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Freelance conference Interpreter (A: Chinese; B: English; C: French)

B A C K G R O U N D:

- Over 10 years of experience in both Simultaneous and Consecutive Interpretation.

- Excellent knowledge of both Chinese and English, fair knowledge of French.

- Strong sense of team-work and good interpersonal relations.

- M.A. in Psycholinguistics, English Department, School of Humanities, Tsinghua University.

- B.A. in English for Science and Technology, School of Foreign Languages, Central South University.

- Interpreters training lecturer for China Aptitude Test for Translators and Interpreters (CATTI), (翻译资格(水平)考试培训讲师)(Ref., organized by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security(人力资源和社会保障部), P.R. China.


A S S I G N M E N T S H I G H L I G H T S:

- Press Conference for the French Finance Minister(法国财长), Candidate for IMF Managing Director(国际货币基金组织IMF总裁候选人), Mm. Christine Lagarde(克里斯丁拉加德访华新闻发布)

- Worked for former president of the United States, Mr. Bill Clinton(克林顿), British current and former Prime Minister David Cameron(英国首相大卫·卡梅隆)and Tony Blair(托尼·布莱尔) (three times), Paul Volcker(前美联储主席) (former Fed Chairman) and President of the Republic of Indonesia; Lord Green his Excellency Dr. H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono(印尼总统), and other government heads, including the Princess of Denmark(丹麦王妃), President of Pakistan巴基斯坦总统); as well as other business heads including Bill Gates(比尔盖茨), and the candidate for IMF Head Ms. Christine Lagard (French Finance Minister法国财政部长) 克里斯蒂娜·拉加德.

- Simultaneous Interpreter for Harvard Business School(哈佛商学院)and TSEM joint programs of Senior Executive Program for China (中国高级经理人班) and PEVC(私募创投基金经理人课程) . English>Mandarin: 150 hours per year for their year-round executive program courses starting from the year 2006.

- Consecutive + Simultaneous Interpreter for Tsinghua SEM-IFM-HEC(清华经管学院+巴黎时装学校+巴黎高等商学院) Paris AMP Program on Fashion and Luxury I and II, Beijing

- Consecutive Interpreter for Cargil(嘉吉公司) yearly Food Safety program(食品安全项目) starting from 2009: the program visits FAO in Italy, Ministry of Agriculture in Hague, and Amsterdam in Netherland; Department of Agriculture, National Press Club and other agencies in Washington DC, and meetings with Cargill HQ, Ecolab, and General Mill in state of Minnesota.

- Contract-based Simultaneous Interpreter with EPO (European Patent Office) and European union’s IPR2 Project Office(知识产权保护二期) in China.

- Most frequently used Interpreter and translator by World Steel Association(国际钢铁协会).

A R E A s:

Politics, law, Finance, Insurance, Assets Management, Economy, Food and Agriculture, Telecommunication, Textile, Architecture, Mining, IT, Coal, Ferroalloy, Real Estate, Media, Tourism & Travel, Medicine and Pharmacy, Nutrition, Auto Industry, Art etc.

C O N T R A C T H I S T O R Y:

SI=Simultaneous Interpretation; CI=Consecutive Interpretation


June 09, 2011: Press Conference for French Finance Minister, Mm. Christine Lagarde’s visiting China as a candidature for IMF Managing Director. 法国财长克里斯汀 拉加德竞选国际货币基金组织IMF总裁访华新闻发布,French Embassy, Beijing. (CI) Ref:

May 23-24, 2011: Closed-door Meeting of the City of London Advisory Council for China伦敦金融城中国事务顾问委员会闭门会, and the Policy Chairman of City of London伦敦金融城政策与资源委员会主席, Mr. Stuart Fraser’s media interviews and meetings with NAFMII, China Security Law committee Beijing Financial Service Law Committee中国证券法委员会,中中国金融服务法委员会。Beijing。(同传+交传)

March 2011: AmCham Hongkong Beijing DoorKnock 2011香港美国商会高层北京访问团 (CI)

