The Realm of English 10 and Honors English 10
Best Version:
Be the best version of yourself and everything else will take care of itself.
Other reminders:
Tardy Policy:
Be in your seat when the bell rings, otherwise you will be marked late.
Cell Phones, etc.:
Keep all of these things out of sight at all times unless we are using them for a lesson.
Class Participation:
Participate frequently and bring a book, pen, folder, paper, and notebook every day. Students will receive credit for participation. Your participation in class (adding to class discussions, bringing materials, presenting samples of your writing to your classmates, etc.) will be assessed during each quarter that will end with a grade of 60 points. There are incentives for students who receive more than 60 points per quarter.
Class Materials:
Students need one folder, plenty of loose leaf paper, a notebook for a reading journal, a pen or pencil, and whatever novel, play, or anthology we are using during any given unit.
Student absences:
Come to class. You may look up work on my website to see what you missed. I use the Moodle website our district has provided. I also keep hard copies of handouts in my classroom in the “Absent Files Folder.”
To Drop or not to Drop:
Assignments worth 25 + points turned in a day late = ½ credit
Assignments turned in 2 days after the original due date = 0
Assignments 24 points or below cannot be turned in late
Grading Scale Per Quarter
Writing (Essays (formal and informal), poetry, responses, etc.) 50%
Reading Journal Assignments 25%
Other stuff (quizzes, reading checks, class participation etc.) 25%
Extra Help:
I am available every day after school until 4:00 except on Thursdays. Please let me know if you want to come in and get some feedback on a project, test, essay etc. If your semester grade falls below a C, it is mandatory that you come in and receive extra help after school.
I look forward to a successful year!
Please turn the bottom portion by ______
Student Name:______Date:______
Parent/Guardian Name:______Date:______