NU Core Documentation for Facility Admin and Staff
(updated 9/26/12)
Table of Contents
User Base
Adding a new internal user………………………………………………………2
Adding a new external user………………………………………………………2
Payment Sources
Adding a new chart string to NU Core…………………………………….……..3
Adding a ‘Purchaser’ to a chart string……………………………………………3
Adding a ‘Business Administrator’ to a chart string……………………………..4
Removing a user from a chart string……………………………………………..4
Orders (Items & Services)
Creating an order on behalf of a user……………………………………………5
Ordering just one item or service………………………………………..5
Ordering multiple items/services in one cart……………………………5
Modifying a new order………………………………………………………….6
Completing a new ord.………………………………………………………….6
Modifying a completed order…………………………………………………...6
Reservations (Instruments)
Creating a reservation on behalf of a user………………………………….…..7
Modifying a new reservation on behalf of a user………………………………7
Beginning and ending a reservation on behalf of a user……………………….8
Problem Reservations…………………………………………………………..8
Modifying a completed reservation…………………………………………….8
In order to perform any of the functions in this guide, you must first login to NU Core and then click ‘Manage Facilities’ to be acting as an administrator.
User Base
Adding a new internal user
- Select the ‘Users’ tab
- Enter the name or NetID of the new user and click ‘Search’ (if the name appears after you search, the user already exists and does not need to be added)
- You may enter partial names (must use at least 3 characters)
- If the name does not already exist in the system, the page will display: “Can’t find the user you’re looking for? Create a new user” (click the ‘Create a new user’ link)
- If the user is internal, enter the NetID and press ‘Lookup NetID’ (if the user is external, see instructions in next section)
- Click ‘Add User’ next to the user name that appeared below the search box.
Adding a new external user
- Select the ‘Users’ tab
- Enter the name of the new user and click ‘Search’ (if the name appears after you search, the user already exists and does not need to be added)
- You may enter partial names (must use at least 3 characters)
- If the name does not already exist in the system, the page will display: “Can’t find the user you’re looking for? Create a new user” (click the ‘Create a new user’ link)
- Select ‘No’ when prompted: ‘Does the new user have a NetID’
- Enter the user’s email address and click ‘Lookup Email Address’
- This step searched the NU Core user database to ensure a preexisting email address is not being used
- Then click ‘Add a new external user’
- Enter first name, last name, email address, (username will be set as email address)
- After you press ‘Create’, an email will be generated and sent to the new user and will include their username and automatically generated password. External users are able to change their password with the “Change password” link in the upper-right of the screen after they log in.
Payment Sources
Creating a new chart string in NU Core
*When creating a chart string for the first time in NU Core, it must be added to the Owner/PI of the chart string (not to the user who will have approval to use it)
- Select the ‘Billing’ tab
- On the left hand menu, click ‘payment sources’
- Enter all or part of the chart string in the search box to check if it already exists in NU Core (if it does, it will appear below the search box)
- If entering more than one component of the chart string you must include hyphens in appropriate locations. (e.g. 171-1000000-12345678-01)
- If the chart string has not been found in the search click ‘Add Payment Source’
- Enter the name or NetID of the PI who owns the chart string and click ‘Search’
- If the user exists, click on their name (if they do not, follow instructions above on how to add a new internal user)
- Enter the full chart string under ‘Payment Source Number’ including hyphens
- For the description either enter the name of the grant/account/project name, or if you do not have this information enter the PI’s last name, followed by the last 4 digits of the project ID (example: Smith 4582)
- Lastly, click ‘Create’
Adding a ‘Purchaser’ to a chart string
*Once a chart string has been added to NU Core, users may then be added with purchasing rights (users must first have user accounts created in NU Core). Once a user is added as a ‘purchaser’ they have the ability to use the chart string across all cores in NU Core, and can view any charges they incur (they will not have the ability to see any other activity on the payment source besides their own).
- Select the ‘Users’ tab
- Search for the owner of the chart string you wish to add a user to
- You may enter partial names (must use at least 3 characters)
- Click on the name of the owner of the chart string
- Above the PI’s name, click on the ‘Payment Sources’ tab (4th tab over)
- Click on the existing chart string you wish to add the user to (if the desired chart string is not listed, start from step 4 in ‘Creating a new chart string in NU Core’
- Click on the ‘Members’ tab
- Click ‘Add Access’
- Type in the name of the user you wish to add and press ‘Search’
- Click on the user’s name
- Keep ‘User Role’ as ‘Purchaser’ and press ‘Create’
Adding a ‘Business Administrator’ to a chart string
*A business administrator can be added to a payment source so they can oversee all activity that is occurring on the chart string. They have the ability to add/remove purchasing rights to chart strings, and can activate/suspend chart strings within NU Core. There can be multiple business administrators on a payment source.
- Follow steps 1-9 from ‘Adding a Purchaser to a chart string’
- From the drop down under ‘User Role’ select ‘Business Administrator’ and press ‘Create’
Removing a user from a chart string
- Select the ‘Users’ tab
- Enter the name of the user you want to remove and press ‘Search’
- You may enter partial names (must use at least 3 characters)
- Click on the user’s name
- Click on the ‘Payment Sources’ tab (4th tab over) that is right above the user’s name
- Click on the payment source you want to remove the user from
- Click on the ‘Members’ tab
- Click the ‘Remove Access’ link next to the user’s name.
- Confirm ‘OK’ on the pop-up to officially remove.
