6.3.3 Development of Retrieval Algorithms (WP3)
This sections illustrates some of the innovations made in the areas of retrieving cloud properties from remote sensing by lidar, radar and microwave radiometer. Further details are given in the CLOUDNET deliverable 10.
Cloudnet algorithms can be broadly classified according to the following scheme
- Cloud Macrostructure and phase (i.e. Target Classification and Cloud fraction)
- Liquid Water Cloud quantitative algorithms
- Ice Cloud quantitative algorithms
Those algorithms marked with an asterisk are highlighted within this Chapter.
Cloud Macrostructure and Phase algorithms
The Cloudnet target classification is a fundamental part of the CLOUDNET retrieval process. It combines lidar, radar and other measurements to identify specific pixels of 30second/60m vertical resolution to identify the target as cloud/no cloud to assess cloud fraction, cloud top and cloud base, and then identifies the clouds as liquid, ice or mixed phase as a guide to subsequent quantitative algorithms. The following classification/cloud property algorithms have been developed.
- Data correction, quality control, and regridding.
- Target classification and data quality flags.
- Observed cloud fraction on the operational model grids.
- Cloud Phase detection using lidar depolarisation.
Liquid Water Cloud Quantitative Algorithms
Once the target has been identified as liquid water the following algorithms can be called.
5Liquid water path from microwave radiometers and lidar.
6Liquid water content using scaled adiabatic method.
7Radar-lidar liquid water content retrieval.
8Drizzle Parameters from lidar and radar.
Ice Water Cloud Quantitative Algorithms
Ice cloud physical properties (i.e. effective radius, IWC) are a subject of considerable uncertainty with respect to atmospheric forecast and climate models. Considerable effort has occurred within Cloudnet to develop new approaches for ice cloud remote sensing and to apply and cross-evaluate new and existing methodologies. The main algorithm development related activities within CLOUDNET are listed below. As before the topics marked with an asterisk have will be highlighted as examples within this Chapter.
9Ice water content from radar reflectivity and temperature.
10RADON ice water content.
11Comparison of Ice Water Content Retrievals.
In the remainder of this Chapter a brief description of these algorithms and their performance is given. The algorithms have been implemented on the data set, with retrieved parameters displayed on the web site. A comparison of the retrieved parameters and with the model representation of clouds in the various operational models is given in the next Chapter.
Cloud Macrostructure
1 Data Correction, Quality Control and Regridding.
This product facilitates the application of multi-sensor algorithms by performing much of the required preprocessing. It takes the radar, lidar, microwave radiometer, rain gauge and forecast model data corrects for attenuation, derives random and systematic measurement errors for the radar and lidar backsatter signal,and interpolates the observational datasets on to the same grid. An example of the regridded observations from Chilbolton on 17 November 2003 is shown in Figure 1 below. The algorithm can be applied to all CloudNet and ARM datasets. The instruments at the sites can be different, so the data quality flags indicate which subsequent algorithms may be applied.
The inputs to this procedure are:
1.Calibrated cloud radar data (reflectivity, Doppler velocity)
2. Lidar backscatter profile
3.Microwave radiometer liquid water path
4. Rain rate
5. Forecast model temperature, pressure, humidity and wind speed
And the corresponding outputs are:
1.Cloud radar data corrected for gas and liquid attenuation
2.Regridded lidar backscatter coefficient, liquid water path and rain rate
3.Estimates of the random and systematic errors in the observational data
4.Model temperature, pressure, humidity, wind speed interpolated to the radar grid
2 Target Classification and Data Quality Flags.
This regridded and corrected data is then analysed to categorise the targets and classify them as aerosols, insects, clutter, ice cloud, liquid cloud and so on, so that the appropriate cloud-retrieval algorithms can be invoked. Two fields are added: "category_bits" contains a categorization of the targets in each pixel and "quality_bits" indicates the quality of the data at each pixel.
