Tamworth Education and Skills Board

Tamworth Borough Council

9th May 2014


Rob Mitchell

Kelly-Ann Williams

Suzie Sedgley

Richard Lane

Richard Penn-Bourton

Tony Hand

Stuart Tonks

Rob Boucherat

Phil Morris

Diane Pickering

Cllr Steve Claymore

County Cllr Ben Adams

David Poole

Karen Adderley

Notes of Meeting

1. Introduction and Welcome

Rob Mitchell welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made.

2. Notes from last meeting were approved


DP/RB Discussed the developments at TORC with a proposal that South Staffs College was going to run it. There is a £1 + million pound investment and match funding investment from Stoke/Staffs LEP. Refurbishment now taking place Phase 1 - to be completed by 2016. It will become a manufacturing hub for children and young people. It will be open post September 2014. RB Torc will offer better opportunities/experience for learners.

4. Emotional Well-being/Mental Health Project Update

ST Stuart felt that there were specific issues around Tier 2 provision. ST was waiting for Pam Dhanda – re MAC Health & Wellbeing workshop. Tim and Pam will be setting up another meeting. RM – will speak to Tim Leese to chase up next meeting. Action Rob Mitchell.

5. IAG

KA gave feedback on the Drayton Manor event. ST gave feedback: positive and thought it was a very worth doing again. Would it be possible to run earlier than April? Perhaps January/February for Yr 9 who are about to take their options also YR 10 & YR11.

RPB Discussed YR 6 group taken to NEC. Cllr Adams agreed worth while event for schools.

RM discussed the Economic Development / Town Planning teams within TBC could help to provide business/professional links/input to schools.

6. Long term planning for possible change to catchment areas

ST Discussed the draft Local Plan/Written Submission. Proposals for further housing developments within Tamworth – knock on effect for schools. Possible need for another Secondary School. Would there be a possibility of catchment areas being redrawn?

DP Raised that public transport is an issue with students going to school in different areas than what they reside in.

RM Welcome discussions to meet changing needs for our schools. Agreed to arrange a workshop on catchment issues – collectively what would be the best outcome for Tamworth. Cllr Adams suggested that Andrew Marsden would be the best person to present to the workshop. RM/KA set up the workshop. Action Rob Mitchell.

7 Active Tamworth

RM Handed out the Council’s Active Tamworth 2014 brochure. TBC taking a more strategic enabling role now – central hub promoting others carrying out the activity and signposting role. Part of Healthy Tamworth. Contact details for Tamworth’s new water ski centre is Susi Quill .

8. Schools/College updates

Cllr Adams discussed the upgrade of the Entrust outdoor activity centres. The centres will now be open outside of school hours. Cllr Adams stated the centres were well worth looking at by our schools.

9. AOB – items for next meeting

The dates for the next cycle of meetings were circulated.