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Department of Political Science

University Community Collaborative of Philadelphia (UCCP)

Temple University

Philadelphia, PA 19122

Gladfelter Hall

Telephone: (215) 2046276

Fax: (215) 2043770



Ph.D. Politics Department, Brandeis University, 1983.

B.A. Queens College, CUNY, 1977. Major: Political Science.


Temple University

Professor, Department of Political Science. 1997Current.

Founder and Director, University Community Collaborative of Philadelphia (UCCP). 1997-current.

Associate Professor, Department of Political Science. 19921997.

Graduate Faculty, Department of Geography and Urban Studies.

Graduate Faculty, Department of Education Leadership and Policy Studies

Illinois Institute of Technology

Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences. 19901992

Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences. 19871990

Barnard College, Columbia University

Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science. 19851987


Director of Research:

New York City Community Development Agency. (Sept. 1983May 1985)

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Development Training Institute. Baltimore, MD. 1983



Challenging the Growth Machine: Neighborhood Politics in Chicago and Pittsburgh. University Press of Kansas.


Governing the Ungovernable City: Political Skill, Leadership and the Modern Mayor. Temple University Press. 1985.

The Political Hand: Policy Implementation and Youth Employment Programs. Pergamon Press. 1985. (with Martin Levin).


“Shifting Stereotypes and Storylines: The Political Potential of Youth Media.” (2016) Contemporary Youth Activism: Advancing Social Justice in the United States, (Praeger) eds. Jerusha Conner and Sonia Rosen. (With Natalia Smirnov).

“POPPYN: Presenting Our Perspective on Philly Youth News.” (2015) In The Civic Media Reader . Eds. Eric Gordon and Paul Milhailidis. Cambridge: MIT Press. With Natalia Smirnov and Nuala Cabral.

“Violence through the eyes of youth: A photovoice exploration.” (2013)Journal of Community Psychology. V 41, #1:84-101. with Jill Chonody, Jill Amitrani-Welsh, and Travis Martin.

“Pathways to College and to Social Justice Leadership: The University Community Collaborative of Philadelphia.” (Fall 2012). Diversity and Democracy. (a publication of the American Association of Colleges and Universities)V15, #3:20-21

“Educating For Democracy: Reflections from a Work in Progress.” (August 2012) Journal of Political Science Education. Volume 8, #3:231-250.

“Action Civics: A Declaration for Rejuvenating our Democratic Traditions.” Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement. (February 2012). pp10-11

“Community Collaborations: Promoting Community Organizing.” (2011) In Gittell and Newman (eds) Activist Scholar: Selected Works of MarilynGittell. Sage Publications. (with Charles Price and Marilyn Gittell):237-263

“Regime Theory.” 2007 Encyclopedia of Urban Studies. Sage Publications

“Leveraging Social Capital: The University as Educator and Broker” (2006) in Richardson Dilworth, ed. The Place That Loves You Back: Community and Social Capital in Philadelphia. Temple University Press.

“Youth Civic Engagement in Practice: The Youth VOICES Program.” (November 2005). The Good Society, Committee on the Political Economy of the Good Society. V14, #3:45-51

“The Challenges of Agenda Conflict in Higher Education-Community Research Partnerships: Views from the Community Side.” Journal of Urban Affairs. (2004)V26, #2:241-257. With T.L. Hill.

“Building the Spatial Community: A Case Study of Neighborhood Institutions.” Policy Studies Review. (Winter, 2002):53-70 with Patrick Kaylor.

“The Role of Institutions in Community Building: The Case of West Mt. Airy, Philadelphia.” in Governing Non-Profits (eds.) Richard Hula and Cynthia Jackson. Quorum Books (2001) with Partick Kaylor.

“Linking the Global and the Local: The Future of Regions, Cities, and Neighborhoods.” Economic Development Quarterly. (Summer 1999)

“Racial Integration in West Mount Airy, Philadelphia.” Cityscape 1998 v.4, #2. with Theresa Singleton and Don DeMarco.