Two-day meeting with All China Federation of Industry and Commerce 全国工商联, chairman of CCPIT贸促会主席,Director of HK and Macau Affairs Office, State Council国务院港澳办,CBRC银监会,CIRC保监会,Department of Tawiwan, HK and Macau Affairs, Ministry of Commerce商务部港澳台办,Ministry of Foreign Affairs外交部. Discussed about HK RMB offshore center, widen the coverage of CEPA

March 2011: His Excellency, Mr. Lord Green, newly appointed Minister for Trade & Investment of UKTI,英国新任贸易投资大臣Lord Green晚餐会 meeting with outward investors, British Embassy. 北京(CI)

March, 2011: People’s government of Haidian District business meetings with the US delegation including NSDAQ OMX, Rose Rock Partners LLP, Pryor Cashman LLC. on establishing Rockerfeller Center for Science, Technology and Finance and NASDAQ Haidian Workstation. 海淀政府、国家发改委国际合作中心,美国纳斯达克、美国普凯律师事务所和美国洛克菲罗玫瑰岩资本公司就建立洛克菲勒科技金融创新基金、纳斯达克海淀工作站研讨 . (CI+SI)

Sept. 13~15, 2010: World Economic Forum, 达沃斯世界经济论坛 the Summer Davos in Tianjin, Tianjin, China. (SI)

Sept. 9~10, 2010: Trade negotiation between the Canadian government and China’s AQSIQ. Beijing加拿大中国农产品进出口谈判,加拿大使馆Canadian Embassy. (CI)

April 29, 2010: Visit of the European Union Commissioner Karel De Gucht(欧盟贸易专员古赫特)to China, meeting with Premier Wen Jiabao and 7 Ministers. People Congress Hall, EU Chamber of Commerce, Beijing. (CI)

Sept.1, 2009: His Excellency Mr. Ambassador Viteslav Grepl’s of Czech Republic(捷克大使)visiting of Haidian District Government, Beijing. (CI)

Nov. 17~19, 2008: Shantou Dialogues汕头对话, Beijing, Shangtou, Guangdong. (SI)

Oct. 15, 2008: His Excellency, President of Pakistan’s visiting China巴基斯坦总统访华,钓鱼台国宾馆。(同传)

May 5~7, 2008: Government Leaders Forum政府首脑论坛, Jakarta, Indonesia. (SI)

Nov. 27, 2007: Bridge to Change—Committee of 100’s Sixteenth Annual Conference百人会第16届年会,Organized by Committee of 100. China World Hotel, Beijing. (SI)

Sept 10th, 2005: Bill Clinton’s speech at 2005 WCG: World Celebrity Golf Tournament美国前总统克林顿慈善晚会演讲, Pine Valley Golf Resort and Country Club, Ruoy Chai Group, Beijing. Ref: (SI)

Sept 6th,2005: The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Tony Blair’s small scale breakfast meeting with several delegates from China’s private sector. Organized by UK Trade and Investment, 英国首相托尼布莱尔吸引外资早餐会China World Hotel, Beijing. (CI)Ref:


2005 till now, Beijing Benz Automobile Company北汽集团下属北京奔驰戴姆勒 BBAC,原称BBDC(北京奔驰戴姆勒克莱斯勒汽车有限公司)ECM执行委员会周一ECM例会,同声翻译。BBAC facility, (SI)

April 19-22, 2011, 2011 Global Automotive Symposium®/CBU 16th Annual International Conference 2011年全球汽车论坛®暨中国汽车要闻第十六届国际研讨年会--Commercialization and Industrialization of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles: Global Development and China’s Experience混合动力和电动车的商业化和产业化:全球发展和中国的实践, Crown Plaza Century Park Hotel, Shanghai上海世纪皇冠假日酒店by CBU 中国汽车要闻 (SI)

April22~23, 2010: China World Auto Market in Next Decade,未来十年的中国世界汽车市场 Jingmao Westin Hotel, Beijing. (SI)

April 17, 20, 21, 2008, Fiat Press Conference on New Models for the Beijing Auto Show—Fiat 360°C Workshop北京国际车展Fiat菲亚特汽车媒体见面会, Kempinski Hotel, Beijing. (CI)

