Earning Credit through Demonstrating Subject Area Competency (EOC ‘Test Out’)

Current 7th Grade Math 7/8 Students

2015-2016 School Year

Overview and Registration Form

In the 2015-16 school year, eligible students will have the opportunityto‘Test Out’ of a high school course. In order to ‘Test Out’, a student may participate in the administration of an End-of-Course assessment prior to enrolling in and taking the course and if he or she scores at the “Distinguished Learner” level on the state assessment, he or she will be awarded credit for that course.

What do I need to know about ‘Test Out’?

  • The only high school course with a Ga Milestones End-of-Course assessment at Lost Mountain in which 7th grade Math 7/8 students are eligible for ‘Test Out’ is Algebra I.
  • A student must score at the “Distinguished Learner” level in order to earn the course credit.
  • A student is only given one opportunity to earn the “Distinguished Learner” level.
  • If a student does ‘test out’ of Algebra I, he or she will be required to take Geometry during their 8th grade year. Geometry is only available online; there is not an instructor or tutoring available for students taking Geometry.
  • A student will earn on-level course credit if the ‘Test Out’ is successful. Your child will not receive quality points or honors level distinction for course credit earned through ‘Test Out’.
  • Students who score “Distinguished Learner” will have the course and EOC grade recorded on the high school transcript. The EOC grade will NOT be calculated into the student’s high school GPA; however, it will be counted by HOPE into the HOPE GPA.
  • The University System of Georgia and the Technical College System of Georgia will consider credits earned through ‘Test Out’. Students who wish to attend out of state colleges will need to check with that individual school.
  • For High School athletes, the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Associate) will NOT recognize the credits earned through ‘Test Out’.

When can I ‘Test Out’?

  • The ‘test out’ for all exams will be Monday, March 14 beginning at 9:15. There is no make up for this exam.

How do I register to ‘Test Out’?

  • To be eligible to ‘Test Out’ a student must have met the following criteria:
  • Earned a B or better first semester in the course that is in the same content area of the course for which the student is attempting to ‘Test Out’.
  • Complete a registration form with parent/guardian permission and $50 registration feeby March 3.The form and fees need to be turned into Mrs. Paulk, Assistant Principal.
  • There is a $50 state administration fee that will be reimbursed by Lost Mountain Middle School if the student scores in the “Distinguished Learner” level. A check should be made to Lost Mountain Middle School and the memo line should state ‘EOC test out.’ Do not send cash.

What should I consider?

  • ‘Test Out’ of a course does not suggest that a student will have had exposure to all of the pre-requisite content needed for success in subsequent courses. Parents and students should consider cautiously how earning credits through ‘Test Out’ will prepare them for the remaining rigorous, high school courses.
  • When considering whether ‘Test Out’ is right for you, parents, students, and counselors should consider the student’s four-year graduation plan, graduation requirements, local school GPA, NCAA requirements, and future advanced and accelerated learning opportunities.