“The Academy Hits the Streets: Teaching CommunityBased Research.” in Building Community: Social Science in Action. (eds.) Philip Nyden, Darryl Burrows, Anne Figert, and Mark Shibley, Pine Forge Press (1997) with Anne Shlay.

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“The Politics of Housing Policy.” in Politics of Policy Innovation in Chicago. (ed) Kenneth Wong, JAI Press with William Grimshaw. (1992)

“Chicago: Power, Race and Reform.” in Big City Politics in Transition. (eds) Hank Savitch and John Clayton Thomas, Sage Publications (1991).

“When Failure is Success: Implementation and Madisonian Politics." in Implementation and the

Policy Process: Opening Up the Black Box. (eds) Dennis Palumbo and Donald J. Calista, Greenwood Press. (1990).

“Slouching Towards Anarchy: The Policy makingImplementation Gap Revisited.” Governance. (April 1989).

“Dilemmas of Innovation and Accountability: Bureaucratic Entrepreneurs and Chief Executives.” Policy Studies Review. (Autumn 1987) with Martin Levin.

“The Political Hand: Policy Implementation and Youth Employment Programs.” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. (Winter 1986) with Martin Levin.

“Bridging the Gap: Policy Analysis and the Governmental Policy making Process.” in Bureaucratic and Governmental Reform. (ed) Donald J. Calista, JAI Press. (1986).

“The Political Hand: Conditions for Effective Implementation.” in Research in Public Policy Analysis and Management. (ed) Stuart Nagel, JAI Press, (1986) with Martin Levin.

“Beating the Odds: Mayoral Leadership and the Acquisition of Power.” Policy Studies Review. (Summer 1983).

“Youth Employment Program Successes: A Cautionary Tale.” Journal of Contemporary Studies. (Summer 1981) with Martin Levin.


Assessing Community Organizing: The Ford Foundation Fund for Community Organizing. Prepared under contract with the Ford Foundation. May 2006 (With Marilyn Gittell and Charles Price)

Latinos and HUD funded Housing Programs in Philadelphia: A Case Study. A report prepared under contract with the National Hispanic Housing Council. January 2000. (With Mary Lou Killian and Michael Rodriguez).

Ready to Learn: A Research Agenda on Neighborhood Economic Development in Philadelphia. A Report prepared under contract to the Fund for Urban Neighborhood Development, Pew Charitable Trusts. December 1996. (With Anne Shlay).

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Neighborhood Diversity in West Mt. Airy, Philadelphia. A Report funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, April 1996. (With Theresa Singleton and Don DeMarco).

The University and the Community: Bridging the Gap Through CommunityBased Research. Institute for Public Policy Studies. Working Paper #2. Temple University. 1995 (With Anne Shlay).

From the Bottom Up: Building Communities From Within. Workbook on communitybased planning. Funded by MacArthur Foundation, Wieboldt Foundation, the Chicago Department of Planning and Development, and Amoco. 1992. (Community Workshop on Economic Development. Chicago)

An Assessment of Literacy Programs in New York City. Prepared for Mayor's Office of Youth Services, New York City. 1985

Poverty, Programs and Future Directions for the Community Action Program in New York City. Prepared for the New York City Community Action Board. 1984. (with David Hepinstall)

Book Reviews:

Camden After the Fall: Decline and Renewal in a Post-Industrial City by Howard Gillette. Urban Affairs Review. (March 2008)

The People of this Generation: the Rise and Fall of the New Left in Philadelphia by Paul Lyons in Commonwealth: A Journal of Political Science (2007)

Culture Wars and Local Politics (ed) Elaine B.Sharp. American Political Science Review


Neighborhood Politics: Chicago and Sheffield. Larry Bennett. Political Science Quarterly (Summer 1998).

Theories of Urban Politics. David Judge, Gerry Stoker, and Harold Wolman, eds. American Political Science Review. (June 1996).

