Maldon District Advice Forum
Sarah Laskar MDCVS
Richard TuttyOpen Road
David PicklesMaldon District CAB
Judith WrightCHARMS
Helena GoodwinEssex County Council
Lucy BettelyMaldon District CAB
Kath O’ByrneHomestart – Maldon
Nicki CarnabySafer places
Jan HawkinsCommunity Agents
The meeting was opened and individuals introduced themselves. The notes of the previous forum meeting were reviewed for accuracy and accepted. There were no matters arising
Presentation from Helena Goodwin,
Lead for Partnership Delivery – Mid, Adult operations, Essex County Council
Helena gave a presentation on changes to Adult Social Care and Good Lives. The ethos of this is giving people control over their care and “not being done to”
The presentation included statistics about the population growth in over 65’s and 85’s over the next twenty years. 61% of the social care budget is currently spent on over 85’s at the current rate of population increase in 20 years this cohort will require the full budget.
Good lives is:
- The implementation of the Care Act
- The ethos of “not being done to”
- An asset and strength based approach
- Person centred
- Increasing independence and choice
The slide from the presentation will be circulated after the meeting.
Update on Public Health
Sarah gave a presentation based on public health updates received at meetings she had attended, this included
- Public Health in Mid Essex, a presentation given by Mike Goherty at Essex County Council to the Living Safe and Well partnership board
- Maldon Public Health priorities - a presentation give by Richard Holmes, Maldon District Council to the Maldon Health and Wellbeing group.
The presentation outlined some key statistics for Maldon District and the two priorities identified for Maldon District.
Slides will be circulated with the minutes.
Updates from groups
Maldon CAB – have now launched an outreach service for Tillingham and Bradwell following some funding from the Bradwell Windfarm
They are open 10-4 Mon-Fri in Maldon District Council Offices
Sarah advised the group that the Mid Esse Mental Health summit will take place on Monday 25th April, places are still available but booking fat. To book a place visit the MDCVS website events page and follow the links
Sarah asked if anyone had suggestions for topics or speakers for forthcoming meetings and encouraged members to feed these back. Sarah suggested inviting Tom Bage from the Essex Chronicle to the next meeting as he has launched the new look community pages and would like to make more community links.
Date of next meeting
19th July, 2pm at MDCVS Offices Heybridge.