuing test security efforts, independent test monitors will be assigned to certain school districts that have been Academically Unacceptable for two or more years, campuses that have been Academically Unacceptable for three or more years, and certain campuses with a history of significant test security violations. The agency will also oversee the implementation of unannounced visits to randomly-selected school districts and charter schools in each of the twenty education service center (ESC) regions to monitor the implementation of state assessment administrations. The purpose of these unannounced visits authorized under Texas Education Code §39.0301(f) is to ensure that school districts and campuses are implementing the statewide assessment program according to established testing requirements.

School districts and campuses chosen through the random selection process will not be given prior notice of the test security visit. Additionally, these test security monitors will not be able to share details related to the visit, such as planned length of stay or specific site visit plans, with district personnel. It will be the responsibility of school districts and charters to cooperate with the efforts of TEA-assigned test security monitors should a monitor make an unannounced visit to the school district or any of its campuses. Districts will not be required to reassign district personnel as a result of an unannounced visit and will not be required to cover the costs of these test monitoring activities.

Information regarding the test monitoring process will be posted to the TEA website at as it becomes available. In the meantime, school districts and campuses should continue to ensure that statewide assessments are administered in accordance with the requirements reflected in state statute, Texas Administrative Code, and applicable test administration manuals.

School districts that already are engaged in independent test monitoring, through either the formal assignment of a TEA monitor or a voluntary contract with an education service center, will not be selected for unannounced test security visits.

We appreciate your ongoing support of the statewide assessment program and state efforts to enhance test security. Questions regarding the contents of this letter should be directed to or (512) 463-5703.


Robert Scott

Commissioner of Education