Nov. 30, 2007: China International Forum on Auto parts Import & Export and Global Purchasing中国汽车零部件进出口及跨国采购国际论坛, Beijing Exhibition Center, Beijing. (SI)

Nov. 12, 2007: Global Forum on Overseas Investment海外风险管理系列论坛之中国企业进军海外:控制风险,步向成功。中国对外承包工程商会—Aon Thought Leadership Series, Minimize Risks and Maximize Success, China International Contractor Association,Organized by Aon COFCO中怡保险经济, Crown Plaza Park View Wuzhou, Beijing. (SI)

August 20, 2007: EMC Training Review EMC销售培训审核. Beijing Hyundai Plaza, Beijing. (SI)

August 9~10, 2007: MAZADA Internal Meeting马自达内部招商会议, Jianguo Hotel, Beijing. (SI)

May 19~20, 2007: Saab Pilot Performance Show and China Official Premiere to Celebrate Saab 60 Anniversary SAAB萨博汽车特殊性能展以及萨博60周年庆典. 北京汽车城Beijing. (CI)

April 26~27, 2007: DaimlerChrysler Corporate Training on Compliance戴姆勒 克莱斯勒企业合规培训, The Great Wall Sheraton Hotel, Beijing. (SI)

Dec. 1, 2006: Volkwagen Public Relations Training Course大众品牌公共关系研讨会, Capital Mansion, Beijing.

Nov.20~21, 2006: CBU/CAR 2006 Seminar2006中国汽车要问国际研讨会—China’s Automotive R&D and Independent Brands中国汽车工业的研发和自主品牌, Great Wall Sheraton Hotel, Beijing. (SI)

Oct. 25th, 2005: BBDC ECM Meeting北京奔驰戴姆勒克莱斯勒执委会周一例会, Beijing Jeep Corp. Beijing. (SI)

Nov. 18, 2006: News Conference for Ferrari and Maserati, Beijing Auto Show法拉利、马莎拉蒂2006年北京车展新款车型新闻发布与记者访谈, Beijing International Exhibition Center, Beijing. (CI)

Jan. 17, 2006: Beijing Benz-Daimler Chrysler BBDC ECM Meeting北京奔驰戴姆勒克莱斯勒执委会周一例会, # 15, Beijing, (SI)

Jan. 10, 2006: IMAGINATION and China’s Automobile Industrial Association’s Video Conference英国IMAGINATION公司与BIAEC中国汽车工业协会电话会议, Beijing. (Telephone interpretation)

Oct. 12, 2005: Ceremony and Media Conference of Launching of S-Class of Mercedes Benz, Chateau Lafitte, Beijing. (SI)


June 17, 2011 日内瓦协会第7.5届国际责任保险大会The Geneva Association’s 7.5th International Liability Regimes Conference, “Exploring Environmental Liability within China: An Open Flank for Insurers and their Clients?” 探索中国环境责任险:保险行业及客户的商机?Hosted by Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd瑞士再保险股份有限公司承办, Beijing. (SI)

June 6, 2011 GRI 2011 CHINA—Global Investors & Chinese Developers in China Real Estate全球不动产投资者与中国开发上决策层的私人聚会,(SI)

Interpretating for Luca Silipo, chief Economist for Asia Pacific NATIXIS on Grouwing Income Inequality in China, and intensive discussions on RMB funds, foreign investors in China, Real Estate PE fund and Hotel & new trends. GRI-Global Real Estate Institute全球不动产资本俱乐部 (SI)

June 4, 2011: JP Morgan China Conference 2011摩根大通2011中国投资者大会, Grand Hyatt, Beijing. (CI)

May 16-18: CLSA 16th China Forum opens in Beijing: Exploring China’s resilience model里昂证券第16届中国投资论坛——探讨中国经济增长的可持续性, Grand Hyatt, Beijing. (CI)

April13-14, 2011: 19th Annual Strategic Issues Conference第19届寿险战略问题研讨会—New Game, New Rules, New Reality—Revising a Winning Strategy新格局,新规则,新形势——制定新的致胜之道 organized by LIMBRA and LOMA, China World Hotel, Beijing. (SI)

June 7-25, 2010: Co-mission on the evaluation of China’s Financial Sector Stability Program (FASP) 金融稳定项目by IMF & World Bank(国际货币基金组织和世界银行)in China, Beijing. (CI)

120 hours of consecutive translation for meetings with People’s Bank of China (PBOC), CSRC证监会, CBRC银监会, Bank of Beijing北京银行, Minsheng Bank民生银行, Social Security Fund社保基金 on topics related to risk management, BASAL II, financial stability, etc.