The outputs are: a) A target categorization bit-field to indicate the presence of liquid droplets, drizzle/rain, ice particles, melting particles, aerosols and insects in each pixel
b) A data quality bit-field to indicate factors such as: the presence of radar ground clutter, whether the lidar echo is due to clear-air molecular scattering, and whether the radar has been attenuated by liquid water cloud or rain
An example is shown below in Figure 2. Note the period from 0:00 to 08:00 when the lidar detects ice cloud at about 9 km and lower level optically thick water cloud that the radar fails to detect. From about 12:00 onwards though, the lidar is blocked by persistent low cloud while the radar is still able to detect ice clouds above 4 km.
A detailed description of how the algorithm works may be found in:Hogan, R. J., and E. J. O'Connor, 2004: Facilitating cloud radar and lidar algorithms: the Cloudnet Instrument Synergy/Target Categorization product. Cloudnet documentation, Available at
The product web site is at:
Figure 1: Example of the regridded level 1 observations from Chilbolton on 17 November 2003
Figure 2. Target classification mask corresponding to Figure 1.
3 Observed Cloud Fraction on the model grid.
The inputs to the cloud fraction determination procedure are:
- Instrument Synergy / Target Categorization dataset
- Forecast model data over the same site for the same period
The output is the cloud fraction on the model grid box using a number of different averaging techniques.
This dataset contains cloud fraction both from a forecast model and derived from the high-resolution observations on the grid of that model. There are a number of different cloud fraction variables. In the case of the observations, cloud fraction has been calculated "by volume" (i.e. the volume of a gridbox containing cloud) and "by area" (i.e. the area of the gridbox when viewed from above that is obscured by cloud); see Brooks et al. (2005) for further details. In addition cloud fraction is also calculated from the time to advect 1 model grid-box of cloud across the site, and using a constant 1-hour sample window. In the case of the model, the "model_Cv" variable contains cloud fraction taken directly from the model, while "model_Cv_filtered" contains cloud fraction after filtering to remove tenuous ice clouds that are not believed to be likely to be detected by the radar. Generally the observed values should be compared to "model_Cv_filtered", with "model_Cv_filtered_min" and "model_Cv_filtered_max" providing an estimate of the range of uncertainty in the filtering procedure. Note that the problem of some ice cloud not being detected is limited to above around 8 km. The filtering has been performed as discussed in Hogan et al. (2001), but accounting for sub-grid variability as described by Hogan and Illingworth (2003).
There is considerable uncertainty in the filtering procedure for high ice clouds, so if a large amount of cloud has to be removed from the model to account for the poor sensitivity of the radar at this altitude then it is likely that little can be said about the accuracy of the model cloud fraction at this height.
Extinction of the beam by heavy rain can result in an underestimate of the cloud fraction above these events, so these events are removed in subsequent analysis.
An example of the derived cloud fraction by the two methods of computing cloud fraction by area and by volume together with the total cloud cover for 1 hour sampling and for 40km sampling from Chilbolton on 15 November 2003, is shown below in Figure 3.
- Brooks, M. E., R. J. Hogan and A. J. Illingworth, 2005: Parameterizing the difference in cloud fraction defined by area and volume as observed with radar and lidar. J. Atmos. Sci.,62, 2248-2260.
- Hogan, R. J., C. Jakob and A. J. Illingworth, 2001: Comparison of ECMWF winter-season cloud fraction with radar-derived values. J. Appl. Meteorol.,40, 513-525
- Hogan, R. J., and A. J. Illingworth, 2003: Parameterizing ice cloud inhomogeneity and the overlap of inhomogeneities using cloud radar data. J. Atmos. Sci.,60, 756-767.
Each model grid that cloud fraction is calculated on has a separate web page; see for example the page for the ECMWF model:
Figure 3. Example cloud fraction data derived from the cloud mask product.
