Bluebonnet Challenge

For 3rd and 4th Graders

Third and fourth grade students are being invited to participate in a Bluebonnet Challenge. Our Challenger Bluebonnet Challenge is designed to encourage 3rd and 4th grade students to read a variety of genres and to begin to develop some knowledge of their own reading preferences.

How to Participate:

PHASE I A 3rd or 4th grade student must read 5 or more Bluebonnet books from the current year’s list and pass the Accelerated Reader Test by the third week in January to vote for his/her favorite Bluebonnet Book. The student will receive a “Voter’s Card”, a ribbon, and a Certificate of Participation on voting day.

PHASE II If a 3rd or 4th grade student reads between 10 and14 of the current year’s Bluebonnet books and passes the Accelerated Reader Tests by the beginning of May, he/she will receive a Bluebonnet Medal. If a student reads 15 or more of the bluebonnet books and passes the AR tests, he/she will receive a Bluebonnet Trophy. All students who read 10 or more and pass the AR tests by May will be eligible to join me for a Bluebonnet Picnic. Students will also receive a Certificate of Achievement, and a free paperback book.


Each year 20 Bluebonnet books are selected by a group of Texas librarians. This program is a project of the Texas Library Association. The books are selected for students in grades3 – 6. For more information, go to a link to the Texas Bluebonnet Book list.

Occasionally, all of the Bluebonnet books are checked out from our school library. The Pearland Public Library also has the Bluebonnet books. Just ask a librarian there to show you the location of the Bluebonnet books. The Pearland Public Library, a member of the Brazoria County Library System, has its Library Catalog on line. Students with their own public library card have access to lots of homework help and research sites.There is also a way to order books to be delivered to the Pearland Westside Library Branch.

After School Library at Challenger Elementary: The Challenger Library will be open most Tuesdaysafter school until 3:45 p.m. beginning Tuesday, October 13th.

A parent must accompany students to After School Library. Please send a note to your child’s teacher if your child is going to meet you in the library immediately after school. Students are not allowed to attend After School Library without an adult who can be responsible for

that child.

For better student security, the Parent must sign into the office for After School Library before 2:45 PM and receive a special After School Library sticker. Please plan to stay in the library at least until 3:20 due to traffic and security reasons.

After signing in the office, parents should enter the library and sit at a round table until 2:50 when the library class has left the library.

Students attending After School Library will be dismissed at a certain time to walk to the library to meet their parent in the library.

  • Students and parents may read books and exchange books. Students in grades 1 through 4 may take AR tests.
  • Students and parents must stay in the library during After School Library. Please do not go down the hallway to talk to a teacher without checking in the office first.

After School Library is closed during holidays, STAAR testing days, and the book fair. After School Library will begin on Oct. 13th. The dates of After School Library closings will be posted on the Library doors and include Feb 2, Mar. 1, Mar. 29, Apr. 5, and other dates to be determined later. Please see the librarian if you would like to be on the phone list to receive a phone notice of any unusual closings due to illness in the librarian’s family.

For additional information, please go to:

Susan Reynolds, Librarian, Challenger Elementary, 281-485-7912