H08- 065 – Procedure

September 3, 2008

TO: / Area Agency on Aging (AAA) Directors
Home and Community Services (HCS) Division Regional Administrators
FROM: / Bill Moss, Director, Home and Community Services Division
Electronic Fingerprinting Procedures for Individual Providers (IP) and Home Care Agency (HCA) Providers
Purpose: / To describe the process for completing background checks using electronic fingerprinting for IPs of AAAs, HCAs, and the Home Care Quality Authority, and to provide a list of locations, addresses, and times of operation for these electronic fingerprinting sites.
Background: / ·  This MB updates MB H08-043 which was informational in nature, published on June 26, 2008.
·  RCW 43.20A.710 and RCW 43.43.837 require the department to complete fingerprint-based background checks on IPs and HCA providers that have lived in the state less than 3 consecutive years. This is a condition of qualification in order to be contracted and paid by the department.
·  Statute continues to allow for provisional hire pending the outcome of background checks.
·  The Children’s Administration (CA) and ADSA have partnered to develop a contract with Integrated Biometric Technology (IBT) to complete fingerprinting for ADSA and CA in order to increase the timeliness and efficiency of the process and to significantly reduce the rejection rate.
·  The department will continue to pay for the fingerprint-based background checks as they do now through a monthly charge back from BCCU to ADSA.
What’s new, changed, or
Clarified / Locating an Electronic Fingerprinting Site & Scheduling an Appointment:
§  IBT has established its initial twenty-two fingerprinting locations. (See attached.) IBT is seeking an additional King County location. HCS is keeping a list of requested additional locations and IBT plans to add additional locations based on increases in volume.
§  In addition to viewing the attachment below, you can find these locations and schedule appointments for fingerprinting through the IBT Call Center or on the website:
o  The Call Center is open from 8:00-5:00, and the toll-free number is 1-888-771-5097. Call Centers will provide interpreters in Spanish and Russian.
o  The website can be accessed seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day at: www.ibtfingerprint.com. Information is available online in 23 languages.
ACTION: / §  Applicants may schedule their own appointment for fingerprinting or AAA/HCS/HCQA staff may schedule the appointment for the applicant.
§  Appointments can only be scheduled after you receive the OCA # from BCCU (see instructions below).
§  Follow the attached instructions when completing a fingerprint-based background check. There is a process for those:
o  With web-based background check access; and
o  Without web-based background check access.
Note: The web-based application is not available to home care agencies and HCQA Referral Registries that are independent of an AAA.
REFERENCES: / RCW 43.20A.710
RCW 43.43.837
ATTACHMENT(S): / Fingerprinting process for AAA/HCS and for HCQA registries with web-based background check access:

Fingerprinting process for Home Care Agency and HCQA registries without the web-based background check access:

Fingerprinting Locations/Sites:

Fingerprint Appointment Form

CONTACT(S): / Sue McDonough, Program Manager
(360) 725-2533