8th March 2015 Today is the third Sunday of Lent

Hymns at Eucharist : 19 , 395 , 420 , ( 349 , 509 , 278 ) , 723

TODAY 10.00 amParish Eucharist with Sunday School

Followed by short meeting of PCC to look at

Annual report.

11.30 am Baptism

6.00 pm Lent Talk : St. Matthew’s Gospel

MONDAY 9.30 amParent and Toddler group

7.30 pm Evening M.U. Speaker : Sidney Wilkins on

“The Mumbles Lifeboat”

TUESDAY 2.00 pmMother’s Union : Lent Talk : Speaker : the Vicar

on St. Matthew’s Gospel

THURSDAY 10.30 amHoly Eucharistfollowed by tea /coffee

6.00 pm Youth Club for school years 4,5,6 ( Crypt )

6.00 pm Clergy Surgery for booking of baptisms, banns and

weddings etc. No appointments necessary.

FRIDAY 10.15 amDiocesan Clergy Synod Day ( Llandrindod)


Ex. 2:1-10 , 2. Cor. 1:3-7 , 3:12-17

10.00 amParish Eucharist with Sunday School




I was at a lose end this morning so I linked all my watches together and made a belt. What a waist of time.


Passion Play : On Sunday 22nd March the Clydach Catholic Church will be performing the PASSION PLAY here in St. David’s at 7 p.m. Tickets are available at £5 ( for Charity ) PLEASE HELP TO SELL TICKETS WHICH ARE AVAILABLE FROM JOHN RICHARDSON.

Mothering Sunday ( NEXT SUNDAY) : the 10 a.m. service will be a Family service led for us by the Sunday School and then we will be holding a cream tea and songs of Praise at 4 p.m. in the crypt. All are welcome to join us. Please add numbers attending to the list at the back of church - family / friends are all welcome to join us. PLEASE LET US KNOW NUMBERS TODAY

Traidcraft and Greeting card stall : at back of church. Joan has asked me to point out there is now a new selection of cards at just 50p each. Also to say that orders are now being taken for the TRAIDCRAFT REAL EASTER EGGS - these are £3.99 each and orders should be placed as soon as you can.

Charity Coffee Morning : in aid of the Mother’s Union safe houses for Vulnerable Women and children will take place on Thursday 19th March. Tickets now available. Please give your support.

Bishop’s Lent Appeal: A collection plate for donations is at the back of church and remain there until our Easter Services. The charities being supported are : The Diocesan Faith in families , Alzheimer’s Society (Wales ) , the Barnabas Fund ( for persecuted Christians) and the Mampong Babies Centre in Ghana ( Minibus Appeal).

Open Church : once again this year we are hoping to be able to open the church each weekday morning from 10 a.m. to midday for people to come in for quietness and prayer. We usually open from April to September. If you can help opening the church on a rota can you please let John Richardson know who is co-ordinating the list.

Prayer Group : numbers attending the monthly prayer group have fallen in recent months. John Williams ( who runs the group ) has said this group will be taking a break and will look to possibly a new meeting time in the coming months. We thank John for his leadership of this group in the last few years.

Holy Week services : are on the handout available at the back of church. Palm Sunday is 29th March. Do try and join us for our services throughout Holy Week and Easter.

Annual Parish Meeting : Sunday 12th April following the 10 a.m. Services. Nomination forms for Wardens and PCC Members will be available soon.