BigCity Politics, Governance, and Fiscal Constraints. George Peterson, Ed. Urban Affairs Review. (January 1996)

Regime Politics: Governing Atlanta, 19461988. Clarence Stone. Political Science Quarterly. (Summer 1990).

The Free Enterprise City: Houston in Political and Economic Perspective. Joe Feagin. Political Science Quarterly. (Fall 1989).

Edited Journals

Michigan Journal of Community and Service Learning (Guest editor) Special Issue on Community Based Research. (May 2003)

Journal of Urban Affairs. Bringing the City Back In? (Guest editor). Volume 17, #2, 1995.

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“The Intersection of Education and Social Justice:Mapping the Research and Advocacy Fields.” Colloquy Organizer. Urban Affairs Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA March 16-19, 2016

“Collaborations around School Closings in Philadelphia” Urban Based Research Action Network (URBAN). Boston, MA Nov 13-14, 2015 (with Jerusha Conner)

“David & Goliath: Challenges, Policy Windows, and Slingshots in the Corporate Education Reform Landscape.” Urban Affairs Association, Miami, FL April 8-11, 2015 (with Nick Palazzolo)

“The Nuts and Bolts of Action Civics.” National Council of Social Studies Conference. Boston, MA. November 20-22, 2014

“Innovative Approaches to Teaching Urban Studies.” Colloquy at Urban Affairs Association Conference. San Antonio, TX (March 19-22, 2014)

“Preparing College Students to Facilitate Action Civics Among K-12 Students.” American Education Research Association Annual Conference. Philadelphia, PA. (April 11-16, 2014) (With Alison Cohen and Jason Fitzgerald)

“Engaging Students Through Action Civics.” Workshop, National Service Learning Conference. Denver, CO (March 13-15, 2013) (with Lisa Bardwell, Jill Bass and Ieshia Nelson)

Structural and Ethical Considerations of Preparing College Students to Mentor K-12 Students in Civic Engagement.” Workshop, PHENND Annual Conference. Philadelphia, PA. (March 1, 2013

“Action Civics in a Standards Driven World.” Symposium, National Action Civics Collaborative. Chicago, IL. (June 11, 2011)

“A Youth Leadership Development Approach to University Community Collaboration.” Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities Annual Conference. Philadelphia, PA (October 12, 2009). (Co-presented with Alison Huxta and Ieshia Nelson)

“Race and Politics.” Asian-American Journalists Association's East Coast Mini-Conference. Philadelphia, PA April 5, 2008

“From Research to Action: A University-Funder-Community Partnership.” Urban Affairs Annual Conference. Seattle, WA. April 24-27, 2007

“Rebuilding Democracy Through Civil Society: The Role of Education, Local Institutions and Community Organizing.” Symposium on, A Global Look at Urban and Regional Governance: The State-Market-Civic Nexus.” Emory University, Atlanta, GA: January 18-19, 2007

“Leveraging Social Capital for Low Income Youth: The University as Educator and Broker.” 21st Centuries Cities Conference. Temple University. November 3, 2006.

“Community Building, Social Capital and the University: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.” Mini Course, American Political Science Association, Annual Meetings. Philadelphia. August 30, 2006.

“The Changed Landscape of Community Organizing: Lessons from the Ford Foundation’s Community Organizing Initiative.” Urban Affairs Association Annual Conference. Montreal, Canada. April 2006.

“Leveraging Social Capital: The University as Educator and Broker.” Urban Affairs Association Annual Conference. Salt Lake City, Utah. April 2005.

“Theories of Change: Relating Theory to Practice in Service Learning.” Mid Atlantic Region Service Learning Conference. Philadelphia. October 2004 (with Patrick Donohue)

“The Role of Higher Eds in the Community.” Mid Atlantic Region Service Learning Conference. Philadelphia. October 2004

“Youth Media in the City, “ panel discussant in the Media Smart Seminar Series sponsored by the School of Communications and Theater, Temple University. May 19th, 2004

“The Role of Intermediaries in Increasing Organizational Capacity: Lessons from the Ford Foundation’s Community Organizing Initiative.” Roundtable organizer and participant. Urban Affairs Association Annual meetings, Washington, DC. March 31-April 3, 2004.

