Prenatal Intake Sheet


About You


Occupation ______Place of Work ______

Work Phone______Email ______

Partner______DOB ______

Occupation ______Place of Work ______

Work Phone ______Email ______

Home Address ______

City ______State ______Zip ______

Directions ______


Home Phone ______Cell Phone ______

How long have you been together______

Siblings names and ages______

Others who live in your household______

Plan of care for children during labor ______

Plan of care for pets during labor______

People you will have attend your birth ______

Referred you?______

About Care Providers

Primary Provider ______

Type of Practice (Private, Group, HMO)______Phone______

Back Up Provider ______

Place of Birth ______Phone______

Home Birth Backup Hospital ______Phone______

Tour? ______Registered ______

Pediatrician ______Phone______

Childbirth Classes ______With Whom ______

Breastfeeding Classes______With Whom ______

Other Classes ______

Other Health Care Providers You See ______

Support Information

Fears/Concerns about Pregnancy______

Fears/Concerns about Birth ______

Trust caregivers? ______

Trust Hospital/home birth ______

Age Concerns______

Partner Attending Birth? ______

Reason wanting a doula______

Prenatal Intake Page 2


Health History

General Health______

Pregnancy Health______

Special Concerns ______

Allergies (drugs, food, latex)______


Vitamins ______Supplements ______

Routine Meds including OTC ______



Medical History Check any applicable:

___ Anemia___ Asthma ___ Anorexia/Bulimia ___ Bladder/Kidney Infections

___ Bleeding Disorders ___ Cancer ___ Conization/LEEP ___ Diabetes ___ Epilepsy

___ Fibroids ___ Heart Disease ___ Hepatitis ___ Herpes ___ HIV ___ Hypoglycemia

___ Hyper/Hypotension ___ STD’s ___ TB ___ Thyroid Disorders ___ Ulcers

___ Varicosities ___ Vaginal Infections

Any major surgeries, injuries, hospitalizations ______

History of emotional problems ______


Any history of personal trauma (rape, abuse, etc) ______


Your Pregnancy

Pre-pregnancy PMS ______Pain/Cramping______

Coping techniques ______

Planned Pregnancy______Feelings Now ______

Difficulty Conceiving ______Special technology used ______

Pregnanies ______Miscarriage ______Live Births ______

Prior Pregnancies:

Date / #Week / Sex / Weight / Name/Outcome / Labor length / Meds, Intv, Compl.

Have you breastfed before? Problems? ______

Have you ever had postpartum depression? ______

Prenatal Intake Page 3


Check any that apply:

___ Acid Indigestion ___ Anxiety ___ Carpal Tunnel Syndrome ___ Bowel Problems

___ Fatigue ___ Hemorrhoids ___ Incontinence ___ Lack of Sleep ___ Muscle Cramps

___ Nausea/Vomiting ___ Shortness of Breath ___ Swelling/Edema

Any complications______

Prenatal Screening

Had an ultrasound?______How many______Results ______

Other prenatal screening ______

Group B Strep?______Gestational Diabetes ______

About Your Birth

What is your vision for this birth ______

What are your expectations of your doula? ______

Where in your body do you usually feel tension? ______

How do you manifest tension:

___ difficulty breathing ___ sweating ___ panic ___nausea ___ moaning

___ grinding teeth ___clenching fists ___ racing heart ___ anxiety ___ other______

How do you comfort yourself when experiencing stress or pain:

___ distraction ___ movement ___ silence ___turning inward ___ self-medicating behaviors

___ OTC drugs ___ hot/cold packs ___ companionship ___ other ______

What is your plan for coping with the pain of labor? ______

How do you feel about medical procedures/intervention in birth? ______

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How would you like your doula to respond if you are requesting pain medications? ______

Do you have a birth plan? ______Signed by caregiver? ______

Are you wanting photography/video? ______

Who will be taking pictures/video? ______How graphic? ______

Anything else I should know to support you?


Are there any cultural/religious choices/preferences that may affect your birth?
