Please keep this sheet for your information.
Participant instructions
All courses are normally 9.30-16.30.
Courses are 3 days for members (2 day non-members). The taught part of the course is usually two consecutive Saturdays and requires attendance on both days. The extra day to complete the course is an opportunity to put your new skills into practice, by providing safety cover for an extra day (BO for SB course, ABO for PB2). This could be done, ideally, helping on an Adult Dinghy Course where there are instructors available and time to get some practice in. Please nominate a date on this form.
Hot drinks will be available to buy from the galley.You will need to bring your own lunch.
Please bring at least one complete change of dry clothes in case you get wet. Powerboating can be cold, please make sure you have several layers.Waterproofs are also windproof and are essential for spray and in case it rains. Hats and sun cream are useful for summer courses.
Suitable footwear, old trainers or similar are ideal, not hard-soled Wellingtons as these are uncomfortable and fill with water. Your feet will get wet getting the boats out and putting them away.
If you cannot attend your course, or for any reason HSC cannot provide training on the due date, an alternative will be offered. No refunds will be given. HSC must be in receipt of the full course fee before a delegate can commence their course.
Please do not leave valuables in the changing rooms, lockers are available, ask an instructor.
Participants are expected to adhere to the rules of Hollowell Sailing Club. Failure to do so may be result in you being asked to leave the site.Please note HSC does not carry insurance for individuals.
Participants automatically grant to Hollowell Sailing Club without payment the right in perpetuity to make, use and show any motion pictures, still pictures and live, taped or filmed television of or relating to the event.
Powerboat certificates, logbooks and handbooks are included for non members.To members a charge of £25 is made to cover these items.
Non-members are welcome subject to available places. Courses are open to anyone over the age of 14 years for PB2 and 16 years for Safety Boat (provided they have passed PB2)
A pre-course sheet will be sent on receipt of this form and any fees as applicable.
Hollowell Sailing Club
Powerboat and Safetyboat Training Booking Form 2018
Hollowell Reservoir
Clubhouse - 01604-740328
Course Name : Date(s):
Fee: £
I wish to pay by ChequeYes/No (Cheques payable to Hollowell Sailing Club)
I wish to pay by Bank TransferYes/No (Course Administrator will provide details)
Name: Mr Miss Ms Mrs Dr / Tel No:Date of Birth:(For PB2 certificates)
Post Code:
Your Email address;
Date of extra duty (BO for SB, ABO for PB2)
Swimming ability:
Previous Boating Experience
Medical Conditions
If you have any reason why you think a medical condition, or medication taken, may require special consideration please tick the box opposite. Someone will contact you.
Note: When the booking process is completed you will be given a form in which you can detail any medical conditions and emergency contacts. This form should be given to the supervising instructor on the first day of the course, and will be returned upon completion. / Tick here
Powerboat and Safety Boat Courses 2018
Note: you can book and pay online (see below) or complete the page opposite
Powerboat level 2 – This 2 day RYA course provides the practical skills and background knowledge needed by the competent powerboat driver and is essential to driving the Hollowell powerboats . No previous experience is required for this course. When you have had some practice then progress your knowledge further with:-
Safety Boat – (Powerboat Level 2 is a pre-requisite for this course). This 2 day RYA course provides the skills required when acting as an escort craft, safety boat or coach boat for a fleet of dinghies, windsurfers or canoes and for racing or training activities.
All courses are held over 2 Saturdays and will require a small amount of “homework” between days.
Course / Code / Dates / Members/ Non-Members10 Mar – Refresher day / £ free/£ na
RYA Powerboat 2
RYA SafetyBoat
(9.30 – 16.30) / PB1/SB1 / 24 Mar & 7 Apr / £ free/£210
PB2/SB2 / 21 Apr & 5 May / £ free/£210
PB3/SB3 / 1 & 2 Sep / £ free/£210
PB4/SB4 / 13 & 20 Oct / £ free/£210
PB5/SB5 / 27 Oct, 3 Nov / £ free/£210
Although the courses are free to members a charge of £25 is made to cover costs.
Direct assessments for Powerboat level 2 are available by arrangement for members, and are charged at £25 to cover costs.
Either book and pay online at
or send/email completed form to:
Carol Halliday, 1 Lowlands Close, Rectory Farm, Northampton, NN3 5EP.
Tel: 01604 406177, e-mail:
For PB2 certificates please supply a passport size photo with your name and date of birth on the back. Your contact details will be registered with the RYA.
GDPR: The data collected in this document is collected in accordance with the HSC’s Legitimate interest in running the Club, and protecting participants’ wellbeing. The full HSC Privacy policy can be downloaded from .