Worthington Fire Protection District
Trustee Meeting Minutes
July 16, 2008
Attendees: Melissa Ames, Shannon Davis, Kevin Groody, Chief Gary Yurt, Dan Clark, Kevin Tyler, William Cohen, Rick Lusardo, Greg Davis
Guests: Bob Gravenkemper, Firefighter Josh Lile, Sergeant John Cooke
The meeting was called to order at 7:18 pm by Chairman Ames.
Secretary's Report
A motion was made by Dan Clark and seconded by Kevin Groody to approve the May meeting minutes. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Kevin Tyler and seconded by Kevin Groody to approve the June special meeting minutes. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
A motion was made by Kevin Tyler and seconded by Kevin Groody to approve the May Treasurer’s report, subject to audit. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Kevin Groody and seconded by Kevin Tyler to approve the June Treasurer’s report, subject to audit. Motion carried.
Standing Committees
Audit – No report given.
Human Resources – No report given.
Budget / Financial – No report given.
Long-term Planning – No report given.
Political Action – No report given.
Chief’s Report
Chief Yurt gave an overview of the HazMat team and asked the board to support a donation to the team in the amount of $1K. A motion was made by Kevin Tyler and seconded by Kevin Groody. Motion carried.
A meeting with the Boy Scouts took place since the last board meeting regarding the Explorer Program. They are interested in introducing it closer to the beginning of the school year, as they will provide training to all WFD employees who will have contact with the Explorers.
We are currently accepting applications from EKU fire science students to work for us in a Co-op situation.
Additional updates include the health insurance package is doing well; however, the dental plan is not. Further, retirement contributions are down 2% from the anticipated rate which was budgeted.
A job description for an in-house accountant was distributed. Chairman Ames asked that all Trustees review the draft, which will be discussed at the next board meeting.
Old Business
Mr. Bob Gravenkemper gave an update on his work with LMEMS over the past 7 months.
New Business
An introduction of Mr. Rick Lusardo and Mr. William Cohen as new Trustees. They were also sworn in.
Our Trustees Association voting representation includes all board members and the Chief.
Resolution 2008-07-01 was read aloud and adopted a tax rate of $.10 per $100 assessed value for real and personal property for the 2008-2009 tax year. Further, an adopted rate of $.10 per $100 of valuation as real and personal property as assessed by both Jefferson and Oldham County PVA’s.
Sergeant Cooke and Firefighter Lile gave an overview and illustration of the Petzl EXO Personal Escape System and answered questions. The estimated capital purchase is $47K.
Bids for auditors were extended until the August board meeting.
Kevin Tyler asked if a review of the SOPs, including responses to staffed medical facilities, could be completed over the next few months.
Election of Officers
Treasurer – A nomination was made by Kevin Tyler and seconded by Missy Ames for Dan Clark, who accepted the nomination and position.
Secretary – A nomination was made by Missy Ames and seconded by William Cohen for Kevin Tyler, who accepted the nomination and position.
Chairman – A nomination was made by Kevin Groody and seconded by Kevin Tyler for Missy Ames, who accepted the nomination and position.
We are hosting a Blood Drive for the American Red Cross on Wednesday, July 23 between 4 pm and 8 pm at Station 2.
Sunday, October 12 will be the annual Open House at both stations.
A motion was made by Kevin Tyler and seconded by Dan Clark to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by: Madison D. Steele, AA
Worthington Fire Protection District Page 3 of 3 Minutes – July 16, 2008 Meeting