Kenosha Unity Coalition

Justice. Equity. Opportunity.

December 2, 2016; 12pm – 1:30pm; Boys & Girls Club of Kenosha

Time / Discussion Topic / Expected Outcome
12:00pm-12:10pm / Welcome, Introductions & Review of Agenda / Greetings & purpose of today’s meeting
12:10pm-12:35pm / Guest Speaker: Karen van Heijningen, Coordinated Response to Child Abuse and Neglect Program Coordinator, Community Impact Programs / Overview of Handle with Care Initiative
12:35pm-1:15pm / ÿ  Debrief Kick-off event at Carthage on 11/18/16
ÿ  Governance Team Updates
o  What are the consistent dates and times for all workgroup meetings? Due 12/9/16
ÿ  Next steps as a coalition & 2017 Calendar (speakers, conference, initiatives)
ÿ  Workgroup Updates
Workgroup 1/Justice: Public Health Response to Violence Reduction
Workgroup 2/Equity: Collaborative Network of Agencies
Workgroup 3/Opportunity: Mentors for Change & Advocacy / Updates from the governance team and workgroup co-chairs (summary of last workgroup meeting, action items, successes, elicit feedback, next steps, strategies, etc.)
1:15pm-1:30pm / Coalition & Community Partner Updates
Questions, Concerns, & Suggestions / Updates from coalition & community partners
1:30pm / Adjourn & Next Meeting / January 6, 2017
12-1:30pm Boys & Girls Club of Kenosha


Mission: To strengthen Kenosha by building bridges together and increasing equity for all citizens.

Kenosha Unity Coalition

Justice. Equity. Opportunity.

1.  This meeting belongs to YOU and its success rests largely with you.

2.  Enter into the discussion ENTHUSIASTICALLY.

3.  GIVE FREELY of your experience.

4.  CONFINE your discussion to the problem.

5.  Say what you THINK.

6.  Only ONE PERSON should talk at a time. Avoid private conversations while someone else is speaking.

7.  LISTEN ALERTLY to the discussions.

8.  BE PATIENT with other members.

9.  APRRECIATE the other fellow’s point of view.

10.  BE PROMPT in attendance.

Mission: To strengthen Kenosha by building bridges together and increasing equity for all citizens.

Kenosha Unity Coalition

Justice. Equity. Opportunity.

Mission: To strengthen Kenosha by building bridges together and increasing equity for all citizens.

Purpose of Coalition/Workgroups: To build and enhance community relationships, identify community needs, services and strategies to achieve justice, equity, and opportunity.

Target Population: Anyone at risk of violence

Mission: To strengthen Kenosha by building bridges together and increasing equity for all citizens.

Kenosha Unity Coalition

Justice. Equity. Opportunity.

Mission: To strengthen Kenosha by building bridges together and increasing equity for all citizens.

Kenosha Unity Coalition

Justice. Equity. Opportunity.

Mission: To strengthen Kenosha by building bridges together and increasing equity for all citizens.

Kenosha Unity Coalition

Justice. Equity. Opportunity.

Mission: To strengthen Kenosha by building bridges together and increasing equity for all citizens.

Kenosha Unity Coalition

Justice. Equity. Opportunity.


Workgroup 1/Justice: To establish a comprehensive public health response to violence reduction.
Objective 1: Empower and educate the positive people in the neighborhoods to reduce turning a blind eye to violence.
Objective 2: Activate a response team involving the police, community members, and schools that will respond to shootings within a 48 hours of the incident.
Objective 3: Collect, analyze, and disseminate date of violent incidents within neighborhoods to guide strategies for intervention and prevention opportunities.
1.  Data collection and review
a.  Systematic review committee on violence which offers practical solutions/strategies
b.  Gun related violence, homicides, domestic violence, sexual assault, etc.
c.  Date collection adds credibility and helps gain trust within the community and legitimizes calls that law enforcement has to respond to
d.  What are the social determinants of health (work, live and play)?
2.  Violence review
a.  Tools/templates, GIS mapping of violent gun related incidents, etc.
b.  Goal is to provide quantitative information to help curve, mitigate and/or reduce further violence
c.  Response team for specific violent incidents (place, method/mode, cause, etc.)
3.  Support for the process
a.  Open dialogue between police and community members can likely reduce fear and allow police to solve more crimes
Workgroup 2/Equity: To create a collaborative network of agencies to facilitate preventative, transitional, and community strengthening services.
Objective 1: Create a guide to identify supportive community agencies that offer needed services for referrals.
Objective 2: Identify an assessment tools to be administered within the jail to individuals being released which will facilitate transitional services and identify preventative health needs.
Objective 3: Maintain accurate knowledge of effective transitional services.
1.  Identify an tool and assess how to transition from assessment to plan
a.  What works in transitional services?
b.  Who else needs to be at the table?
2.  Work with the judges or other staff in the judicial system to address mental health concerns
Workgroup 3/Opportunity: To empower and engage impactful individuals to serve as mentors for change and advocacy.
Objective 1: Identify and maintain an active roster of individuals who will serve as mentors.
Objective 2: Orient mentors using an evidence-based curriculum/model to reduce violence and recidivism to incarceration.
Objective 3: Provide collaborative outreach efforts and activities to positively effect change.
1.  Identify an evidence based curriculum and/or model to orient potential mentors
a.  Recommend best practices
2.  Develop volunteer mentor role description and steps needed to become a mentor
3.  What agencies are needed to collaborate coordinate this?
4.  Who will manage the list of mentor candidates?
5.  Develop promotional/community outreach strategies
a.  Social media, success stories, Facebook live, radio spot

Mission: To strengthen Kenosha by building bridges together and increasing equity for all citizens.

Kenosha Unity Coalition

Justice. Equity. Opportunity.

Mission: To strengthen Kenosha by building bridges together and increasing equity for all citizens.