“From the Community to the Higher Ed Classroom” Turning Service Learning on its Head.” APSA Conference on Teaching and Learning. Washington, DC. February 19-21, 2004

“Why Bother? Community Organizations Assess University Community Research Partnerships.” Urban Affairs Association, Annual Conference, Cleveland, OH, March 26-29, 2003. (with T.L. Hill)

“University-Community Partnerships: Promoting Learning through Youth Civic Engagement Initiatives” Concurrent Session, American Association of Higher Education Conference, Washington, DC, March 14-17, 2003.

“Next Stages in Community Based Research.” Featured Presentation, American Association of Higher Education Conference, Washington, DC, March 14-17, 2003.

“Broadening the Franchise: Charter Reform and Neighborhood Representation in Los Angeles” The John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation Conference: “Reform, L.A. Style: the Theory and Practice of Urban Governance at Century’s Turn.” University of Southern California, School of Policy, Planning and Development. Los Angeles, LA, Sept 17-19, 2002.

“Building a Community Based Research Network: Issues and Opportunities.” Urban Affairs Association, Annual Conference. Boston, MA, March 20-23, 2002

“The Role of Networks in Supporting Community Based Research.” American Association of Higher Education, Faculty Roles and Rewards Conference, Phoenix, AZ, January 24-29, 2002

“Latinos and Subsidized Housing in Philadelphia.” Urban Affairs Association, Annual Meeting, Detroit, MI, April 25-28, 2001.

“Developing a National Network of Community Based Researchers” Workshop at Urban Affairs Association Annual Conference. Detroit, MI April 25-28, 2001

“Build the City Up, Tear the City Down: Housing and Land Use Policies.” American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. Sept 2000.

“Latinos and HUD-funded Housing Programs in Philadelphia.” National Hispanic Housing Council, Annual Conference, Miami, FL. May 10-14, 2000.

“Promoting Community Based Research on National Level” Urban Affairs Association, Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA May 3-7, 2000.


Activist Scholarship. A pre conference workshop at the Urban Affairs Association Meeting in San Diego, CA March 16-19, 2016

“Teaching/Service Strategies for Tenure/Promotion.” the Urban Affairs Association Meeting in San Diego, CA March 16-19, 2016

Connecting Research to Urban Education Activism. A Pre conference workshop at the Urban Affairs Association Meeting, Miami, FL April 8-11, 2015 (with Fred Ellis, Kitty Kelly Epstein, Kimberly Lynch and Julia Sass-Rubin)

“State Civic Education Policy Framework Thinkers’ Meeting.” Education Commission of the States. Denver, CO. (Aug 11-13, 2014). 2.5 day working meeting to develop a policy agenda for civic education across the 50 states + Puerto Rico and US territories.

“Best Practices in Action Civics.” Regional Meeting of the Education Commission of the States. Philadelphia, PA. (June 15, 2012)

“Experiential Learning in Practice.” Community Based Learning Network Symposium. Temple University. (March 30, 2012)

“Youth Adult Partnerships in Adult Basic Education” (December 9, 2011) Webinar, World Education.

“Youth Leadership Development.” Bryn Mawr College. (April 13, 2011)

Visiting International Scholar: Australian Universities Community Engagement Alliance. March 1-March 18, 2011. Workshops on various topics related to university community engagement at 10 different universities in Australia.

“From Action to Research: the Scholarship of Engagement.” Drexel University, Philadelphia. PA December 1, 2010

“American Democracy Project: Service Learning Workshop.” University of Northern Iowa. May 13-14, 2010.

“Engaging Youth in the Community.” Bryn Mawr College. (March 29, 2010)

(co presented with a Temple student and a Community College of Philadelphia student)

“Building Youth Leadership.” City Year Greater Philadelphia, New Student Orientation. (March 12, 2010).

