Teacher: Elizabeth Brasler

Welcome to Acting 11! The curriculum of this fast paced and rigorous two-semester class will focus on scene study, scene showcases, and the Junior Production. We will be working on improving your acting skills, honing your craft, and learning how to tell the truth on stage. Topics covered:

·  Stage Terminology, Etiquette, Production and Technical Personnel

·  Sensory Awareness

·  Creating Characters Using Your Whole Body

·  The Actor’s Homework

·  Organic Blocking

·  Stage “business”

·  Taking Direction

·  Beats, Listening, and What’s In-Between the Lines

·  Choosing Objectives/Expectations/Obstacles/Tactics

·  Moving the story forward

·  Material Selection, Analysis & Scoring

·  Pace, Focus, Passion, and Working for the Audience

·  Performance Showcases

You will be performing in a minimum of one showcase each semester

in addition to the Junior Production in February!

Theatre is considered a PARTICIPATION CLASS. Therefore, it will require active involvement in the various assigned projects and performances throughout the year. The attitude a student brings into the class will directly affect his or her ability to succeed. As the teacher, I am here for YOU. If you have any problems or questions, do not hesitate to ask me. I look forward to sharing a rewarding year with you.

Attendance Policy:

Guidelines of the CHAMPS Theatre Academy Policy in the Handbook will be followed.

Grading Policy:

·  Participation – 50% - This is the largest part of your grade and the easiest for you to control. You will have the opportunity to earn 30 points each week toward your participation grade. This grade will evaluate your performance on stage and in the audience. Points will be deducted for absences, tardiness, gum chewing, eating food, not dressing, cell phones (none allowed in class) disrupting the class, and failing to participate.

·  Class work/Homework/Quizzes – 30% - This year we will cover a variety of different activities aimed at giving each student a well-rounded view of the theatre. All areas of study will be covered in creative and exciting ways.

·  Benchmark Assessments – 20%

Assignments and performances must be completed (and turned in) on time. Late work results in a 10% deduction per class up to two classes (20% deduction). After that time, late work will not be accepted, resulting in a zero for that assignment.

% Grading Scale:

·  A 90 - 100%

·  B 80 - 89.9%

·  C 70 - 79.9%

·  D 60 - 69.9

·  F 0 - 59.9

Points will be deducted for unexcused absences, being tardy, not dressing, gum-chewing, bringing food to class and the presence of cell phones. CELL PHONES MUST BE LEFT IN YOUR LOCKER. School policy will be followed.

Journal: Each student will be expected to bring a journal to class on a daily basis. This journal may be a composition notebook or a spiral notebook and must be for this class only. The journal is a useful tool for actors to develop their stage skills and reflect on their own acting. Journal entries will cover a wide variety of topics. The journals will be collected twice each semester for evaluation and grading.

Required Reading: There will be books, handouts and plays that students will be required to read which will be announced throughout the year.

Show Attendance: Each student is required to see all CHAMPS Theatre Academy productions and one other CHAMPS performance per semester. Students will be expected to write a critique on the shows and turn it in with their ticket stub. If anyone cannot afford to purchase tickets, please contact me as soon as possible and confidential arrangements will be made.


I have read and understand Brasler’s classroom policies.

Student Name (Please Print)______

Student’s Signature Parent/Guardian Signature Date