Notes from 46th BPNP SG Meet 6/05/14 19.00hrs at Ferney Grove Farm Barn

Attendees: Martin Hall, Leo Walters, Chris Graham, Nick Pellew, Sarah Ball,

Apologies: Steve Adams, Roger Nilsson, David Coppinger, Jaqueline Mainprice, William Emmett, John Hurley (DCLG), Duncan Johnston, Derek Mellor, Jeff Remington,

  1. Action Recorder is NP
  2. Notes from 45th SG meeting were agreed. Actions 5, 9 and 14b were not completed prior to or during the meeting.

Action 10. Re timing on the NP vs BLP. At present the plan is to get a draft NP prepared as soon as possible and then get an independent review of it by an Inspector and Mick Duggan for possible conflicts with the BLP. A decision on whether we put it forward in advance of the BLP will depend partially on the outcome of these reviews.

  1. Public Questions: None
  2. BPNP actions for Cllr Saunders meeting

CG had circulated the confidential notes

  1. A separate meeting between SA and Cllr Saunders on the Maidenhead Town Centre development
  2. CG to arrange a meeting with Cllr Quick on Braywick Park
  3. LW reported he had contacted someone in the Army regarding Broom Farm Estate, and occupancy etc was pending
  4. Golf Club. BPNP would keep a watching brief but the best driver of this would be for the Borough to propose another suitable site.
  1. Economy Section: Proposal to use the structure of the second submission economy section and to integrate this with the appropriate sections of Jeff’s document. (ratification of this approach will be required at the next SG meet) Action CG
  2. Update on Fifield proposition and consultation proposals :

Nick P outlined the general proposal for a village green and dwellings at Deep Meadows which was discussed.


Nick P asked whether we would really need additional consultation as the original OGAFCA survey in 2008 provided a mandate for the playground and the proportion of families with children in the village is believed to have increased since then. In addition the Parish Council as an elected body could sanction such a decision. CG responded that the OGAFCA survey was too old to carry any weight with an Inspector and we would need some more recent consultation.

SB indicated that if an application of this nature was made today, outside of a Neighbourhood Plan, consultation with local residents would be the responsibility of the developer.

The layout of the Village Green could be the subject of local consultation, e.g. trees and walkways, cricket ground, tennis court etc

CG reported that he had spoken to Grenville Annets, Chairman of OGAFCA and he had offered to assist with the consultation. All recognised the challenge of getting sufficient positive community response. Action. NP to set up a meeting with Grenville, CG and David Buck

SB agreed to review the Ascot Inspectors report to check if there was anything relevant to this situation with regard to development in the Green Belt. Action SB

SB also agreed to check other conditions that might apply and to provide suitable maps showing the outline of the settlement area extensions and this proposed site. Action SB

  1. Update from Communications Group.

CG reported that Linda had been unwell and hadn’t been able to keep the website updated but that the rest of the communications group were helping out.

  1. Update on payment

CG reported that Bray Parish Council had received the final £2500 from the Borough

  1. AOB:
  2. SB indicated that there was a requirement on us to consult with any other NP groups on any matters that might impact other NP groups. She mentioned the Walthams were interested in the M4 southbound spur (and Derek M has spoken to Maureen Hunt, action 14a from the last meeting) and Warfield were starting a NP plan. No other obvious areas for consultation were raised.
  3. The Ascot NP has now been ‘made’ which is jargon for being fully adopted and becoming part of the Development Plan
  4. SB reiterated the request from Cllr Bateson for a meeting. It was felt that the most appropriate time for a further meeting would be when we have a draft plan – mid year.
  5. Tatten Hall judgement–this is where a NP wasadopted ahead of the local plan and is now being challenged by a Developer. Outcome pending
  6. SB said she had in excess of 6000 responses to analyse and LW indicated that there were going to be further delays to the local plan
  7. CG would not be attending the next SG meeting and NP agreed to manage the Agenda and chair the meeting.

10 Next meetings Currently Tuesday 27th May. If too close to the bank holiday it will be moved to another acceptable date. Action: NP

N Pellew