4 Cloud Phase Detection using Lidar Depolarization
Lidar depolarization measurements at SIRTA have been analysed and algorithms developed to determine cloud phase. The linear depolarization ratio is defined as the ratio of backscattered light intensities in the planes perpendicular and parallelto the plane of emission. The depolarization ratio is then calibrated by identifying for each observation session a low-level, cloud-free region and normalizing this region to the standard molecular depolarization ratio of 1.4%. The low depolarization ratios (d < 0.1) are associated with spherical water droplets whereas ice particles primarily located at colder temperatures (-70°C to -30°C) have higher ratios (d ~ 0.2-0.65). Depolarization ratios between d=0.2 and d=0.4 which are accompanied by a large lidar backscatter indicating a mixed phase cloud. Figure 4 shows a specific example of CAPRO-CP algorithm performance. Figure 5 shows the distribution of temperature and depolarization ratio for water clouds, ice clouds and mixed-phase clouds based on an analysis of the SIRTA lidar dataset.
Figure 4: Left panel: time series of the vertical profile of 532-nm lidar depolarization ratio. Right panel: equivalent ice to liquid water ratio (0%=water, 100%=ice, in between is mixed-phase).
Figure 5: Distribution of points identified as (a) water, (b) mixed-phase and (c) ice clouds by the phase retrieval algorithm, as a function of temperature (top panel) and depolarization ratios (bottom panel).
- Noel, V., H. Chepfer, M. Haeffelin, Y. Morille: “Cloud Phase retrieval in midlatitude clouds from three years of lidar observations over the SIRTA observatory”. Submitted to Annales Geophysicae, under revision.
Liquid Water Clouds
5 Liquid water path from radiometers and lidar.
Liquid water path (LWP) has been inferred for many years from brightness temperatures at 22.2 GHz and 28.8 GHz. The observed brightness temperatures are first converted into an optical depth, and then the LWP and VWP (vapour water path) derived by solving the two simultaneous equations:
where C are instrument calibrations and k are the mass absorption coefficients. Because the values of k are somewhat uncertain and C can drift with time, the solution can lead to values of LWP when no cloud is present and even on occasion negative values of LWP. We have developed a new technique, based on an optimisation approach, whereby we identify cloud free periods using the ceilometer, and if LWP is zero we can eliminate VWP and obtain an equation linking C22 and C28. We then minimise the cost function for C22 and C28 and derive the calibration errors to be used during cloudy periods. Figure 6 shows the performance of the scheme in reducing the negative values of LWP to zero during cloud free periods.
The particular advantages of the scheme are that it is able to measure low values of LWP very accurately without the difficulties of spurious negative values appearing and that it is very tolerant of drifts in apparent brightness temperatures measured by the radiometer. The implications of this scheme for the design of a cloud observing station are explored in section 5 of this report.
6 Liquid Water Content Using Scaled Adiabatic Method.
It is impossible to measure liquid water content using the radar reflectivity of clouds, because the presence of occasional drizzle droplets dominates the radar reflectivity but contributes little to the liquid water. In this new method we consider those clouds identified as liquid by the classification technique, use the lidar to estimate the height of the cloud base and the radar to locate cloud top, and use the model temperature and pressure to calculate the adiabatic liquid water content (LWC) in each cloud profile and hence the find the adiabatic liquid water path (LWP). The adiabatic LWP path is then compared to the LWP derived from the radiomters in the previous algorithm (3.5) and the dilution factor of the cloud is computed. The adiabatic liquid water profile is then scaled by this dilution factor to derive the true liquid water profile.
The retrieval is not reliable above rain when cloud boundaries are ambiguous and the liquid water path cannot be estimated accurately; this is indicated in the retrieval status flag. The retrieval may also be limited in multiple layer situations if the layers are not distinct or cannot be separated with confidence. The outputs are:
1. Liquid water content on the radar time/height grid
2. An estimate of the random and possible systematic error in liquid water content
3. Theoretical adiabatic liquid water content on the radar time/height grid
4. A retrieval status flag indicating the reliability of the retrieved value at each pixel
An example of the derived liquid water content, its error and retrieval status flag, from Chilbolton on 10 October 2003 is shown below in Figure 8.
