Honors Pre-Calculus

Welcome to Honors Pre-Calculus

I am very excited about the upcoming semester and to have the opportunity to teach you! Pre-Calculus provides students an honors-level study of trigonometry, advanced functions, analytic geometry, and data analysis in preparation for calculus. Applications and modeling will be included throughout the course of study. Appropriate technology, from manipulatives to calculators and application software, will be used regularly for instruction and assessment.

Your success and academic growth in my class are very important to me. However, YOUR attitude, work ethic, and effort will determine your level of achievement.

Ms. Samara’s Contact Information:

·  You can reach me by email at

·  The school phone number is 919-217-5350

·  Visit the class website at rsamara.pbworks.com

Classroom Rules

1.  Respect others. You will treat others as you want to be treated. I will not tolerate bullying, name-calling, or slurs of any kind. If you ever feel uncomfortable or threatened, please talk to me immediately. We will work together to resolve the problem.

2.  Respect yourself. I expect you to be successful in my class. You should try your hardest every day and complete all assignments to the best of your ability. Also, the use of electronic devices such as cell phones or iPods are not permitted in my classroom.

3.  Come prepared. Bring the necessary materials to class every day. Your pencils are to be sharpened before the bell rings so that class time will not be interrupted.

4.  Ask permission. If you are not sure if you can do something, always ask me first. This goes for leaving your seat, talking to classmates, or speaking during a class discussion.

5.  Get help. I expect you to be successful, which means you must seek out help if you are struggling. I am always available for help--just ask!

Classroom Procedures

Tardiness and Absences / Make-Up Work / Bathroom Passes
The school Sweep and Keep policy will be in effect. Meaning if you are not in my class when the bell rings you will not be allowed in for the whole period.
You are still expected to do the work whether you are in class or not. If you are absent please follow the school’s policy on getting it excused/ unexcused. / If you are absent, it is your responsibility to follow up about make-up work. Excused or unexcused, I expect you to complete the work that you miss. Be sure to visit the PBWorks site to see what you missed in class. If the absence is excused, you have one day per day missed to complete your work for full credit. / You will be given 16 bathroom passes per semester.
This is the school’s policy and you will not be given more. Do not ask once you have used your passes. Therefore, I recommend you save your passes. If you have a medical reason that causes you to leave the class more frequently, please see me.
Food and Drink Policy / Academic Honesty / Tutorials
You can drink water that is in a water bottle in my classroom but no other food or drinks will be allowed. Always clean up after yourself and please do not leave trash in your work area. / I have a NO tolerance policy for cheating. This includes but is not limited to: copying someone else’s work, letting someone copy your work, and plagiarizing from any existing scholarship. You will receive a grade of 0% for any assignment that is in violation of my academic honesty policy. / Tutorials will be after school every Tuesday from 3:15-4:45. Math Teachers will be available to assist students in all math subjects in room 2622.


·  There will be homework every day. It is not given without thought, and you are expected to do it daily. Students who do not practice the skills taught will have a difficult time doing well in this class.

·  Homework will be checked for effort and completeness. Students will receive one cumulative homework grade per unit. I will check to see that all problems assigned have been attempted, which means work is provided. No work, no credit. All homework will be recorded on a stamp sheet.


A test will be given at the end of each unit/chapter. Any student that makes below a 70% may retest. I will encourage students to retest but it is the student’s responsibility to follow through. The highest grade that may be earned is an 76%. All retests must be completed before the next unit test.