Professional Standards and Practices Board
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Education Building, Albany, NY
Members Present on Thursday, 1/22/15: Julius Adams, Jane Ashdown, David Babikian, Trudy Bantle, Grace Barrett, Deb Calvino, Kate DaBoll-Lavoie, Stephen Danna, Maria DeWald, Andrea Fortin- Nossavage, Lloyd Jaeger, Collen McDonald, Lesli Myers, Ruth Pagerey, Annette Romano, Michael Rosenberg, Ellen Sullivan, James VasquezNYSED: Melissa Greene, Lauren Carnahan, Jessie Westfall, Nancy De Korp
NYSUT: Leah Lembo
Members Absent on Thursday, 1/22/15: Sharon Eghigian, Rita Floess, Chuck Khoury, Margaret Madden, Gale Sookdeo
Call to Order / Welcome/ Information Items
12:00 p.m. – 12:45 p.m.
Meeting called to order at 12:00 by the co-chairs.
1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Review of Agenda
3. Review and Approval of Minutes:
September Minutes: Motion: T. Bantle; Seconded: R. Pagerey
Board voted unanimously to approve the Minutes (18-0).
Result: Motion passed.
November Minutes: Motion: D. Babikian; Seconded: J. Ashdown
Board voted unanimously to approve the Minutes (18-0).
Result: Motion passed.
December Minutes: Motion: M. DeWald; Seconded: J. Vasquez
Board voted unanimously to approve the Minutes (18-0).
Result: Motion passed.
4. Review and Approval of Draft Annual Report 2013-2014 (as amended with pagination added). Motion: R. Pagerey; Seconded: M. DeWald. The Board voted unanimously to approve the 2013 Annual Report as amended. Result: Motion passed.
5. Full Board discussion about requirements for professional development hours, the recent Tisch/Board of Regents letter, and State of the State Address
Full Board Presentation: Update on School Counselor Recommendations with P-12 Assistant Commissioner, Renee Rider, Student Support Services
12:45 p.m. - 1:45p.m.
1. Introductions
2. Overview of Student Support Services Office
3. Review of School Counselor (December 2014 Board of Regents Presentation): archived presentation can be found here:
4. Discussion highlights included: counselor-to-student ratio, roles/responsibilities for P-12 and higher education, pupil personnel services, counselor preparation programs, Regents will consider new Regulations in April
Full Board Presentation: Updates with Deputy Commissioner, John D’Agati, Office of Higher Education
1:45 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
1. The Board discussed the following topics:
a. Part 83 and TSU presentations
b. Educator training on test administration
c. edTPA “Use of Materials” memo and Policy on Condition Codes
d. Teacher certification examination pass rates
Higher Education and Professional Practices Subcommittee Meetings
2:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Subcommittee Reports
5:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
1. Higher Education Subcommittee:
a. Met with Ann Jasinski (Office of Teaching Initiatives) regarding regulations for professional certification and provided comments/feedback
b. Discussed Higher Education Institutional Profiles and created feedback for the Department
c. In the future, will look at teacher certification pass rate data
2. Professional Practices Subcommittee:
a. Reviewed 1 TSU case & 13 Part 83 cases
b. Discussed the crosswalk of various educator standards
c. Created list of potential questions/topics for P-12 Deputy Commissioner
Meeting adjourned by the co-chairs at 5:30 p.m.
Professional Standards and Practices Board Meeting on Friday, January 23, 2015
Education Building, Albany, NY
Members Present on Friday, 1/23/15: Julius Adams, Jane Ashdown, David Babikian, Trudy Bantle, Grace Barrett, Deb Calvino, Kate DaBoll-Lavoie, Stephen Danna, Maria DeWald, Andrea Fortin- Nossavage, Lloyd Jaeger, Collen McDonald, Lesli Myers, Ruth Pagerey, Annette Romano, Michael Rosenberg, Ellen SullivanNYSED: Melissa Greene, Lauren Carnahan, Jessie Westfall, Nancy De Korp
NYSUT: Glenn Jeffers
Members Absent on Friday, 1/12/15: Sharon Eghigian, Rita Floess, Chuck Khoury, Margaret Madden, Ruth Pagerey, Gale Sookdeo, James Vasquez
Call to Order / Welcome/ Information Items
8:00 a.m. – 8:35 a.m.
Meeting called to order by the co-chairs at 8:05 a.m.
1. Welcome
2. Review Agenda
3. Discussion on edTPA “Use of Materials” memo. The Board supports the use of video in preservice and inservice development, but recommends the field memo not be changed at this time.
Full Board Presentation: Updates with P-12 Deputy Commissioner, Cosimo Tangorra
8:35 a.m. – 9:10 a.m.
1. The following topics were discussed by the Board and the Deputy:
a. Alternative pathways, assessment flexibility, and CTE programs
b. APPR, evaluation, standardized testing, professional development, and school counseling
c. Potential impact of Governor’s Budget Proposal; gaps between P-12 and higher education
Workgroups: Continued Discussion of Governor’s Budget Proposal
9:10 a.m. – 10:10 a.m.
1. The Board continued the discussion of the Governor’s Budget Proposal:
a. Developing a statement to the Board of Regents
i. Share mission of the Board, educate, make recommendations, and offer solutions
Higher Education and Professional Practices Subcommittee Meetings
10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Full Board Presentation: Updates with Senior Deputy Commissioner, Ken Wagner
11:00 a.m. - 12:05 p.m.
1. Introductions
2. Full Board discussion on the following topics:
a. State aid proposal and Tisch/Board of Regents letter
b. Standards, assessment, and evaluation
c. Responsibility of marketing
d. Teacher supply and demand in NYS
Subcommittee Reports:
12:05 p.m. – 12:25 p.m. Professional Practices Subcommittee Co-chairs and Higher Education Subcommittee Co-chairs reported on subcommittee meetings
1. Higher Education Subcommittee:
a. Reviewed and edited the Higher Education Institutional Profile feedback document- approved by the full Board
b. Future agenda item- teacher certification pass rates and employability data
2. Professional Practices Subcommittee:
a. Discussion on statement to the Governor’s Office/Board of Regents
b. Need a small group of volunteers to draft response. A response will be drafted by a writing group, to be sent to entire Board for review, and then shared with Interim Commissioner.
3. Full group discussion on the edTPA document and condition codes:
a. More information is needed to move forward on this document
The meeting was adjourned by the co-chairs at 12:25 p.m.