“Doing Community Based Research: Opportunities and Challenges.” Bryn Mawr College. (Feb 23, 2010)

“Youth Violence in Philadelphia.” Jefferson University--College of Medicine Philadelphia, PA. (Jan. 25, 2010)

“The Importance of Youth Civic Engagement Programming.” Out of School Time Resource Center, Philadelphia, PA. December 14, 2009

“University-Community Engagement: Building A Foundation for Shared Work and Respect.” Center for Integrating Research and Action, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC. May 1, 2009.

“Fielding New Strategies for Community Development.” Rutgers University, Camden, NJ. April 22, 2009

“Becoming a Youth Inclusive Organization.” The Children’s Board, Tampa, FL. March 7, 2008.

“Pushing the Boundaries: The University, the Community and Progressive Youth Leadership Development.” University of South Florida, Tampa, FL. March 6, 2008

“The Puzzle of the Primary Election.” Institute for Public Affairs, Temple University. November 14, 2007.

“Youth Voice and Choice.” Philadelphia’s After School Youth Development Network. Philadelphia, PA. June 18, 2007.

“Creating Child and Youth Friendly Communities.” Workshop for the Southeastern Pennsylvania Regional After School Summit. Widener University. May 24, 2007. (with Melissa DeShields, Janet Riley-Ford, Eric Grimes, Erin Horvat and Michelle Schmitt)

“Connecting Truth to Power: Youth Speak out on their Communities, Their Lives, Their Challenges.” Delaware Valley Grant Makers. Chester, PA. May 3, 2006

“Supporting Youth Civic Engagement Work.” Neighborhworks Conference. Atlanta, GA. February 22, 2006

“Connecting Truth to Power: Youth Speak out on their Communities, Their Lives, Their Challenges.” U.S. Department of Justice National Conference. Washington, DC. January 10, 2006.

University-Community Partnerships Around Youth Civic Engagement. University of Southern Florida, Tampa, FL, Dec 12-13, 2002

Building on Success: The “Scaling Up” of The Youth VOICES Project in Philadelphia . American Youth Policy Forum, Washington, DC, October 4, 2002 (with Catie Cavanaugh, Mike Sack, and Sue Goldberger)

“Developing a National Community Based Research Network: Issues and Opportunities.” Bonner Scholars Leadership Program. Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC June 12-15, 2002.

“Jane Jacobs Meets Walt Disney: Urban America in the New Millenium.” Y Club of Temple University, Philadelphia, PA April 13, 2001

“Getting Faculty Involved in University Community Partnerships.” University of Massachusetts- Amherst. Amherst, MA April 5, 2001.

“Faculty Engagement in Community-Based Research.” International Conference on Higher Education Assisted Community Schools as Sights of Civic Engagement” Philadelphia, PA. March 29, 2001.

“What is Community Based Research?” Workshop, Philadelphia Higher Education Network for Neighborhood Development, Philadelphia, PA. January 26, 2001

“Doing Community Based Research.” Workshop, Philadelphia Higher Education Network for Neighborhood Development, Philadelphia, PA January 26, 2001

“Public-Private Partnerships in Economic Development.” International Visitors Council. Spoke to a group of visiting Ghanaian practitioners and government officials on economic development practices and approaches. Philadelphia, PA Oct 3, 2000


Principal Investigator

Youth Leadership Development. Philadelphia Foundation ($40,000) (September 2016-August 2017)

Principal Investigator

Youth Leadership Development. Department of Human Services. ($103,400) (Sept 2016-June 2017)

Principal Investigator

Progressive Youth Leadership Development. Claneil Foundation. ($15,000) (July 2016-June 2018)

Principal Investigator:

Philly Youth Leadership Council Mini Grant. The Food Trust ($1,000) June 2016- May 2017.

Principal Investigator:

Youth Leadership Development Continuum. Pew Fund (Pew Charitable Trusts). ($187,000) April 2016-March 2019.

Principal Investigator

Summer Academy. Philadelphia Youth Network. ($8,500) (June 2016-Sept 2016)

Principal Investigator