Sept. 20, 2010: LIMRA’s Recruiting Trends and Best Practices Seminar, China World Hotel, LIMRA: 美国国际寿险营销与调研协会Life Insurance Marketing and Research Association, Beijing, China. (SI)

May 4-8, 2010: Warburg PincusTechnical Due Diligence (华平投资公司技术尽职调查北京、杭州)trip in Beijing and Hangzhou. (CI)

April 27, 28, 30, 2010: Infinity(英菲尼迪基金公司) Training Program 2010, the President Hotel, Beijing. (SI)

April 9~13, 2010: 2010 Shanghai International Program for Development Evaluation Training—Asia-Pacific Finance and Development Center, and Shanghai National Accounting Institute, Shanghai. (SI) (世行项目)2010年发展评估培训上海国际项目——亚太金融发展中心,上海国家会计学院,上海(同传)

Nov. 28~Dec. 11, 2009: Training on Excellence in Corporate Banking to Bank of China中国银行纽约分行公司银行培训,by DCG Garner,New York, USA. (交传)

Nov. 18, 2009: BNY Mellon(纽约梅隆银行) Press Conference in Beijing, Westin Hotel at the Financial Street, Beijing, P.R. China. (CI)

Nov. 12, 2009: Franklin Templeton Sea-land Fund 5th Anniversary Forum海富兰克林基金管理有限公司年度论坛—Global Finance and China’s Opportunities in Post-Crisis Era, The Westin Beijing Financial Street.

Nov. 17, 2009: China Outbound Investment to Russia Conference中国投资俄罗斯论坛, Kempinsky Hotel, Beijing, China.

Oct. 23, 2009: Strengthening Capacity of Developing Member of Countries for Managing Credit Enhancement Products, ADB(亚洲开发银行). Westin Hotel, Beijing. (SI)

Oct. 14~17, 2009: Private Equity and Venture Capital-Asia(私募与创业投资培训), Tsinghua SEM (清华经管学院) and Harvard Business School, Tsinghua University, Beijing. (SI)

June 3~4, 2009: FM Asia Summit, 2009 organized by GLI (Global Leaders Institute), Marriot Hotel, Beijing. (SI)

May 6~8, 2009: Payment China 2009, 支付大会2009 JW Marriot Hotel, Beijing. (SI)

April 16, 2009: UBS Board Meeting and Shareholders Meeting瑞士银行股东大会, UBS office, Beijing. (SI)

Jan. 15, 2009: ICBC-GS Risk Management Advisory Project 工行与高盛“追求卓越”风险管理咨询项目――2008年总结及2009年合作–2008 Roundup and 2009 Cooperation Plan, Head quarter office of ICBC, Beijing. (SI)

Nov. 25~26, 2008: CITIC-FT Financial Education Summit—Reducing Financial Vulnerability: Innovation & Impact, 花旗——《金融时报》金融教育峰会:降低金融风险:创新与影响China World Hotel, Beijing. (SI)

Oct. 31, 2008: The Annual Meeting of China Venture Capital Association, by Goldman Sacks (高盛)Kunlun Hotel, Beijing. (SI)

Oct. 30, 2008: Road Show of Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) in China多伦多交易所路演, Beijing. (SI)

Sept. 26~28, 2008: Davos Summer Forum: Annual Meeting of the New Champions, 2008天津夏季达沃斯论坛, Tianjin. (CI+SI)

April, 22~23, 2008: ICBC’s Internal Training on Foreign Exchange Stock Option中国工商银行外汇期权交易培训, Yinglan Plaza, Beijing. (SI)

