
Short Story Questions… Due March 3rd

  1. Pick 15 questions. Choose from a variety of the three stories.
  2. “Tell-Tale Heart”, “Monkey’s Paw”, “There Will Come Soft Rains”
  3. Each answer must be three to four sentences long.
  4. 10 must have textual evidence. Cite (Authors’ last name, pg. #) ( “Title”, Page#) ( Author’s last name, Para. #) ( “Title, Para #)

“The Tell-Tale Heart”

1. Why does the narrator say, “the disease had sharpened my senses, not destroyed, not dulled them”? (p. 1, paragraph 1)

2. Why does the narrator call himself “nervous” but not “mad”? (p. 1, paragraph 1)

3. Why does the narrator say, “I think it was his eye” as reason for killing him? (p. 1, paragraph 2)The Telltale Heart 8

4. Why does the narrator decide to “take the life of the old man”? (p. 1, paragraph 2) • Why does the narrator say “You fancy me mad. Madmen know nothing”? (p. 1, paragraph 3)

5. Why is he offering as evidence for his sanity “the wise precautions that [he] took for the concealment of the body”? (This question can be extended to multiple quotes and places in the text.)

6.Why does the narrator say “Ha! Would a madman have been so wise as this?” (p. 1, paragraph 3) • Why does the narrator ask, “have I not told you that what you mistake for madness is but over-acuteness of the senses?” (p.2, paragraph 6)

7. Why does the narrator say that “the beating of the old man's heart…increased [his] fury as the beating of a drum stimulates the soldier into courage?” (p.2, paragraph 6)

8. Why does the narrator say, “The old man's terror must have been extreme! It grew louder, I say, louder every moment!”? (p. 3, paragraph 1)

9. Why does the narrator say, “And now a new anxiety seized me -- the sound would be heard by a neighbour!“? (p. 3, paragraph 1)

10. Why does the narrator say, “I then smiled gaily, to find the deed so far done”? (p. 3, paragraph 1) • Why does the narrator say, “I then replaced the boards so cleverly so cunningly, that no human eye -- not even his -- could have detected anything wrong”? (p. 3, paragraph 3)

11. Why does the narrator say that the police officers introduced themselves “with perfect suavity”? (p. 3, paragraph 4)

“Monkey’s Paw”

1. What type of mood is established in the beginning of the story? What helps determine that sense of feeling?

2. What magical ability does the monkey’s paw have?

3. Why did the fakir place a spell on the paw?

4. Sergeant Major Morris’ face whitens when he reveals that he has had three wishes. What can you infer about the paw?

5. What is probably upsetting the sergeant-major about the White family's lightheartedness toward the paw?

6. What was the first man’s third wish? How might this be an example of foreshadowing?

7. Why doesn't Mr. White know what to wish for? What is Mr. White’s first wish?

8. What does the paw immediately do after the first wish? What can you infer from this?

9. What does Mr. White see in the fire the night of his first wish? How is this an example of foreshadowing?

10. What are the family's feelings about the wish in the morning?

11. How do the Whites come to receive the $200?

12. Why does Mrs. White want the monkey's paw? What is the second wish?

13. What do you suppose was the final wish?

14. What do you think happened at the end of the story? What does he mean when Mr. White beg his wife not to let "it" into the house? What is he afraid of? Who or what was outside of the house?

15. At what time of day does the story begin? Compare the weather outside with the atmosphere inside the parlor.

16. What does Morris do with the paw after telling about its background? What does Mr. White immediately do?

17.What is Mr. Whites first wish? What happens after he makes it? What is his second wish?

18. Summarize what happens after Mr. White makes the second wish.

19. How does Morris feel about the paw? How do you know?

20. A situation is said to be ironic when what happens is the opposite of what is expected. What is ironic about Mr. Whites first wish?

21.Why doesnt Mr. White want his wife to open the door? What do you think Mr. Whites third wish is? 22. Before making his first wish, Mr. White says It seems to me I’ve got all I want. In your opinion, what point is the author making?

23. In your opinion, what is the most unsettling aspect of the story? Explain your answer.

“There Will Come Soft Rain”

1. What unusual qualities and appliances does the house have? List 3 functions the house perform?

2. What do the nursery’s furnishings tell you about the family and their relationship to the natural world?

3. Setting: What is the setting of the story? What do you learn about the society from the house’s many automated features?

4. What is the point of view in this story? Explain.

5. What are some things the house has been protecting itself from?

6. Why is the dog very thin and covered in sores? What happens to the dog’s remains?

7. How is the family’s daily schedule of activities reflected in the house’s technological programming? What can you infer the family usually does at 2:35? What did the children usually do at 4:30?

8. What is the name of the family that lived in the house?

9. Reread lines 31-44. Based on the story’s details about the city, what do you think has happened? Why was the west face of the house black? How did the silhouettes get there? (lines 39-40)

10. How and why does the author personify certain characteristics of the house? Consider what effect this has on the theme of the story. For examples of personification, refer to (line 138) “screamed”, (line 143) “gave ground,” and (line 141) “save itself.”

11. What are some things the house does to try and save itself?

12. What was the last voice to die saying?

13. Describe the changes the house undergoes during the story.