** Notice of Joint Technical Talk**

Title: Technical talk on Rice Husk “Green” Boards (EPF) – Its Development & Potential Applications

(Jointly organized with Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (Gas and Energy Division)

Speakers : Ir. P S Kwan is the General Manager of a Swedish company Tru-seal International (HK) Ltd. and the Managing Director of Ocean Man Ltd. He has been lecturing in the Dept. of Mechanical & Marine Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University for more than 13 years. He then came to his own business in 1995 firstly in the field of crystallization applying in building materials and then into other applications. In the past few years, Ir. Kwan was concentrating in researching nano-technology applications in the following major areas: building materials such as masonry, concrete/wood, coating, luminosity enhancement and now in bamboo and paper. Before joining the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Ir. Kwan obtained his first degree and higher degrees in Sunderland University and University of Newcastle Upon Tyne in U.K respectively.

Ir. Kwan gives lectures to undergraduate classes and Master’s Class in the Department of Architecture, Hong Kong University. He also gives lectures to Master’s Class in CityU, Dept. of Construction as well.

Synopsis :Everybody is familiar with “particle boards” made with agricultural wasted fibres. There are more than 3000 factories in China currently producing such boards. These boards possess many demerits which make it unpopular in the market ever since commercialization.

A new generation “green” board is now developed and has been commercialized by making use of rice husk. It is known as Environmental Protection Fibrous Board (EPF). This board possesses the physical properties out-performed all the particle boards in the past and can be used in all aspects in life. Even natural wood board’s properties are incomparable to it. This board is fire-retardant, termite-free, moisture-free, machineable, mouldable, good thermal insulation, high mechanical strength etc. The main beauty is that it is made from rice husk – an abundant supply and re-use of wasted agricultural material.

This presentation is purposely launched to share the experience of developing this technology and report to attendants regarding its current status. Industrial projects such as housing, moulding, fire-door manufacture etc. are now engaged world-wide gradually. Using such technology, the treatment on coal ash and other similar materials will be discussed.

Date: 29 June 2007 (Friday)

Time: 18:00hrs to 19:30 hrs (tea & coffee at around 17:45 hrs)

Venue: HKIE - 9th Floor, Island Beverley, No. 1 Great George Street, Causeway Bay, HK

Registration & Enquiries: This event is free of charge. Members are welcome to attend and are required prior registration on first-come-first-served basis. Due to limited seats of the venue, early booking is advisable but not later than 25 June 2007. CPD certificates will be available. Completed registration form at below be returned to Mr. Michael LEE. For enquiries, please send

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Michael LEE

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