Orders (Items & Services)
Creating an order on behalf of a user
Ordering just one item or service
- Select the ‘Users’ tab
- Enter the name of the user you want to create an order for, and click ‘Search’
- Click the ‘Order For’ link to the left of the user’s name
- Click on the service or item you want to purchase
- Press ‘Add to Cart’
- Select the chart string the user wishes to charge and press ‘Continue’
- Input the desired quantity and an optional note, then click ‘Update’
- Click ‘Purchase’
- Confirm ‘OK’ on the pop-up to finish the purchasing process
- Lastly, go to the top of the screen and click ‘Exit’
Ordering multiple items/services in one cart (when not using the ‘Order Form’ facility view)
- Follow steps 1-7 from the directions for ‘Creating an order on behalf of a user – Just one item or service’
- To add a second item/service, click the link towards the top left part of the screen that says your facility name (see below)
- Click on the service/item you want to add
- Click ‘Add to Cart’
- Input the desired quantity and an optional note, then click ‘Update’
- Repeat steps 2-5 from these directions for additional services/items to be added
- When you are done adding services/items, click ‘Purchase’
- Confirm ‘OK’ on the pop-up to finish the purchasing process
- Lastly, go to the top of the screen and click ‘Exit’ *The numbers preceding the hyphen in the Order ID will apply to all items in the cart/purchase
Modifying a new order
*Note that you may not modify cost or make other pricing adjustments to orders until after they are marked ‘Complete’.
1. Select the ‘Orders’ tab
2. Click on the order # (on the left hand side), that is associated with the order you want to edit.
3. You can edit the: payment source, quantity, status (including completing the order or canceling the order), and notes field.
4. After you have made all changes, click ‘Save’
Completing a new order
*A service or item (whether order by a user, or on behalf of a user) must be moved from ‘new’ status to ‘completed’ status before the billing process for that order can begin. In addition, the cost of any ordercannot be edited until after it is marked as complete.
- As a facility manager choose the ‘Orders’ tab
- Check the boxes on the left hand side of the screen next to each order you would like to complete (you can click the ‘Select All’ link if you want to complete all orders)
- Go to the ‘Status’ drop down that is above the ‘Status’ column (towards the right side of the screen) and select ‘Complete’
- Click ‘Update Orders’ to complete orders.
Modifying a completed order
*After an order has been completed (before it has been billed), you can edit the quantity, cost, adjustment, note, payment source and status from the same page.
- Select the ‘Billing’ tab
- If looking for a particular order to edit, you can search for the order by defining any or all of the following: date range, payment source, product, and owner of chart string
- When you find the order you want to edit, click on the ‘Order #’ link in the far left column
- From this page you can: edit the payment source by selecting another payment source from the drop down, edit the quantity (which will reflect a change in cost), edit the cost, edit or add an adjustment, edit or add a note, or change an order from complete to cancelled (drop down under the ‘Status’ column).
- After all edits are made, click ‘Save’ at the bottom of the page.
Reservations (Instruments)
Creating a reservation on behalf of a user
*A reservation can be made on behalf of a user even if they are not on the approved user list for that particular instrument.
- Select the ‘Users’ tab
- Enter the name of the user you want to create an order for, and click ‘Search’
- Click the ‘Order For’ link next to the user’s name
- Click on the instrument you would like to create a reservation on
- Select the appropriate payment source from the drop-down menu
- Select the date, start time, and length of reservation, then click ‘Create’
- After the reservation has been made, go to the top of the screen and click ‘Exit’
Modifying a new reservation on behalf of a user
*You can edit the payment source, date, start time, length of reservation, notes field, and order status (i.e. cancel)
- Select the ‘Reservations’ tab
- On the ‘Daily View’ you can find the reservation you would like to edit. Click the small calendar next to the date to go to a different day
- Hover the cursor over the green blocks on each instrument to view the name associated with the reservation
- Click on the ‘edit’ link associated with the reservation you want to modify
- To change the payment source, select a different payment source from the drop down, then press save
- To cancel the order, select ‘Cancelled’ from the drop down under ‘Status’, then press ‘Save’
- To edit the date, start time, or length, click on the blue link that shows the date and time of the reservation, adjust the desired fields, then press ‘Save’
Beginning and Ending a reservation on behalf of a user
- Select the ‘Reservations’ tab
- From the ‘Daily View’ find the reservation you want to begin
- Hover the cursor over the reservation block on the instrument timeline
- Click the ‘Begin Reservation’ link to begin the timer for a reservation (this will turn on the relay if the instrument uses a relay as well)
- To end the reservation, go back to the ‘Daily View’ under the ‘Reservations’ tab and find the reservation block you want to end
- Hover the cursor over the reservation block, and select ‘End Reservation’
Problem Reservations
*New reservations will move to the ‘Problem Reservations’ tab in 3 different circumstances: 1) If a user does not begin their reservation (and the instrument is setup on a timer and auto-cancel is not setup), it will move to ‘problem reservations’ after the reservation end time has passed. 2) If a user begins their reservation, but does not end their reservation (and the instrument is set up on a timer). 3) If there is no price policy defined for the instrument.
1)Select the ‘Reservations’ tab
2)Click on ‘Problem Reservations’ tab under facility name
3)Click the blue Order # link of the order you want to fix
4)Enter the actual start time and end time, as well as the dates, then press ‘Save’
5)If you want to input the reserved time, click the ‘Copy from Reservation’ link, and it will automatically populate the date and time field. Then press ‘Save’
Modifying a completed reservation
- Select the ‘Billing’ tab
- If looking for a particular reservation to edit, you can search by defining any or all of the following: date range, payment source, product, and owner of chart string
- When you find the reservation you want to edit, click on the ‘Order #’ link in the far left column
- From this page you can change the payment source, cancel the reservation, edit the cost, edit the adjustment, and add/edit a note
- Click ‘Save’ after making the desired changes
- To edit the date or time of the reservation, click on the blue link that has the reservation date and time
- Enter the actual start and end time and date, then press ‘Save’ (the cost of the reservation will automatically update)