May 13~14, 2008: Toronto Stock Exchange Roadshow in China多伦多交易所深圳、南京路演, Nanjing, Shenzhen, (SI)

April, 25, 2008: J.P. Morgan Investment Conference 2008摩根大通投资者大会, One-on-one Meetings, Grande Hyatt, Beijing. (CI)

Feb. 25~26, 2008: EIB (European Investment Bank) 欧洲投资银行officials’ visits to Beijing. (CI)

Jan. 9, 2008: Chinese Banks: Opportunities and Challenges after Going Public上市银行的进阶之路,Westin Hotel, Beijing. (SI)

Dec. 5~6, 2007: EU-China Workshop on GATS & Financial Services中欧研讨会:《服务贸易总协定》与金融服务业, Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Beijing. (SI)

Nov. 22, 2007: China Economic Cycles and Corporate Competitiveness-HSBC, Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Beijing. (SI)

Nov. 5, 2007: 2007北京金融产业后台与外包服务国际论坛Beijing Finance Industry Back-Office and Outsourcing Service International Forum 2007, Kerry Center, Beijing. (SI)

Sept. 27~28, 2007: China Financial Derivatives Summit 2007中国金融衍生品高峰论坛2007, Westin Hotel, Beijing. Ref:

March 29, 2007: China Insurance Taiping – Fortis Enterprise Annuity International Forum,中保太平—富通企业年金国际研讨会,China World Hotel, Beijing.(同传)

English > Mandarin: 8 hours for the forum that explores policy and supervision of enterprise annuity development, EU pension system vs. U.S. model, and pros and cons of trustee model in China. The speakers include government officials from CIRC, Ministry of Labor and Social Security, and members of the NPC Standing Committee.

March 6~8, 2007: Fourth Annual Piper Jaffray China Growth Conference第四届Piper Jaffray中国增长年会, Riz-Carlton Beijing Hotel, Beijing, China. (SI)

Feb. 6, 2007: KPMG Workshop on Accounting Management for Mining Sector毕马威公司矿业公司会计制度工作研讨会, Grand Hyatt, Beijing. (SI)

Jan. 12, 2007 CMRA Financial Services Conference磨砺差异化零售:市场研究助力银行营销论坛, by CMRA (China Market Research Association中国市场研究协会), 北京国际艺苑皇冠假日酒店,Beijing. (SI)

Nov. 16, 2007: 2007 Global Institutional Investor Conference全球机构投资者2007年会, Deutsche Assets Management德意志银行,资产管理部, Grand-Hyatt Hotel, Beijing. (SI)

Nov. 15, 2007: A Private Equity Fund Variant for Investment in China, by Sullivan & Worcester投资中国私募基金的变量, School of Economic and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing.

July 28~29, 2006: “REITs,MBS & CDOs:国际经验及其对中国的启示”Indirect Ownership of Real Estate Equity and Debt Assets in China: REITs, MBS and CDOs. by Center for Real Estate Law and Financial Law Institute of Peking University Law School北京大学法学院房地产研究中心和金融法研究中心, Grand Hyatt Beijing. (SI)

June 23~27, 2006: TSX (Toronto Stock Exchange Market) Road Show in Beijing, Shenyang and Dalian多伦多证券交易所北京,沈阳和大连路演. (CI+SI)

May 11-15, 2006: 中澳政府FTA谈判之采购专题研讨会China-Australia 服务贸易合投资章节研讨会,宝辰饭店,北京。(同传)

Mar.31-April1, 2006: 中国-欧盟小项目便捷基金EU-China Small Project Facility Program:全球化和市场开放对发展中国家企业的影响:中国案例研究Globalization and Opening Markets in Developing Countries and its Impact on national Firms: The Case of China. 新闻大厦,建国门内大街26号,北京。(同传)

March 23-24, 2006: 中国-欧盟贸易项目EU-China Trade Project—EU-China Seminar on the WTO Negotiation,王府井大饭店,北京。(Ref: (同传)

