2013-16 Executive Summary
School Improvement Plan
School Name: _Riverwatch Middle School______
AdvancED Standards / FCS Departments
Purpose and Direction
Governance and Leadership
Teaching and Assessing for Learning
Resources and Support Systems
Using Results for Continuous Improvement / AcademicsAccountability
Educational Leadership
Facilities and Operations
Finance and Operations
Food and Nutrition Services / Human Resources
Public Information and Communications
School Safety and Discipline
Special Education
Student Support Services / Superintendent
Technology and Information Services
Continuous Improvement Goal / AdvancED Standards / Support from FCS Department(s)
RMS community will utilize higher order thinking skills to promote college and career readiness. / Teaching and Assessing for Learning -
The school’s curriculum, instructional design, and assessment practices guide and ensure teacher effectiveness and student learning. / Academics & Accountability: To provide professional learning and support for all teachers:
  • Implementation of Researched-Based
  • Higher Order Thinking Strategies
  • Gifted Endorsement Training
Technology and Information Services: To provide professional learning and support for all teachers:
  • Continue Assistance in Data Collection and Data Disaggregation.
  • Continue itsLearning Training
Special Education: To provide professional learning for special education on best instructional practices for meeting these students’ learning needs.
Increase student proficiency on performance based assessments as developed and piloted by each area. / Teaching and Assessing for Learning -
The school’s curriculum, instructional design, and assessment practices guide and ensure teacher effectiveness and student learning. / Academics and Accountability: Continue to provide professional learning and support for all teachers:
  • Implementation of Performance Based Tasks
Technology and Information Services:
  • Continue Assistance in Data Collection and Data Disaggregation.
  • Continue itsLearning Training
Special Education: To provide professional learning for special education on best instructional practices for meeting these students’ learning needs.
AdvancED Standards
(check all that apply) / / Annual School Improvement Plan
Continuous Improvement Goal: RMS community will utilize higher order thinking skills to promote college and career readiness.
SMART Goal: Increase student proficiency on performance based assessments as developed and piloted by each area.
School Name: Riverwatch Middle School School Year: 2013 -2014
Purpose and Direction
Governance and Leadership
X / Teaching and Assessing for Learning
Resources and Support Systems
Using Results for Continuous Improvement
Actions, Strategies and Interventions
(Includes Professional
Learning Plan) / Impact on Student and Adult Behavior
(“If…then...” Statements) / Timeline / Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible?
AdvancED Standard(s)
The school’s curriculum, instructional design, and assessment practices guide and ensure teacher effectiveness and student learning. / The RMS staff will collaboratively develop performance based assessments and embed them with the units and frameworks for each content area. / If PBA’s are utilized, then. . .
  • Teachers are facilitators.
  • Learning is inquiry based.
  • Learning is explorative.
  • Assessments are differentiated.
  • SY 14 - 1 performance based task will be developed and administered each 9 weeks.
  • SY 15 – 1 PBA will be administered for a summative grade with each unit.
  • Teachers will develop the performance based task.
  • Students will try the performance based tasks.
  • Administration and support staff will provide feedback to teachers.

The school’s curriculum, instructional design, and assessment practices guide and ensure teacher effectiveness and student learning. / The RMS staff will improve units/frameworks to include activities and questioning that are based on high order thinking strategies. / If high order thinking strategies are employed, then. . .
  • Students will increase their ability to solve new and more complex tasks.
/ SY 14 –
  • Staff will participate in high order thinking strategy training.
  • Staff will examine and input higher order thinking strategies within each unit.
  • Teachers will participate in training.
  • Teachers will develop lessons to include higher order thinking tasks/questioning.
  • Administration and support staff will provide feedback through units and observations.

Riverwatch Middle School

Professional Learning Plan


Stage 1: Desired Results

Standard/Goal: RMS community will utilize higher order thinking skills to promote college and career readiness.
Enduring Understandings: The impact on classroom practice occurs through purpose driven professional learning.
Essential Questions: What is our collective responsibility to ensure sustained implementation of our core work? How will ongoing learning be relevant for continuous improvement?
Knowledge and Skills: Increase student proficiency on performance based assessments as developed and piloted by each area.

Stage 2: Evidence of Learning

Professional Appraisal Cycle: Pilot TKES Implementation
Evidence through Work Product: See Education Teacher Evaluation Platform.
Evidence through Observation: See Observation and feedback document.
Evidence through Conversation: See completed subject meeting logs.

Stage 3: Learning Experiences


/ Outcome(s)
August 28, 2013- / In subject area groups, teachers will develop a common PBA/Task. These will be completed on a common form for the purpose of PLT generating feedback. / Development of PBA/task to be given during 1st Semester
September 11, 2013 / Faculty Meeting – Teachers will be introduced to the new Teacher Evaluation System. / Basic understanding of TKES.
September 18, 2013 / District Collaboration – each teacher will attend a professional learning group based upon catalogue of meetings sent out to staff.
October 30, 2013 / Faculty Meeting – Teachers will extend their understanding of H3 to include RMS beliefs statements. Safety Training/Review. Introduce standards 1 – 2 of TKES / Continued expansion of a Healthy, Happy, and Hardy culture. Expand understanding of TKES.
November 20, 2013 / Faculty Meeting – Teachers will continue their orientation and familiarization of TKES. We will review standards 3 – 6 in detail with performance rubrics. / Expand understanding of TKES.
January 6, 2014 / Staff Development day will be utilized to expand teacher understanding of high order question and performance based assessment. Outside speaker will be utilized.
14, 2014 – / District Collaboration – each teacher will attend a professional learning group based upon catalogue of meetings sent out to staff.
March 19, 2013 / Faculty Meeting – Teachers will continue their orientation and familiarization of TKES. We will review standards 7 – 10 in detail with performance rubrics. / Expand understanding of TKES.

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