Figure 7: Example of the derived liquid water content, its error and retrieval status flag, from Chilbolton on 10 October 2003 .
The product web site is at:
7 Radar-Lidar Liquid Water Content Retrieval.
The radar-lidar technique for the retrieval of the liquid water content in low level clouds (see Krasnov and Russchenberg, 2005) has been developed and applied to the long-term near-continuous observations at the four ground-based stations in Europe (Chilbolton, Cabauw, Palaiseau, and Lindenberg), which were collected during the Cloudnet project. Provided algorithm uses the radar reflectivity to lidar optical extinction ratio for the detection and characterization of the drizzle in the water clouds, overcoming the difficulties in use of the quantitative radar data for water clouds microphysical retrievals. One of this technique main advantages is that it does not use the microwave radiometer data to obtain the vertical profiles of LWC and the integral LWP, as other available remote sensing techniques use (Frisch et al.,1996, Löhnert et. al., 2001, E. O'Connor's quasi-adiabatic technique (see this report)). Using the Cloudnet dataset it was shown, that the probability density of the radar reflectivity for three categories of water clouds, which are differently affected by the drizzle fraction, are very similar and stable for all Cloudnet sites, and the radar-lidar technique can be used even in cases when the lidar data not available, and on the sites, which are equipped with the cloud radar only. It gives the possibility to have the independent source of the information about water clouds at the fully equipped atmospheric remote sensing anchor stations and still to retrieve the profiles of the liquid water clouds content over the sites with cloud radar only. In figure below an example of the daily time series of the retrieved using the radar-lidar technique LWP in combination with independent microwave radiometers retrieval is presented (left plot). On the right plot the histogram of the difference in retrieved LWP is shown. This example demonstrates the good correlation between two techniques retrievals. The bias and standard deviation of the mutual error have values, which are compatible with the precision of microwave radiometer's retrievals.
Figure 8 An example of daily time series of LWP, retrieved using microwave radiometer data and radar-lidar technique, and the histogram of their differences
Krasnov, O.A. and H. W. J. Russchenberg, 2005: A synergetic radar-lidar technique for the LWC retrieval in water clouds: Description and application to the Cloudnet data. //The 32nd Conference on Radar Meteorology (Albuquerque, NM)
Frisch, A. S., G. Feingold, C. W. Fairall, T. Uttal, and J. B. Snider, 1998: On cloud radar and microwave radiometer measurements of stratus cloud liquid water profiles. J. Geophys. Res., 103 (D18), 23 195- 23 197.
Löhnert, U., S. Crewell, C. Simmer and A. Macke, 2001: Profiling cloud liquid water by combining active and passive microwave measurements with cloud model statistics, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 12, pp. 1354-1366.
8 Drizzle Parameters from Radar and Lidar.
The production of drizzle is intimately connected with the lifetime and evolution of stratocumulus decks. Such clouds have an important impact on the earth’s radiation budget. The properties of drizzle have not been measured remotely before, but we have developed a method of retrieving drizzle drop concentration, size, fall velocity, liquid water content, water flux, and vertical air velocity as shown in figure 10 below.
O’Connor et al. (2005) show that drizzle particle size can be estimated from the ratio of the lidar to the radar backscatter, the concentration of drops is then found from the absolute value of the radar reflectivity, and the Doppler spectral width provides an estimate of the shape of the drop spectrum. Once the drop spectrum is known then the liquid water content of the drizzle and the drizzle water flux can be determined; the theoretical terminal velocity can be computed, and compared with the observed terminal velocity so that the air velocity can be found. The retrieval is only applicable to the drizzle below cloud base