Jan-August, 2006: 中国-澳大利亚自由贸易区FTA谈判培训项目(1月到8月每月举办一次)Howard Johnson paragon HotelChina-Australia FTA Negotiation Workshop on Trade in Goods, Trade Facilitation, Trade Remedies, Trade in Service and Investment, Rule of Origin, financial service and Telecom service, Government Procurement, etc. 中欧WTO货物贸易,贸易便利化、贸易救济、服务贸易,货物贸易,原产地原则,金融电讯服务及政府采购等系列研讨会,中国商务部与澳大利亚阿德来德大学共同举办,北京。(同传)

July 8th, 2005: Swiss-Re瑞再-瑞士再保险公司与中国保监会,PICC P&C,中国再保险公司,中国人寿等公司高层会谈 Higher-level Meetings between Swiss Reinsurance Company and their Chinese partners: CIRC (China Insurance Regulatory Commission), PICC-P&C, China Reinsurance Group and China Life Insurance Company, Beijing. (CI) (Ref.:

Sept. 28~30, 2005: Road show preparations and talks for China Construction Bank between CCB and IMAGINATION from Britain英国IMAGINATION公司与中国建设银行有关欧洲美洲路演的准备与商谈, China Construction Bank Headquarter, Beijing. (CI)

June 3, 2005: 银行保险深层次合作与发展论坛,由北京保监局,北京银监局,平安保险承办,北京西苑饭店(同传)(Ref.

March 10th, 2005: Simultaneous Interpretation for Reuters’ Fund Manager Event路透公司投资管理知识培训. Reuters Hong Kong Ltd., Beijing, China. (SI)

Nov. 11, 2004: 美国摩根士丹利添惠亚洲有限公司上海代表处市场研究与调查(负责与中国证监会、中国平安保险公司,中国联通、AsiaInfo,银河证券等公司的洽谈),中国北京 (交传)

Dec. 26th, 2003: Training Courses for Life Insurance Companies Give by GAMA保险公司北京培训, America (Beijing Session), (CI)

Nov. 1st~5th, 2003: LIMRA Branch Managers Training Course hosted by Taikang Life泰康人寿LIMRA培训, Beijing. (CI)

Nov. 18th, 2003: Seminar on Value-added Service in the Payment System支付系统附加值服务,荣事达国际by the MasterCard International (SI)

Aug, 28th~29th, 2003: Workshop on Banc-assurance银保联盟研讨会, hosted by Credit Suisse瑞士信贷, Winterthur Life and China’s Taikang Life泰康人寿, Beijing. (CI)


Nov. 2010: 联合国粮农组织与世界卫生组织联合食品标准-亚洲协调工作会议,JOINT FAO/WHO FOOD STANDARDS PROGRAMME FAO/WHO COORDINATING COMMITTEE FOR ASIA, Bali Island, Indonesia. (SI)

Dec. 7~13, 2008: Asian Development Bank CPM (Country Program Mission), ADB亚洲开发银行CPM MISSION MANILA国别规划中国谈判, Manila, the Philippines. (CI)

Feb. 27~28, 2008: ADB’s SAFEGUARD POLICY UPDATE (SPU) EAST ASIA CONSULTATION亚洲开发银行安全政策—东亚磋商会, Intercontinental Hotel, Beijing. (SI)s

Dec. 3~4, 2007: 国际农业研究磋商组织(CGIAR)2007年度大会CGIAR Annual Meeting in Beijing (CGIAR= Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research), Beijing International Conference Center, Beijing. (SI)

Sept. 25, 2007: ADB’s Long-term Strategic Framework—Country Consultation Workshop亚洲开发银行长期战略框架——国别磋商研讨会, Minzu Hotel, Beijing. (SI)

Sept. 21, 2007: International Development Law Organization Microfinance: Building Inclusive Financial Sectors & Supportive Legal and Regulatory Frameworks联合国国际法律开发组织IDLO小额贷款项目――为了扶贫在亚太地区建立普惠的金融和配套法律监管框架 (as a Tool to Achieve Poverty Reduction) in the Asia Pacific Region, Fuhua Mansion, Beijing. (SI)