A Case of Lymphoma in HIV Positive Patient
Dr Pawan S. Chandak
Name: Mr. Babasaheb Dukre
Age: 50 years/M
Occupation: Farmer
Date of Consultation: May 10, 2011
Chief Complaints
- Early greying of hairswith swelling on both sides ofthe cervical region
- He is K/C/O HIV and is on anti-retroviral treatment since 2008
On Examination
Swelling is taut, immovable with no redness and is not warm to touch. Right-sided swelling is larger about 6–7cm and left-sided swelling measures 4–5 cm approx. The swelling is painless with no tendency to suppuration and is not bothering his daily routine.
On further enquiry,the patient told that he had reported the swelling at ART Centre on April 28, 2011 and they started AKT with no results.
Glimpses of Lab Investigations
- Hb – 12.9 gm%
- TLC – 7000/cmm
Lymphocytes: 35/cmm
Eosinophils: 01/cmm
- ESR – 16 mm/hr
- Blood Sugar Random – 86mg/dl
- RFT showed Serum Urea – 36 mg/dl
- Sr. Creatinine – 0.9 mg/dl
TRIDOT: Reactive for HIV I Infection
CD4 Count: 296 (Before Treatment)
CD3 Count: 953 (Before Treatment)
Montoux Test: Positive (more than 15 mm erythema)
Dept of Tuberculosis & Dept of ART Centre diagnosed it as ‘Lymphoma’.
Normal range of CD4 count should be 354 - 1100 /ul
Normal range of CD3 count should be 716 - 2130/ul as per values given by Ranbaxy report & NACO.
- Appearance:Robust person, wheatish complexion with sturdy voice
- Weight: 60 Kg
- Appetite: Decreased
- Dietary habits: Vegetarian
- Thirst: Average; 1glass/hr
- Craving: Sweets++, Sour++
- Aversion: None
- Sleep: Normally sleeps for 7-8hours with blanket covering up to neck
- Thermals
Bathing: Warm water whole year
Covering: Thin covering whole year
Fanning: Seasonal
Thermal Reaction: Chilly
- Natural Eliminations
Bowels: Normal; once a day daily, soft stool
Urine: Pale, profuse, no particular odour
Perspiration: Generalized on exertion, no staining
Photograph (Before Treatment)
General Examination
- Temperature: 98.6o F
- Respiratory Rate: 25/min
- Pulse: 90/min
- Tongue: Clean and moist
- Teeth & Gums: Healthy
- Skin & Hair: Wheatish, healthy; no pallor, icterus, cyanosis and clubbing
Basis of Prescription:
Non suppurating Glandular swelling.
Glandular Remedy
Phytolacca 30, 4 pills, three times a day for one month
Follow Up
Date / Complaints / PrescriptionJune 9, 2011 / Swelling bursted and cleared off from left side. Slight pain. No discharge. No scar.
The patient was advised to investigate for CD4 & CD3 count:
CD4 – 523 andCD3 – 1626
On right side as it i / Phytolacca 30, four pills, TDS, for 1 month
8/7/2011 / Left side clear.
Right sided swelling decreased in size. / Phytolacca 30, four pills, TDS, for 1 month.
1/8/2011 / Right sided swelling decreased to quarter of its original size. / Phytolacca 30, four pills, TDS, for 1 month.
1/9/2011 / Right sided swelling burst and cleared off. Slight discharge & scar.
Investigation for CD3 & CD4 says:
CD3–579,CD4-1675 / Phytolacca 30, four pills, Twice a Day, for 1 month.
The patient had responded well to the pathological prescription and quickly relieved by the most similimum. Phytolocca has affinity over tonsils, lymphatics and breast . Many cases with proliferative and indurative pathologies respond to the homoeopathic treatment.
DR Pawan S Chandak BHMS
Homoeopathic Physician & Chief Editor
'Modern Homoeopathy' E-Newsletter
'Shradha' Vishnu Nagar,
Basmat Road, Parbhani 431401, Maharashtra