
October 4, 2006

Iowa Library Service Area Trustees

Executive Committee Meeting

July 27, 2006


Present: Daria Bossman, Karen Burns, Jane Campagna, Karen Davidson, Darrell DeBoom, Patrick Finney, Larry Hizer, Roy Kenagy, Kim Keitzman, Valerie Koehler, Lily Lau, Jim Mefferd, Jill Miller, Eunice Riesberg, Linda Scarth, Barb Shultz, John Teget, Dale VandeHaar, Mary Wegner,

President Dale VandeHaar called the meeting to order at 10:15 a.m. After introductions, John Teget moved and Linda Scarth seconded that the amended agenda be approved. Motion passed.

Minutes for the October 19, 2005 board meeting were presented. John Teget moved and Linda Scarth seconded that the minutes be approved. Motion passed.


State Library Update given by Mary Wegner:

·  Mary welcomed us to the State Library of Iowa.

·  A document on how to set up a combined school/public library is available on the state library website at: http://www.statelibraryofiowa.org/ld/combined-sch-pl.

·  Judy Jeffries has established a committee to work on guidelines and standards for a good school library. Rita Martins and mary Wegner are chairs of this committee. Kris Steingraeber, Denise Rempke, Mary Cameron, Rhonda Shelley, Pearl Miller, and Peg Brady are members of this committee. They will begin work in August. Part of their charge is to articulate recommendations for the administrative rules. Mary Jo Langhorne will draft the document.

·  Linda Scarth mentioned a note of thanks to Mary Wegner and the State Library of Iowa for our contract with EBSCOHost.

·  Dale Vandehaar thanked the State Library of Iowa for their support for the teacher librarian bill in the State Legislature.

LSA Administrator Comments:

·  Karen Burns- Southwest LSA
Dale VanderHaar thanked Karen for her distribution of the
LSA information and her work on the LSA budget.
Karen expressed gratitude for her Board and trustees.
Southwest LSA is starting work on a new plan of service.
John Teget invited the Board to listen to a 5 minute podcast
done by Karen Burns weekly on Friday afternoons.

·  Lily Lau- East Central LSA

East Central is continuing work on equitable funding in
public libraries for librarians salaries and benefits.

·  Kim Keitzman- Southeast LSA
Kim is the new administrator at Southeast LSA.
The LSA conducted a survey of librarians.
They have purchased a cut and die machine, initiated a
cd/dvd cleaning service, and might start a play
away rotation.
Next spring the president of FOLUSA will present a
workshop on advocacy.

·  Barb Schultz- North Central LSA
The workshop with NIACC in June included Mary Wegner
and Dale VanderHaar as speakers.
Fifteen librarians retired or quit and were replaced this
year in member libraries.
The North Iowa Library Cooperative conference will be the
first week of August 2006. The topic is under-
standing the framework of poverty.

·  Eunice Riesberg- Northeast LSA
They are working on county contracts.
The e Rate paperwork is taking time.
They are planning continuing education events.

·  Roy Kenagy- Central LSA
Warren County has had a substantial increase in equitable
They have sponsored several workshops including one on
Just Say No to Reference
They have sponsored a successful reference librarians
They will upgrade computers in the LSA office.

Resolution thanking Jim Larson:

John Teget moved that a letter be drafted and signed by Dale VandeHaar that

thanks Jim Larson, past president of the LSA Executive Council, for his many years of service to our Board. He also suggested that we include a certificate. Copies of this letter should be sent to the Iowa Library Commission, the LSA Boards and put in Footnotes which is published by ILA. Jill Miller seconded. The motion was unanimously approved.

John Teget also moved that the LSA Executive Board direct the chair to nominate Jim Larson as ILA Trustee of the Year on our behalf. Linda Scarth seconded and the motion was approved unanimously.

Old Business:

·  Review of the “White Paper.”
The Board asked Dale VandeHaar to direct Kim Kietzman and Patrick
Finney to draft a “flyer” on the LSA’s for legislators and others from the

information in the white paper. This could be distributed electronically. ILTA may be willing to provide funding for this.

·  Update on the trustee handbook:
Draft 1 is on the website.
Jill Miller has worked on draft 2. It includes a plan of service, a link to
ALA, and a link to ILA, etc.
John Teget suggested an advocacy piece be put in the handbook.
Dale VandeHaar directed Jill to add the LSA Executive Committee
comments concerning advocacy to the handbook and email to the
Board. After approval, this will be put on the LSA website.
Jill will also include a piece on the LSA Executive Council.
Thanks were expressed to Bonnie McKewon for the first draft and to Jill
Miller for subsequent work on the document.

Schedule of Meetings:

John Teget moved that the LSA Executive Council amend the bylaws to state the Board will meet three times a year. Jim Mefferd seconded the motion. It was opposed unanimously. Dale VandeHaar directed the Board to review the bylaws for changes for the October meeting. One of the agenda items in the October meeting will be a calendar of meetings. We will elect officers at the October meeting. Meetings for 2006-2007 will be:
October 11th at the ILA Conference. Karen Burns will arrange this.
March 28th at the ILA Legislative Day. This will be at the State Library of Iowa.
May 23rd.

Other Items for Discussion:

There were no other items for discussion.

New Business:

·  Basic Plan for Advocacy of LSA Issues by Trustees.
The basic question is how do we organize in a clear efficient manner to tell the
legislative community what library needs are? Dale distributed a document he
shared with the LSA administrators. His goal is to develop a framework to help
with advocacy that is reevaluated each year. The LSA Executive Council is a key
player for libraries within ILA and GAC. We provide services for all types of libraries in Iowa. As trustees advocating for libraries, we need to belong to ILA and ILTA. He proposed that we look at Iowa legislative districts and get involved. He also challenged us to use the GAC talking points to contact our state legislators on behalf of the LSAs. He is willing to forward GAC information to us to take back to our communities.

·  FY08 Budget Request:
Karen Burns presented the rationale for the FY08 budget request. Jim Mefford moved to approve the fiscal package for FY08. Karen Davidson seconded. Motion passed.

Other Business:

John Teget urged the Board to urge trustees to join ILTA. ILTA advocates for all libraries. The challenge is for at least 1 board member of each board to become part of ILTA.

The next meeting is on October 11th at the ILA Conference in Council Bluffs.

The meeting adjourned at 2:45 p.m.